Thursday, November 8, 2012

From Scratch

There are so many things I'm trying to learn how to make from scratch.  On one hand, it's kind of a bummer that I can't just go out and buy something like make-up without having to worry about the ramifications.  On the other hand, when I can make something like toothpowder or bread using whole, clean ingredients, I feel so much safer using it.  I also have a great sense of satisfaction using it because I made something that I'm confident is wonderful.

Some of the items on my list of things to learn to make from scratch include bread, make-up and snacks that nourish and heal.  These aren't the only items on the list, but they happen to be some of the items on the top of my list.  I'm making progress figuring out the bread.  I'm still learning about making make-up and I'm actually just perfecting some of the healing snack recipes.

There are certain recipes that I am determined to have perfected by January.  I'm looking forward to spending a lot of time next year sharing these recipes with as many people as I can.

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