Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

I encourage everyone to vote today.  I know that the choice isn't easy for health freedom advocates.  I spent weeks wrestling with the pros and cons, made peace with my decision and voted.  It doesn't look like the man I so avidly support is going to win; therefore there is little hope for 2012.  However, because people are increasingly becoming desirous of liberty from the chains of corporatism I have hope for 2016. 

This gives me hope because more and more Americans are waking up from a world that isn't real.  Most of us live, like it or not, in a most repulsive world where we are so "cared for" that we are forbidden to cross the street unless we are holding the hand of our government.  Why do I need the governments hand when I have the sense and the skills to look both ways and cross by myself?  I hope for a president that lets go of the grasp on my liberty and allows me to take the risk and cross at my leisure; especially if I am confident enough to assume responsibility for myself if I get hit.

I still pray for a free America as oppose to an America that only lives with an illusion of liberty.  Until I see this America manifest, I will not give up that hope.  In the meantime, if a certain socialist politician wins office for the next four years I may feel the overwhelming inspiration to utter the words "Who is John Golt?"

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