Saturday, November 10, 2012

Don't Worry Be Healthy

I've always felt that happiness is fickle.  One could be happy about something before little bad news can spoil an entire week and this can happen all within a short moment.  We all strive for happiness on some level, but I just don't feel that happiness is enough to strive for.

I've always found it to be more effective to strive for a healthy life than a happy life.  A healthy individual; or one who has a healthy body, thinks healthy thoughts, creates healthy relationships and makes many other healthy choices can't help but be happy.  The happiest times in my life is when I experienced vibrant health.

The nature of the "pursuit of happiness" trap set up by the pushers of corporatism is so powerful.  They illustrate what happiness looks like via television and magazines and then they convince you that it could be you!  Yes, you could be this beautiful, you could be this cool, you could be this sexy and you can live this life if you are willing to spend some money.  Most of us are so convinced that it's true, but we spend and spend and our happiness plummets because we can't seem to reach the goal.  Even when we do reach the goal, it isn't what "they" said it was going to be and we're still dissatisfied.  Diet soda is a great example.  "Drink all the diet cola that you want" they say, "there are ZERO calories!"  Meanwhile, they don't tell you that diet drinks are highly addictive and they actually contribute to weight gain; so this only puts people on a vicious cycle of purchasing with hope followed by disappointment.

When your goal is health, you strive to cope with the stressors in life that can make you unhappy.  You strive to take a moment to notice the laughing children like the ones in the video below.  You can take a moment to observe the sun when you are 10 minutes late for a class.  Believe me, strive for your health and happiness will follow!


  1. I love this song! I feel when one is going through hardship in their lives one should listen to this song! Words to go bye!
