Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Wild Alaskan Salmon Is a Powerhouse of Nutrition

Salmon is a food that I will miss very desperately.  If there is ever a time to eat it, now is the time.  Thanks to government giving its okays to corporate greed, GMO salmon has been approved.  Most salmon is farmed (even when labeled "wild salmon") and farmed salmon has a nasty chemical infested diet filled with GMO corn and soy anyway.

The link below is an article from Mercola.com that explains what exactly to look for if you would like the REAL wild caught salmon.  He also talks about what an amazingly miraculous food it is.  THIS is what food is suppose to do.  Food is suppose to nourish the body and prevent disease.  So if you are in the habit of eating the real deal salmon, you are on your way to long healthy days!

Enjoy the presentation!

Wild Alaskan Salmon Is a Powerhouse of Nutrition