Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Coke, Pepsi Used as Agricultural Pesticides by India Farmers

I used to drink C*ke and P*psi as a kid.  I switched to clear sodas like Spr*te after I became a little more health conscious (I was about 16).  The idea was to avoid the artificial coloring, but I knew nothing of the dangers of HFCS or preservatives or anything else at the time.

Sodas in general were considered "unhealthy" when I was a kid.  Today, anyone who knows anything about health knows that those big brand sodas are now MUCH worse; deadly in fact.  Because of all the GMOs in it, "unhealthy" or "junk" doesn't quite say enough.  It may take years for it to kill you, but it eventually will.  No one will say that these people died from GMO poisoning, their illness will be called heart disease or cancer.  So anyone can blame anything, including the disease itself, for killing the individual.

The article below was bizarre for me.  Indian Farmers actually use colas for pesticides.  The GMOs after being processed into a cola is still present.  So much so, that one can use it to kill bugs.  No one can doubt that these plants are registered pesticides after seeing this.  There are botanical pesticides that are perfectly safe for humans that I would much rather use.  If corn and sugar weren't made to kill bugs, I would say something is very wrong with them the day they are used for just that.

Coke, Pepsi Used as Agricultural Pesticides by India Farmers

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