Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Oral Hygiene For Women With Estrogen Dominance

An important part of being a healthy person is having healthy teeth.  Unfortunately, I have an issue with estrogen dominance.  Because of this, I have to be SO careful about what I put on my skin or in my mouth.  When I had to quit using literally every kind of toothpaste and tooth powder on the market to avoid phytoestrogens and xenoestrogens; I was lost.  HOW do I keep my teeth clean and my gums healthy?  I had a few options.

One option was using only miswak from now on.  Miswak is a very common part of oral hygiene in the middle east.  It's very much like "chew stick" in Jamaica.  First, you chew off the bark, then you moisten the fibers inside (some people do that by soaking it in some water and others do it by continuing to chew on it until it is moistened with saliva).  Once the fibers are moist, you use the fibers almost as you would a toothbrush.  I've actually tried miswak before, but it is bitter and very difficult to clean your molars with.

My only other option was to make my own tooth powder.  I took some bicarbonate of soda, xylitol and salt and made a mouthwash out of water and colloidal silver.  I wanted to add myrrh so badly, but most of the literature that I've read so far suggests that it is a phytoestrogen.  Nothing actually said this, but it was consistently implied by many sources.

Actually, I'm happy about my new all natural tooth powder. I know what is in it, and it is pretty effective.  I won't have to be so careful forever and I'll probably keep making my own tooth powder even after it's no longer necessary.  I'll just add some ingredients (like myrrh) that I really shouldn't use right now.

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