I'm having a hard time finding more information about the situation with the FDA claiming that vitamin B6 is a drug. I can see them trying to do this, but I would've though that they weren't brazen enough to outlaw something like B6 NOW. People don't trust them THAT much... do they?
FDA finds vitamin B6 form not legal in supplements
Monday, July 30, 2012
The Sunscreen Myth
"Wear sunscreen" Baz Luhrmann advises as many, many others do. Many Americans believe that melanoma can be prevented by sunscreen. I remember going to Jamaica and my mother put sunscreen on my husband without even asking him if he wanted it. My relatives were all asking me why I wasn't putting it on him. I told them that I wouldn't DARE put that stuff on my skin.
There are some "natural" sunscreens that I may consider, but I've never found it to be necessary. I would burn sometimes, but it would usually just peel a little before it turns tan. I suppose there are some people who really need it or they will burn, but the Natural News article below the Baz Luhrmann video (which I posted just for fun) is not the first source that claims this strong advisement is yet another myth given to us to generate profit. Next thing we know, a parent will be arrested for not putting some on their child.
The sunscreen myth: How sunscreen products actually promote cancer
There are some "natural" sunscreens that I may consider, but I've never found it to be necessary. I would burn sometimes, but it would usually just peel a little before it turns tan. I suppose there are some people who really need it or they will burn, but the Natural News article below the Baz Luhrmann video (which I posted just for fun) is not the first source that claims this strong advisement is yet another myth given to us to generate profit. Next thing we know, a parent will be arrested for not putting some on their child.
The sunscreen myth: How sunscreen products actually promote cancer
Saturday, July 28, 2012
A Solar Powered Car
If you're like my husband and me and you love road trips, this idea may not be the greatest... yet! However, this is the beginning to something far better than what we are doing now. A solar powered car??? I love this! It's a fabulous idea!
For me, I would hope there was a way to create such a car that travels farther than 40 miles on a single charge. Other than that one limit, however, I think THIS is the beginning of something great!
For me, I would hope there was a way to create such a car that travels farther than 40 miles on a single charge. Other than that one limit, however, I think THIS is the beginning of something great!
How to fight water fluoridation in your city
I found this article to be VERY helpful. I actually may try to do some of the suggested methods. There are unfortunately many people who want the fluoride in the water because they are still under the false notion that it is good for your teeth. It's one thing to believe that, it's another to ask for it to be in EVERYONE'S water.
If you are a proactive individual who is sick of fluoride, heavy metals and arsenic in your water, Mike Adams gives some pointers on how to fight it. Please click the link below to find out how.
How to fight water fluoridation in your city
If you are a proactive individual who is sick of fluoride, heavy metals and arsenic in your water, Mike Adams gives some pointers on how to fight it. Please click the link below to find out how.
How to fight water fluoridation in your city
Friday, July 27, 2012
Pennsylvania residents beg to be poisoned with fluoride
I found this story frustrating. If I lived in a town where they wanted fluoride in my water, I would be looking to move right now. It is so much easier to put fluoride in your water than it is to take it out. We paid almost $300 for our RO system (reverse osmosis). If our water didn't have all of those toxins, an RO system would have been nice, but unnecessary. Then again, I may have purchased it anyway. There are so many toxins including prescription drugs, splenda and other things in our water supply that only an RO system could remove anyway.
This just showed me that I still need to educate so many more people about the system that would like to keep us blind and sick.
Pennsylvania residents beg to be poisoned with fluoride
This just showed me that I still need to educate so many more people about the system that would like to keep us blind and sick.
Pennsylvania residents beg to be poisoned with fluoride
Ban Agent Orange GM maize in South Africa
I was so distressed by this article. I can't believe they actually pulled this AGAIN!! Have we learned NOTHING from our history? How did Monsanto get Agent Orange in South Africa? Did they just spray it or did people actually buy this stuff?
Here is a clip from "The World According To Monsanto" to explain the history and effects of Agent Orange:
The following link leads to an article and a petition. It is imperative that we sign it and stop Mon-satan from destroying more lives! Contrary to what they believe, we are NOT their cattle and this world does NOT belong to them!!
Ban Agent Orange GM maize in South Africa
Here is a clip from "The World According To Monsanto" to explain the history and effects of Agent Orange:
The following link leads to an article and a petition. It is imperative that we sign it and stop Mon-satan from destroying more lives! Contrary to what they believe, we are NOT their cattle and this world does NOT belong to them!!
Ban Agent Orange GM maize in South Africa
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Dyslexia can be difficult for a young student when they have no idea what they are up against, but there are skills that can allow dyslexics to go though life and be successful. This is why we need to be so careful when we label our kids. Yes, there are obstacles associated with this condition, but there IS a silver lining that they need to see and understand as well.
Just because someone's brain does work like everyone else's doesn't make that individual a loser or weakling. He or she may just be the next Brian Magee or Rosalind Franklin if given a chance!
Just because someone's brain does work like everyone else's doesn't make that individual a loser or weakling. He or she may just be the next Brian Magee or Rosalind Franklin if given a chance!
I'm so tired of Big Pharma and Big Corporate creating their monsters and shoving it down our throats. More and more, this country is becoming a hazardous place to live. I feel safer living in a libertarian state, but it STILL isn't completely safe from the scary money madness monsters.
When did we lose our say in what happens to our country? Polish people realized that GMO corn was killing off their bees so they said "I don't want" and there was a ban on GMO corn. So European government listens to the European people when they say "I don't want" but here in the "Land of the free" when the people say "I don't want" big government and big corporate provide what's profitable and shove it down our throats. As far as medicine, the excuse is that we need it and to refuse it is abusive, neglectful, insane or suicidal.
We desperately need to decrease this big government and give the power back to the people of the US. The nannyism DOES NOT WORK for those of us who are too dang old for a nanny!
When did we lose our say in what happens to our country? Polish people realized that GMO corn was killing off their bees so they said "I don't want" and there was a ban on GMO corn. So European government listens to the European people when they say "I don't want" but here in the "Land of the free" when the people say "I don't want" big government and big corporate provide what's profitable and shove it down our throats. As far as medicine, the excuse is that we need it and to refuse it is abusive, neglectful, insane or suicidal.
We desperately need to decrease this big government and give the power back to the people of the US. The nannyism DOES NOT WORK for those of us who are too dang old for a nanny!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Move Over, Frankenfish—Now We Have Frankenapples! | The Alliance for Natural Health USA
The very title of this article just bums me out. I don't even trust ANY salmon enough to eat it anymore, grass fed beef is expensive enough but now I need to look for organic grass fed beef to avoid the GMO alfalfa, now I need to watch out for frankenapples? I mean, this is just stupid. Isn't it enough that 97% of the food grown in the early 20th century is now extinct?
How do you get rid of an unsustainable agricultural system that's out of control and is simultaneously succeeding in taking over the nation?
Move Over, Frankenfish—Now We Have Frankenapples! | The Alliance for Natural Health USA
How do you get rid of an unsustainable agricultural system that's out of control and is simultaneously succeeding in taking over the nation?
Move Over, Frankenfish—Now We Have Frankenapples! | The Alliance for Natural Health USA
Heavy Metal Detox
Heavy metal detox is NOT fun! I just got through an exam for heavy metals; meanwhile another doctor started me on a detox program because she suspects I have mercury issues. I was so sick on Monday, but I don't know what brought me there: the exam or the detox. I had a headache yesterday that was so bad that I was nauseated. I thought that I was having one of those really BAD migraines that I used to have last year. It turns out that my body was just letting go of a lot of toxins and it was just reacting to the clearing. I should have known this, I've worked in detox programs for years as a massage therapist and I've seen it before.
My doctors suspect that the metals in my system may be keeping me from absorbing nutrients and THIS could actually lead to problems like miscarriage. I've urged those of you whom have miscarried to get tested for heavy metals; well now I'm warning you that the process of getting rid of them may not be a comfortable one.
My doctors suspect that the metals in my system may be keeping me from absorbing nutrients and THIS could actually lead to problems like miscarriage. I've urged those of you whom have miscarried to get tested for heavy metals; well now I'm warning you that the process of getting rid of them may not be a comfortable one.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
The Shootings
I never addressed the shootings that happened in the movie theater in Aurora. My chiropractor, Dr. Arvay, made a point that hurt people hurt more people. I feel that is an excellent point because mercury poisonings, for example, can cause symptoms like behavior that many would label as insanity. Mercury can ROYALLY mess up the body in so very many ways. It can block absorption, lead to miscarriages, it can block neurotransmitters, it can destroy neurons leading to a variety of things including brain damage, autism, learning disabilities and disorders that lead to dressing up like Joker before committing a violent act.
It is so unfortunate that the way mental, social and emotional disorders are treated in America today is with drugs. As someone who has worked in the health field for years, drugs for the sake of metal health are almost always unnecessary and often make the disorder worse. I believe if Big Pharma would just STOP trying to increase drug sales by giving it to EVERYONE and doctors would make honest attempts to find out what is REALLY messing people up, we could decrease moments like the ones that these people had to face with this 24 year old "Joker" wannabe. Sometimes episodes like that one could be as simple as poisoning and a detox would bring him back to health; sometimes it's more complicated. But again, the right doctor (one who thinks outside the pharmaceutical box) could be so helpful.
It is so unfortunate that the way mental, social and emotional disorders are treated in America today is with drugs. As someone who has worked in the health field for years, drugs for the sake of metal health are almost always unnecessary and often make the disorder worse. I believe if Big Pharma would just STOP trying to increase drug sales by giving it to EVERYONE and doctors would make honest attempts to find out what is REALLY messing people up, we could decrease moments like the ones that these people had to face with this 24 year old "Joker" wannabe. Sometimes episodes like that one could be as simple as poisoning and a detox would bring him back to health; sometimes it's more complicated. But again, the right doctor (one who thinks outside the pharmaceutical box) could be so helpful.
Sugar Dumbs Us Down
To those who choose alternative modes of care, the fact that sugar dumbs down isn't a new concept. I've had to slowly eliminate sugar from my diet because of the addiction that I unknowingly had to it. Once I started learning about GMOs, that was enough incentive to stop cold.
Sometimes I wish that I knew about this when I was a young adult, or better yet, I wish my parents knew about this when I was a child. Had they known, they would've protected both my brother and me from it. At the same time, I guess there's no need to be sad that things didn't happen exactly that way. I've always believed that everything happens for a reason. Therefore, I dare to believe that I am exactly where I should be right now.
Sugar Dumbs Us Down
Sometimes I wish that I knew about this when I was a young adult, or better yet, I wish my parents knew about this when I was a child. Had they known, they would've protected both my brother and me from it. At the same time, I guess there's no need to be sad that things didn't happen exactly that way. I've always believed that everything happens for a reason. Therefore, I dare to believe that I am exactly where I should be right now.
Sugar Dumbs Us Down
Sunday, July 22, 2012
I Did It!
I did it! I did it! I finally made perfect manna! The literature was correct about not sprouting it too long. When you sprout for much more than 48 hours, the bread won't taste very good. I sprouted for about 48 hours this time and it came out perfect.
I've been wanting to post some recipes with some tips, but it's possible that I will have to post my own recipes because the others that I've tried didn't come out so well. The one good loaf that I made (besides this last success) tasted good, but it was crumbly because I didn't add flax seeds. I didn't add flax seeds to this loaf either, but for some reason it didn't need it this time. Perhaps because I used kamut berries instead of wheat. Either way, I'll keep experimenting and I'll post my success.
Now that I have finally acquired the basics of making manna bread, I can now start experimenting with flavor.
I've been wanting to post some recipes with some tips, but it's possible that I will have to post my own recipes because the others that I've tried didn't come out so well. The one good loaf that I made (besides this last success) tasted good, but it was crumbly because I didn't add flax seeds. I didn't add flax seeds to this loaf either, but for some reason it didn't need it this time. Perhaps because I used kamut berries instead of wheat. Either way, I'll keep experimenting and I'll post my success.
Now that I have finally acquired the basics of making manna bread, I can now start experimenting with flavor.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Urgent Action Alert on TWO GMO Amendments!
Here again is more dirty pool from Monsanto. They really are doing a good job wearing me down. I'm so tired of them. It's so ridiculous that healthy people live outside of the law these days. If your child gets cut, you need to worry about taking them to the hospital because if they need to go, they MUST get a tetanus shot even if it is a clean cut. As a parent, you may lose that battle either way; if you oppose the shot, the hospital may challenge your parental rights, but if you get the shot your child may get sick from it.
I desperately fear the direction that this America is going.
Urgent Action Alert on TWO GMO Amendments!
I desperately fear the direction that this America is going.
Urgent Action Alert on TWO GMO Amendments!
Manna: An Ancient Food
Manna is SUCH good stuff. When I first heard about it, I never realized that it was such an amazing food. It is delicious, it's filling, and it is sooooo nutrient dense. The manna that I buy is naturally sweet. There isn't any added sweeteners in it, but it's still sweet. The makers say that it has to do with the germination process.
The theories in this video doesn't entirely support the bible stories that I read, but it doesn't exactly contradict it either. I didn't do any further research on the information presented in the video, but I still found it interesting enough to post.
Shabbat Shalom everyone!
The theories in this video doesn't entirely support the bible stories that I read, but it doesn't exactly contradict it either. I didn't do any further research on the information presented in the video, but I still found it interesting enough to post.
Shabbat Shalom everyone!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Hospital Staff VS The Fraud and Death Administration
It is mandatory in several states that hospital staff get certain vaccines (flu shots, for example, are most common). There was one worker that asked another health professional how she can get out of it. Out of sheer curiosity I took it upon myself to do some research myself. I only searched for a few minutes, and found some information that only deepened and darkened my views of the FDA.
I can't believe that I was ever fooled into believing that they were built to keep us safe. The more I research information about them or their role in health care or food safety, the more I see them exhibit behavior that is equivalent to bullying and worse!
I can't believe that I was ever fooled into believing that they were built to keep us safe. The more I research information about them or their role in health care or food safety, the more I see them exhibit behavior that is equivalent to bullying and worse!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
I've recently tried some manna bread that I bought from the health food store. Serendipitously, I became a monster manna fan! I'm now realizing all of the possibilities that will be available to me once I learn how to make my own recipes work. I figured out why I kept detecting that weird flavor in my raw crackers. I realized that when the sprout is over .25 inches long, it will give off (what was described as) a "green" flavor. So as long as I don't sprout my berries for too long, the flavor should be just right.
The video below is just for fun. I know he isn't exactly saying "manna-manna" but more "mahna-mahna", but I'm posting this because my husband and I tend to sing this song whenever manna bread is mentioned in my house. As you may imagine, we were both Muppet fans as children. Well now that I'm a manna fan as well, I may as well put two of my faves together in this post. So to all you Muppet and manna fans out there, MANNA-MANNA!
The video below is just for fun. I know he isn't exactly saying "manna-manna" but more "mahna-mahna", but I'm posting this because my husband and I tend to sing this song whenever manna bread is mentioned in my house. As you may imagine, we were both Muppet fans as children. Well now that I'm a manna fan as well, I may as well put two of my faves together in this post. So to all you Muppet and manna fans out there, MANNA-MANNA!
Low Temperature Bread
I've been having so much fun trying to make manna bread. It was the only low temperature bread that I could find. I think I'm making it right, but I haven't made enough to experiment with flavors. The first one that I made tasted very good, but I forgot some important steps so it came out crumbly. I'm sprouting again today so that I can try some new possible flavors.
I am determined to master this recipe. If anyone has suggestions or tips please feel free to comment. I will post my success; but successful manna recipes may take a while since I am a beginner and I'm still trying different things.
I am determined to master this recipe. If anyone has suggestions or tips please feel free to comment. I will post my success; but successful manna recipes may take a while since I am a beginner and I'm still trying different things.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Mercury Poisoning
This month's book is dedicated to women who have experienced miscarriages like I did. One thing that I have learned on my journey is that mercury poisoning is actually one of several culprits for miscarriage. During a physical, my doctor had reasons to suspect high levels of mercury in my body. I am about to have a second test done to confirm the first test.
Mercury poisoning may not exhibit symptoms that we are familiar with. Some of the less popular symptoms include behavioral and learning disorders, autism, miscarriages plus others that I still haven't learned about. I'm willing to bet that this mercury poisoning isn't anything new. I'll bet that it's been in my blood for a while, but perhaps increased because of air pollutants.
If you are trying to get pregnant but have experienced a miscarriage, it may be wise to ask your doctor about mercury testing. A midwife that I've worked with suggested several exams to look at many other possibilities, but mercury was her main suspicion with me. It may be good to test for it anyway. Even if you've never had a miscarriage, mercury poisoning can still create all other types of damage.
Mercury poisoning may not exhibit symptoms that we are familiar with. Some of the less popular symptoms include behavioral and learning disorders, autism, miscarriages plus others that I still haven't learned about. I'm willing to bet that this mercury poisoning isn't anything new. I'll bet that it's been in my blood for a while, but perhaps increased because of air pollutants.
If you are trying to get pregnant but have experienced a miscarriage, it may be wise to ask your doctor about mercury testing. A midwife that I've worked with suggested several exams to look at many other possibilities, but mercury was her main suspicion with me. It may be good to test for it anyway. Even if you've never had a miscarriage, mercury poisoning can still create all other types of damage.
Thoughts On The Last Post About Cancer Cures
I knew that the FDA has denied constitutional rights in the past and has been currently denying constitutional rights, but I never knew that it was as bad as the video presented. One million souls every year AT LEAST die of cancer and heart disease; two illnesses that are preventable and often even curable. I often wonder why more people aren't outraged about our rights to choose treatments.
In light of what I know, I am downright FURIOUS about the parents who were arrested for refusing chemo therapy for their children. I don't believe that they should try to treat it on their own understanding if they don't know what they are doing, but there were legitimate, science based treatments and cures presented in the video. Why couldn't people choose one of these treatments? They stand a better chance of living.
The more I learn about today's health care, the more I fear the direction that this country is going.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Do We Really Need Big Pharma For Cancer Treatment?
The following video is an hour and a half long history about cancer and medicine. As frustrating as it was to hear, it is good to know some of this history. Now I understand why the traditional medical world fights so hard to be recognized as scientifically significant when many of them know that much of their work is not.
When someone has a bacterial infection and they take antibiotics, it usually works; until the bacteria makes new and stronger strands. That is the problem with traditional meds, the bugs tend to get stronger and the medication then needs updating. The funny thing is, after centuries of using natural antibiotics, they still work and some of them even work on some of the nastiest bugs like streptococcus pneumoniae.
I'm sure that the pharmaceutical industry is still needed, I'm just not sure why they are needed right now and I'm certain that they aren't AS needed as they make themselves out to be. The video below postulates that they aren't even needed for treatment of cancer; except for the fact that potent natural treatments for cancer are currently illegal thanks to Big Pharma's stranglehold on the government. The good news is that cancer is preventable the bad news is that so few people know HOW to prevent it.
Enjoy this one hour feature!
When someone has a bacterial infection and they take antibiotics, it usually works; until the bacteria makes new and stronger strands. That is the problem with traditional meds, the bugs tend to get stronger and the medication then needs updating. The funny thing is, after centuries of using natural antibiotics, they still work and some of them even work on some of the nastiest bugs like streptococcus pneumoniae.
I'm sure that the pharmaceutical industry is still needed, I'm just not sure why they are needed right now and I'm certain that they aren't AS needed as they make themselves out to be. The video below postulates that they aren't even needed for treatment of cancer; except for the fact that potent natural treatments for cancer are currently illegal thanks to Big Pharma's stranglehold on the government. The good news is that cancer is preventable the bad news is that so few people know HOW to prevent it.
Enjoy this one hour feature!
Bromelain in Pineapples Helps in Cancer Treatment
Bromelain is a powerful enzyme that can both prevent and treat a large variety of illnesses. The first time I heard about it is when an ND advised an old roommate to consider it to treat her fibromyalgia. Since then, I've heard of other medicinal uses for it.
This is the first that I'm hearing that it actually aids cancer treatment. There is so much out there that can treat cancer to a cure. It's frustrating that such good information is censored in the name of greed and money.
Bromelain in Pineapples Helps in Cancer Treatment
This is the first that I'm hearing that it actually aids cancer treatment. There is so much out there that can treat cancer to a cure. It's frustrating that such good information is censored in the name of greed and money.
Bromelain in Pineapples Helps in Cancer Treatment
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Under the Canopy: Organic Clothing with Cutting Edge Style
Here is some information on Under the Canopy Organic Clothing. I try to support businesses who aim for sustainability. I recently purchased some organic cotton fabric from another site called PM Organics. I try not to support GMO cotton and cloths that contain dangerous toxins. It's sad that clean, healthy cloths are not only difficult to find but they tend to be more expensive. I don't really pay too much attention to that anymore, however, because I would rather spend my money on things that are supportive to my health and well being anyway.
Under the Canopy: Organic Clothing with Cutting Edge Style
Under the Canopy: Organic Clothing with Cutting Edge Style
Raw Food Diets
I've wondered what medical professionals think of the raw food diet. I've always admired people who do it, but I know my body well and animal proteins are a must with me. I was a vegetarian for several years because for some reason my body didn't want meat for a while; but I started eating meat again a few years ago, and I've never looked back.
Although most health professionals (real ones) will agree that including a large variety of raw fruits and vegetables in the diet is great, Dr. Mercola seems to feel that the strictly raw food diet may not be a great long term plan. I'm actually grateful for this, because I have a need for healthy animal proteins in my diet.
Although most health professionals (real ones) will agree that including a large variety of raw fruits and vegetables in the diet is great, Dr. Mercola seems to feel that the strictly raw food diet may not be a great long term plan. I'm actually grateful for this, because I have a need for healthy animal proteins in my diet.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
FDA’s New Claim: “Your Body Is a Drug—and We Have the Authority to Regulate It!” | The Alliance for Natural Health USA
This article made me laugh, even though I wasn't amused in the least. The FDA has made a claim over the American people a long time ago, but when they made this outright brazen and ridiculous claim, it was so over the top there was nothing else to do EXCEPT laugh.
This business with trying to hold on to business within the state is understandable, but when you do it to the point of risking someone's health...? I'm so tired of the FDA.
FDA’s New Claim: “Your Body Is a Drug—and We Have the Authority to Regulate It!” | The Alliance for Natural Health USA
This business with trying to hold on to business within the state is understandable, but when you do it to the point of risking someone's health...? I'm so tired of the FDA.
FDA’s New Claim: “Your Body Is a Drug—and We Have the Authority to Regulate It!” | The Alliance for Natural Health USA
Dr. Mercola on Diet
I have great admiration for Dr. Mercola. I love his lectures. This one reviewed much information about diet that was covered repeatedly on this blog, but he makes some additional suggestions.
He talked about the misinformation that most of us lives by; for example, the low fat diet fiasco. Many of us forget or misunderstand that fat is a nutrient and so are carbohydrates. Until you learn to understand what your body needs, moderation is good. After I started eating properly, my body would tell me EXACTLY what it needed. My food is evenly balanced most of the time, however, I've had my rare days when I need more fat, and other days when I needed more carbs, and I even had days where I would snack on mostly protein.
Wherever you are on your journey to health, however, I'm sure that you'll find this lecture interesting. Enjoy!
He talked about the misinformation that most of us lives by; for example, the low fat diet fiasco. Many of us forget or misunderstand that fat is a nutrient and so are carbohydrates. Until you learn to understand what your body needs, moderation is good. After I started eating properly, my body would tell me EXACTLY what it needed. My food is evenly balanced most of the time, however, I've had my rare days when I need more fat, and other days when I needed more carbs, and I even had days where I would snack on mostly protein.
Wherever you are on your journey to health, however, I'm sure that you'll find this lecture interesting. Enjoy!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
The "Empire Strikes Back" Against California’s GMO Initiative | The Alliance for Natural Health USA
The fact that Monsanto is playing dirtier than ever tells me that we are winning the battle for the labeling of GMOs. I actually find it hilarious that they are trying to scare people into believing this rigmarole about skyrocketing prices of food as a result of labeling. They may raise the price of GMO junk, but for the foods that don't use GMOs, they really don't have anything to worry about.
Besides, it's interesting how they are trying to convince us that GMO foods don't need to be labeled, but the FDA demands labels like "This product was not evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration" on products and yet the price on those foods and supplements didn't instantly skyrocket. I actually like that label, by the way. The products that haven't been evaluated by the FDA are usually the safer ones.
The "Empire Strikes Back" Against California’s GMO Initiative | The Alliance for Natural Health USA
Besides, it's interesting how they are trying to convince us that GMO foods don't need to be labeled, but the FDA demands labels like "This product was not evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration" on products and yet the price on those foods and supplements didn't instantly skyrocket. I actually like that label, by the way. The products that haven't been evaluated by the FDA are usually the safer ones.
The "Empire Strikes Back" Against California’s GMO Initiative | The Alliance for Natural Health USA
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
July's Book Of The Month
I was inspired to present July's book "Unspeakable Loss" because of the many women that I've spoken to quite recently who experienced an unspeakable loss. A miscarriage is a VERY painful experience for moms both emotionally and physically. It hurt to lose my baby. I can barely even think about the indescribable frustration and pain that I experienced as I felt him/her leave my body. Even with the support of a loving husband, I felt so alone. As time passes, I learn more and more that I wasn't as alone as I felt. Even though all of my friends had their healthy babies, there are so very many other women who experienced what I did.
A midwife recommended this book to me, but I never had a chance to read it yet. I'm going to take the opportunity this month.
A midwife recommended this book to me, but I never had a chance to read it yet. I'm going to take the opportunity this month.
Monday, July 9, 2012
FDA's Vitamin Presentation
Considering the fact that the FDA is trying to take away our rights to take supplements, it's interesting that they published the article and video below (click on the link below to see).
I'm just waiting to hear the rigmarole excuses about why B6 is suppose to be dangerous. I truly hope that America wakes up and realizes what the FDA is up to. The more people who tell them where to go, the more losing battles they will have.
Consumer Updates Fortify Your Knowledge About Vitamins
I'm just waiting to hear the rigmarole excuses about why B6 is suppose to be dangerous. I truly hope that America wakes up and realizes what the FDA is up to. The more people who tell them where to go, the more losing battles they will have.
Consumer Updates Fortify Your Knowledge About Vitamins
Unintended New Direction II
Over the years, I've debated with a loved one on the issues mentioned in the last post. I'm sure there were times when he thought that I was crazy too. He wouldn't come out and say it to my face, but his attitude towards my chosen lifestyle said it all. He couldn't understand why I shopped at the expensive health food stores as opposed to the cheap supermarket. He couldn't understand why I often chose organic food because he believed fresh produce were ALL organic; "you put a seed into the ground and it grows organically" he would tell me. He kind of felt like my choices reflected some sort of foolish cult thinking until he started realizing that the information that I've been giving him was true.
He asked recently how I knew all of this information. The answer is easy: I listen to the doctors or health professionals that were labeled as "quacks" by mainstream health care professionals. They are almost always the ones with the solid information. If I don't know much about them, I compare the information that they give with the information that reliable sources give. If they consistently give solid information, they eventually become a primary source of information for me.
He asked recently how I knew all of this information. The answer is easy: I listen to the doctors or health professionals that were labeled as "quacks" by mainstream health care professionals. They are almost always the ones with the solid information. If I don't know much about them, I compare the information that they give with the information that reliable sources give. If they consistently give solid information, they eventually become a primary source of information for me.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Unintended New Direction
When I first built this site, my focus was to write about healthy living and how that lifestyle not only saved my life but improved the quality of it. I knew about some of the politics that was involved with food and health care, but I had NO IDEA that food and health care were so bound to politics that they are now systems in crisis!
Ever since I've seen that video about The World According to Monsanto, everything changed. Even MORE things changed when I saw the video on Codex Alimentarious. I try to post information on exercise and healthy lifestyle habits, but so many "fires" in the world of healthy living needed to be addressed first.
It's a bummer that any discussion about food is now a political discussion. It isn't a discussion about science or nutrition because any scientific information about food is shaded with rumors of quackery. The doctors that have been fighting for our health freedom for decades are disregarded as crazy or radical or they are judged by their political beliefs. It saddens me that so few people realize what is going on. So I've place much focus on updates on the fight for health freedom.
Ever since I've seen that video about The World According to Monsanto, everything changed. Even MORE things changed when I saw the video on Codex Alimentarious. I try to post information on exercise and healthy lifestyle habits, but so many "fires" in the world of healthy living needed to be addressed first.
It's a bummer that any discussion about food is now a political discussion. It isn't a discussion about science or nutrition because any scientific information about food is shaded with rumors of quackery. The doctors that have been fighting for our health freedom for decades are disregarded as crazy or radical or they are judged by their political beliefs. It saddens me that so few people realize what is going on. So I've place much focus on updates on the fight for health freedom.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
FDA (aka the Fraud and Death Association)
I felt that the information in this video was too important not to post. This is an 1.5 hour presentation starting with Dr. Gary Null giving a 30 to 40 minute talk.
Warning: this film is eye opening but frightening. As someone who chooses alternative methods of care, I can't just sit by while this happens. Please pass this video on to EVERYONE that you care about.
Warning: this film is eye opening but frightening. As someone who chooses alternative methods of care, I can't just sit by while this happens. Please pass this video on to EVERYONE that you care about.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Bureaucracy is seen as a necessary evil, however, it usually isn't the most effective system. The free market cultivates competition which makes the consumer the bureaucrat. If the consumers don't like the product from one producer, then they will buy from the competitor. When the corporation keeps driving consumers to their competitors with their poor products, they will have to choose between improving the product or going out of business.
If people are so interested in protection,transparency is the best policy. We are so used to looking to our government for protection and sometimes that is necessary. If someone threatens a citizen or violates their rights, we will always need the police. The moment a system makes themselves above the law, however, that creates a huge problem for everyone else. The FDA should be around to give information and nothing more; over the years they have attained great power over the rights of the people.
The FDA is now abusing their power so much that they are trying to lead an already nutrient deficient nation to believe that raw milk and vitamin B6 are dangerous. What is more hilarious is that they constantly assure us that GMOs are safe. How can the US not unanimously believe that this information is absolutely bogus? The FDA may have been useful once, but now they are dangerous and we are much better off without them. At this point I wouldn't even trust them to give me correct information about food. If people so desperately want them around even still, that is as much power as I would give them.
The following video is merely one example of why:
If people are so interested in protection,transparency is the best policy. We are so used to looking to our government for protection and sometimes that is necessary. If someone threatens a citizen or violates their rights, we will always need the police. The moment a system makes themselves above the law, however, that creates a huge problem for everyone else. The FDA should be around to give information and nothing more; over the years they have attained great power over the rights of the people.
The FDA is now abusing their power so much that they are trying to lead an already nutrient deficient nation to believe that raw milk and vitamin B6 are dangerous. What is more hilarious is that they constantly assure us that GMOs are safe. How can the US not unanimously believe that this information is absolutely bogus? The FDA may have been useful once, but now they are dangerous and we are much better off without them. At this point I wouldn't even trust them to give me correct information about food. If people so desperately want them around even still, that is as much power as I would give them.
The following video is merely one example of why:
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Obama Campaign Flip-Flops on GMOs
Below the following video is a petition regarding GMO labeling. Obama DID promise that as president he would have GMOs labeled because "Americans should know what they are buying" so he said. His four year term is almost up and not only did he NOT keep that promise, he has contradicted that promise in many ways. One way that was mentioned in the video was the appointment of Michael Taylor to the FDA. An unmentioned action was his appointment of Tom Vilsak to the USDA.
If you are someone who wants GMOs labeled, the petition below the video is available for you to let your voice be heard.
I'm not a fan of Bill Maher's language, however, I felt this discussion was worth posting even so. If you are one who feels offended by Maher's show or four letter french, you've been warned against playing the video. If you would like to hear this very interesting discussion regardless, here it is:
Obama Campaign Flip-Flops on GMOs
If you are someone who wants GMOs labeled, the petition below the video is available for you to let your voice be heard.
I'm not a fan of Bill Maher's language, however, I felt this discussion was worth posting even so. If you are one who feels offended by Maher's show or four letter french, you've been warned against playing the video. If you would like to hear this very interesting discussion regardless, here it is:
Obama Campaign Flip-Flops on GMOs
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Happy Independence Day!
Independence day never meant so much to me as it does now. I'm sad to see what America is going through right now. The Constitution is taking some serious hits and there are still so many people who don't realize it. I hope that one day in the future, this country becomes the free country that we are suppose to be once again.
Happy Independence Day everyone! Cheers to freedom!
The Dirty Dozen
I've written a post about the dirty dozen that was complete with a video, but I liked this chart. The "clean" chart on this link shows "clean" produce too. It's not entirely accurate though, beware of GMOs. The chart addresses the issue of pesticides only. When I saw sweet corn and watermelon on the "clean" side, that told me that the whole story isn't being told. Sweet corn and watermelon will not come in my house unless it is organic thanks to pesticides and genetic engineering. Many know that 90% of all corn is GMO and a doctor informed me that watermelon is root fed pesticides.
So I encourage you to observe the "Dirty Dozen Plus" list, but be informed that the "clean" list provided isn't the best source of information.
Executive Summary: Eat your fruits and vegetables! | EWG's 2012 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce™
So I encourage you to observe the "Dirty Dozen Plus" list, but be informed that the "clean" list provided isn't the best source of information.
Executive Summary: Eat your fruits and vegetables! | EWG's 2012 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce™
Monday, July 2, 2012
There are many, many women who experienced miscarriages. Up until the last two years, I didn't realize how many. It's unfortunate how little they know about why their bodies can't have healthy pregnancies. I was baffled about mine until I realized how little progesterone my body produces. One of the FIRST things that a midwife told me was to stay away from GMO foods.
My family would wonder why I was so obsessed with staying clear of GMOs. When I told them, perhaps they didn't really believe me because they seemed to be more desirous to see me relax and eat. As far as my family is concerned encouraging my husband's support of my eating habits isn't necessary, so they encourage him to eat. My hubby's will isn't strong enough to cut out ALL the things that isn't good for his body yet. I've been there and I know that it can be hard. He, like many others, don't understand that most foods today are made to be addicting.
Our culture is impoverished when it comes to food; it's very disappointing especially for women who would like to have families. I understand that we aren't the only culture that encourages eating. There isn't anything wrong with eating until one has a chance to take a look at the junk that is often mistakenly called food.
My family would wonder why I was so obsessed with staying clear of GMOs. When I told them, perhaps they didn't really believe me because they seemed to be more desirous to see me relax and eat. As far as my family is concerned encouraging my husband's support of my eating habits isn't necessary, so they encourage him to eat. My hubby's will isn't strong enough to cut out ALL the things that isn't good for his body yet. I've been there and I know that it can be hard. He, like many others, don't understand that most foods today are made to be addicting.
Our culture is impoverished when it comes to food; it's very disappointing especially for women who would like to have families. I understand that we aren't the only culture that encourages eating. There isn't anything wrong with eating until one has a chance to take a look at the junk that is often mistakenly called food.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
There are some technical issues that have prevented me from posting for a while. I will resume posting tomorrow morning as normal. I apologize for the inconsistency.
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