Thursday, April 11, 2013

Growing Avocado From Seed

My mother has done this so many times.  There are a few differences between the way the individual in the video does it and how I would do it based on how my mom did it.

First, I wouldn't put the toothpicks in the seed.  I've seen many people do this and I understand why, but there are better ways of getting half the seed in water.  My mom used to stuff a paper towel in a cup full of water, but to avoid the toxins in the paper towel, I would use coconut coir.  The coconut coir would provide bedding to hold the position of the seed but the roots will still have room to grow.  Second, the heating pad suggestion is brilliant, however, my mother succeeded in growing several avocado plants in New York without a heating pad.  I remember before putting it in soil, she would just keep it by the window so that it would get plenty of sun.  On the other hand, the heating pad makes sense since avocados are tropical and it would probably grow happier in an environment that is more like home.

No matter how you want to try this at home, I'm sure you will figure out what works best for you.  Enjoy the presentation.

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