Friday, November 30, 2012

Idiocracy (part II)

In the last post we discussed the chemical dumbing down of society and the decline of education.  In the following video, there is an example of how the entertainment that we choose is very close to common entertainment in idiocracy.

Neither my husband nor I watch television because it simply doesn't do one thing for either of us.  We don't like the crude nature of television shows nor the half truths that is imposed on us by the evening news.  We buy some television shows on DVD, but even some of those shows have some level of crudity in it because this is what people enjoy today.  It really is a bummer.  People are far more crude and sarcastic and this is what we see as entertainment; very, very sad.

Again we may not be too, too far from this reality as the video below demonstrates.  The good news is that we can stop this.  As we educate ourselves and heal we CAN rise above this kind of mentality.  I hope we do; I would hate for my future descendants to end up like what is presented.


I saw the movie "Idiocracy" a few months ago.  It's not normally the kind of thing that I enjoy because it was so crude, however, I watched it because it made a few points that seem to be frighteningly accurate.  Idiocracy is set approximately 500 years in the future.  The sad reality is, we are heading very quickly toward an idiocracy even now.  At the rate that we are going, it can happen and one could make an argument that there are signs of it even now.

For starters, the foods that we eat (sugar, fluoride and arsenic) are contributing to the dumbing down of society.  Fluoride reduces IQ and murders the abilities of the thyroid which makes people seem lazy (and causes weight gain) because a common hypothyroid symptom is fatigue.  Sugar maintains learning disabilities and may even have a hand in causing them.  In one study, school age students did significantly better on the TOVA test (Test of Variables of Attention), when refined sugar was simply removed from their diet.  So if fluoride reduces IQ, if sugar reduces the ability to learn and if these two ingredients are in almost EVERYTHING that Americans consume; we would be foolish to believe that we aren't creating a generation of people who can not think clearly.  I'm sad to say that toxic food and water is just the beginning.  The thimerosal in vaccines LITERALLY destroys brain cells.  Remember an earlier post of mine about how mercury causes neuron degeneration?  Haven't we tripled the amount of vaccines in the schedule over the last 20 years?  That means we have way increased the amount of mercury that we are voluntarily injecting into our babies' systems.  In other words we are chemically disabling an entire generation.  Although some can handle these chemicals better than others, the increase in the schedule will cause a considerable decrease in the number of children who can handle it (which is why autism shot from 1 in 5000 children back in 1980 to 1 in 100 children today).  When young students have trouble in school, the answer most often seems to be medication; which is interesting since most of those psychotropic drugs are full of fluoride which only further depletes the IQ and further damages the thyroid.  On top of that, our education system is allowing functionally illiterate students graduate high school at alarming numbers which means that many of our education systems are failing.

I'm still not even scraping the surface yet, but let's put together the points that I've made so far:  There is the decline of IQ (sugar and fluoride) and brain power (vaccines) in conjunction with the decline in the education system.  Putting all of this together, how can we not expect near future generations to end up as an idiocracy?

Yes, the movie is a comedy.  I got a chuckle out of it, but for the most part I was horrified.  There were many parts of the movie that hit too close to home as it demonstrated a track that I see many are already on.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Uterine Fibroids

I've been struggling with uterine fibroids.  They are SUCH a major pain; I mean that both figuratively and there was a time when they were quite literally physically painful.

I've been searching for ways to shrink them.  I had a breast fibroid that a brilliant accupuncturist in San Diego shrunk very easily.  I never realized that uterine fibroids were so different and difficult to shrink; I simply believe that it is possible to shrink them.  I have found information that is encouraging.

Dr. Holly Lucille is awesome.  I didn't know about this video, but I've been doing most of what she said to do.  One suggestion that Lucille made was using a castor oil pack; my acupuncturist also suggested this very recently.  I will be making that a part of my program.

If you are fighting uterine fibroids, Dr. Lucille gives some wonderful information in the following video.  I hope you find it as enlightening and helpful as I did.

Biokleen Bio-mistake

There is more disappointing news for those of us who use natural products.  I loved my Biokleen products.  I believe I even did a post about them two years ago when this blog was still new.  I'm sorry to post that I can no longer use their products because of a change in formula.

I used their products because their ingredients were all natural.  Their clever use of oils and enzymes got my dishes and clothes clean without the use of harsh chemicals and synthetic ingredients.  They now put SLS (Sodium Laurel Sulfate) in their dish and laundry detergents.  The people who used to buy their products to avoid this nasty stuff will hopefully stop buying Biokleen products before they become ill from it.

I truly wish that Biokleen would honor the very thing that drove consumers to them.  When I called and asked why they would do this, they said they felt that in order to "keep up with modern technology" and to "make their product more effective" that it was time to "update" their formula since they haven't updated their formula in years.  I asked if there was any pressure or force to do this and I was told that there was not (not that they would tell me if there was).  It still makes little sense to me that while so many companies that sell to health food stores are taking SLS out of their products they decided that it was time to put it in.  I will truly miss what biokleen was.  

If you are a Biokleen customer, be sure to check your Biokleen products to make sure it is the old formula and not the new one; especially if you use it to avoid the junk that they now add to their products.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Hope on Turkey Day

To be clear, I'm calling it "turkey day" to be festive; but I do understand why we celebrate Thanksgiving day.  I also understand that America's liberty is currently being challenged (to say the least).  I still refuse to let go of hope.

All the good, bad and frustrating stuff that we are all going through right now is all for a purpose.  I believe that with all of my heart or I wouldn't still be living in America.  I've been given opportunities to leave the country and reluctantly turned it down.  Don't get me wrong, it was tempting to go and a part of me wonders if I should still look for another back door in case more liberties are challenged in this "Obama-nation" that is currently America, but I'm choosing to make peace with my choice to stay.  I just chose to place more faith in the God that I know and pray to.  I dare to believe that this country's situation will be healed and that we will ALL be free again; not just those of us who choose not to see our liberty under fire, but ALL Americans.  I want to declare my gratitude for everything and everyone who fed that hope and encouraged me to keep going.

I've been very sad about the recent battles that were lost to corporatism, but a few lost battles doesn't determine who won the war.  The number of enlightened and tired American citizens are increasing.  My hope is that soon those numbers will overwhelm the sick people who aren't looking out for global best interest but instead have selfish interest in money and power.  History tells me that no matter how many years it may take, such people always lose in the end and so I will dare to believe that it is so in this case as well.

Happy Birthday BWMF!

Yesterday was Be Well My Friends 2nd anniversary!  I've grown so much since I've started this project and I'm still learning so much about the good, the bad and the ugly about the world of health and health care.  It is  a burden that I'm grateful for and I hope to be a significant contribution to the world of health.

I know that I'm a day late celebrating the anniversary of BWMFs, but I chose to use that as an excuse to play my favorite Alvin and the Chipmunks Birthday song.  I know nothing of the original artists of this song, I hope that you all enjoy it whether you do or not.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Hope everyone has a happy healthy Thanksgiving!  I'll be back after the weekend!

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Veggie and Meat Diet

As I've said in prior posts, I was told by health providers to cook my vegetables because of my digestive issues.  I'm trying to figure out ways around that so that I can eat them as close to their raw form as I can.  I find that fermented vegetables are very easy to digest so I tend to eat most of my veggies fermented.  I don't have as many issues with nausea or indigestion when my veggies are fermented.  Just so that I'm not eating the same veggies every night, I've been playing around with different combinations of veggies.  I now have some fresh cilantro and I'm looking forward to using that in a batch as well as in some other things as well.

When your diet consists of nothing but meat and vegetables, it can get boring... at least in the beginning.  I am figuring out some ways to add some variety to my menu, but it is still in progress.  I'm on the verge of some really nice recipes to share, but it may take a while before I get it just right.


I was reading about cilantro today and was surprised about what I found.  Because it is a lovely dark green herb, I knew it had to have some power in it's nutritional and medicinal value.  It turns out that I was correct about that.  What was shocking was that cilantro is also known as coriander which is another curry spice!

I've used fresh cilantro in homemade sauerkraut and to add flavor to many different dishes; but I've also used coriander in my curry all along never knowing that they are the same.  The difference may be that the herb is called cilantro, but the seed is where we get the coriander spice.  What is so amazing about this to me is that I've been talking about how healthy and wonderful curry is, but I was referring to the turmeric and the cardamom.  Now I'm learning that cilantro also plays a part.  Like the other two, it's also a digestive aid, high in antioxidants and it's also a detoxifying herb.

I thought of adding cilantro to my sprouted breads to add to the flavor.  I suppose that it is in fact a wonderful idea because it will also tremendously add to the nutrition in my breads.


Yet another curry spice that is as medicinal as it is delicious.  It's funny how I've been eating curry my entire life and never knew how wonderfully healthy it is!  I talked about turmeric in an earlier post; but the more I found out about turmeric, the more I found out about cardamom as well.

I found a variety of ways that people use cardamom medicinally.  Several Ayurveda and herbal medicine sources say that it helps digestion, circulation and halitosis.  There was at least one source that also said that it kills candida which is why I include it in my turmeric milk.  I admit I found it most interesting that several sources also say that it can actually fight cancer because turmeric was used for just that in the 20th century in the elixir Essiac.  I don't remember cardamom mentioned as a part of the recipe.  Then again, I found several recipes for Essiac (all of which included turmeric) and I'm not entirely sure which one was used by Rene Caisse; in other words, for all I know cardamom could have been an ingredient in the one that she used.

So cardamom is yet another spice that should be included in the diet.  Try it with your lentils, chick peas or if you are a carnivore like me, curry chicken and curry goat are also very yummy.  Apparently, on top of being yummy, they are also very, very healthy!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


I'm the first to admit that I didn't always like stevia.  It always kind of had a weird after taste that I couldn't tolerate.  At first I couldn't understand why everyone kept saying that this stuff was sweet because I found it to be so bitter.  I recently realized that stevia is SO sweet that when you apply too much it can have a flavor that's almost... well... bitter!  A few pinches of stevia is all that is needed to sweeten things.  When I did this, my food was sweet again.  I guess I truly am a product of a culture that likes to overdo things!

Liberty Is In ICU

I was fervently hoping for this man to become president.  I don't understand those who speak ill of him.  I don't understand who could possibly not want liberty which is all Dr. Paul fights for.  Liberty is so important right now for those of us who would like to live a healthy lifestyle; which is why it is very relevant to all that I post on this site.  Then again, liberty is so central to any part of life so it really doesn't exclude anyone that I can think of.  The only people liberty may exclude are those who don't really want to take care of themselves; in other words those who want the government to take care of everything for them.

Our liberty is seriously in ICU.  We can revive it IF we can learn to see through our leaders and stop accepting the undercurrent of tyranny that is imposed upon America.  This is a one hour presentation.  Ron Paul goes John Galt and says goodbye to congress.  I can't say that I blame him, but I am very sad for America.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Not Missing Bread

I noticed how I've lost my taste for bread recently.  This was fascinating to me because it wasn't very long ago that I stopped eating bread.  The only bread that I've been eating for the last four months is manna.  I just like how it tastes and my body prefers it to bread; my body prefers it even to sprouted breads.  Manna, as you know, is sprouted as well, but it is baked at a much lower temperature.  This one little thing makes all the difference.

I guess bread wasn't really something my body ever really needed.  I'm trying to figure out how to make all kinds of breads and pastries from sprouted grain so that I won't have a need for bread at all.  In the meantime, I just buy sunseed Manna.  Of course I won't buy as much once I perfect some of the recipes that I've been experimenting with.

Friday, November 16, 2012

DIY Mouthwash

Mouthwash, for some, isn't essential, but it can be very helpful.  Here is one of MANY recipes for mouthwash that I'm looking forward to trying.

Making my own toothpowder and mouthwash are two projects that are on my list, but I haven't even started trying them yet.  I'm still researching because I want to make one with ingredients that are best for my mouth because I happen to take meticulously good care of my teeth.  I brush, floss and use a bacterial fighting oil on my teeth daily and I do oil pulling once per week.  I was shocked when my hygienist was scraping during my last trip to the dentist.  She teased me a little for being so worried before she told me that I barely had any tartar on my teeth at all.  That told me that at least I'm on the right track.

I hope the following video is helpful on your journey toward creating your own oral hygiene products.  Enjoy!

Second Month For Dobbins

I would like to feature Lee Anne Dobbins' book again in November for several reasons.  First, I've been unavailable for what seems like weeks (although I believe it was only a few days).  Second, there are so many other herbs that I'm aching to explore.  Third, I've had such a good response to the posts about healing herbs.  Fourth, in my research, I found herbs that are healing my poor sore back and several other ailments.

I look forward to digging more deeply into this subject.  I find it faci

Thursday, November 15, 2012


I apologize for the time that I took from this blog, but I needed some personal time away.  I took a break and started again realizing immediately that it was too soon.  I needed more time.  Between the disappointing results of the election, Monsanto's victory with prop 37, the hurricane on the east coast, plus other difficulties that I faced in my personal life all hitting me simultaneously, I needed to just take a break for a few days.  I think I had the time that I needed so desperately and I believe I really back now.  I say that with caution because you never know WHEN life will throw you another curve ball and I got hit a couple of times trying to catch a storm of them recently.

I'm truly grateful for your patience, interest and dedication.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Don't Worry Be Healthy

I've always felt that happiness is fickle.  One could be happy about something before little bad news can spoil an entire week and this can happen all within a short moment.  We all strive for happiness on some level, but I just don't feel that happiness is enough to strive for.

I've always found it to be more effective to strive for a healthy life than a happy life.  A healthy individual; or one who has a healthy body, thinks healthy thoughts, creates healthy relationships and makes many other healthy choices can't help but be happy.  The happiest times in my life is when I experienced vibrant health.

The nature of the "pursuit of happiness" trap set up by the pushers of corporatism is so powerful.  They illustrate what happiness looks like via television and magazines and then they convince you that it could be you!  Yes, you could be this beautiful, you could be this cool, you could be this sexy and you can live this life if you are willing to spend some money.  Most of us are so convinced that it's true, but we spend and spend and our happiness plummets because we can't seem to reach the goal.  Even when we do reach the goal, it isn't what "they" said it was going to be and we're still dissatisfied.  Diet soda is a great example.  "Drink all the diet cola that you want" they say, "there are ZERO calories!"  Meanwhile, they don't tell you that diet drinks are highly addictive and they actually contribute to weight gain; so this only puts people on a vicious cycle of purchasing with hope followed by disappointment.

When your goal is health, you strive to cope with the stressors in life that can make you unhappy.  You strive to take a moment to notice the laughing children like the ones in the video below.  You can take a moment to observe the sun when you are 10 minutes late for a class.  Believe me, strive for your health and happiness will follow!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

From Scratch

There are so many things I'm trying to learn how to make from scratch.  On one hand, it's kind of a bummer that I can't just go out and buy something like make-up without having to worry about the ramifications.  On the other hand, when I can make something like toothpowder or bread using whole, clean ingredients, I feel so much safer using it.  I also have a great sense of satisfaction using it because I made something that I'm confident is wonderful.

Some of the items on my list of things to learn to make from scratch include bread, make-up and snacks that nourish and heal.  These aren't the only items on the list, but they happen to be some of the items on the top of my list.  I'm making progress figuring out the bread.  I'm still learning about making make-up and I'm actually just perfecting some of the healing snack recipes.

There are certain recipes that I am determined to have perfected by January.  I'm looking forward to spending a lot of time next year sharing these recipes with as many people as I can.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How Did Prop 37 Lose?

What is happening America?  How, how, how did prop 37 lose?  Why do we so blindly believe in EVERYTHING that these corporations tell us?  I'm very frightened about what is happening to this country. We had a chance; we HAD a chance to beat Monsanto and a majority of California decided to believe in their lies.  Hooooow???

Mourning The Loss Of Liberty

It's very frightening to see what is happening to the US.  I miss the days when I could care less who was elected.  This one year when it was so important to elect ANYONE but the one man who doesn't have this country's best interest at heart, the very man was elected.

Are we so addicted to the things that are anything but good for us that we are willing to sabotage the whole nation to get it?  Are we so desperate for Obamaphones and Obamacare that we don't care about the people who pay for it even thought they don't need it or use it?  I'm scared to death of what Obamacare could mean for the people who don't want to vaccinate their babies.  I'm scared for our school aged children, I'm scared for the financial state of this country and I'm scared that a majority of this country will blindly choose for corporatism to take over as it has been slowly.  I'm scared what that could mean for those of us who are fighting it with everything that we have only too see it come to fruition.

I truly hope that the next four years aren't as bad as I'm imagining, but I already know that it's going to be some ride and I'm not looking forward to it.

A friend of mine shared this quote on fb today:

"Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and given him triumphal processions.... Blame the people who hail him when he speaks in the Forum of the “new wonderful good society” which shall now be Rome’s--interpreted to mean 'more money, more ease, more security, and more living fatly at the expense of the industrious.'"

~Marcus Tullius Cicero

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

I encourage everyone to vote today.  I know that the choice isn't easy for health freedom advocates.  I spent weeks wrestling with the pros and cons, made peace with my decision and voted.  It doesn't look like the man I so avidly support is going to win; therefore there is little hope for 2012.  However, because people are increasingly becoming desirous of liberty from the chains of corporatism I have hope for 2016. 

This gives me hope because more and more Americans are waking up from a world that isn't real.  Most of us live, like it or not, in a most repulsive world where we are so "cared for" that we are forbidden to cross the street unless we are holding the hand of our government.  Why do I need the governments hand when I have the sense and the skills to look both ways and cross by myself?  I hope for a president that lets go of the grasp on my liberty and allows me to take the risk and cross at my leisure; especially if I am confident enough to assume responsibility for myself if I get hit.

I still pray for a free America as oppose to an America that only lives with an illusion of liberty.  Until I see this America manifest, I will not give up that hope.  In the meantime, if a certain socialist politician wins office for the next four years I may feel the overwhelming inspiration to utter the words "Who is John Golt?"

Monday, November 5, 2012

No Paraben, No Propyls

No paraben, no propyl was on the top of the requirement list today when I ventured looking for make-up.  It's not as hard to find make-up without hydrogenated oils anymore (thank the Lord!), but I find it difficult to find make-up without propyls and paraben.

I don't wear make-up very often, but when I need to (for photos and such), it's reeeeally difficult to find.  If I had more time I may have purchased some clean make-up online to have handy in the event that I would need it.  I used to love Ecco Bella's products.  I purchased VERY clean make-up from them.  They admitted to putting paraben in their eyeliner, so I simply didn't purchase any of their eyeliner.  The problem is, I can't seem to find Ecco Bella anywhere anymore.  I left many of my favorite products in San Diego unfortunately.

I'm actually considering just making my own make-up.  A friend of mine gave me some tips on how to do it a few years ago and I have a few ideas of my own, but it's just a matter of finding colors that go well with my skin.  

Will FDA’s “Grandfathered” Ingredients Rule Mean No More Real Vitamin E?

It's news like the article below that makes many third world countries look like a far better place to live than here.  Here in "The Land Of The Free" we are suppose to obtain nutrients in any way that we see fit; however, if it is too "dangerous" for us to consume the government comes to our rescue.  I'm still trying to understand HOW this is suppose to make me feel safe.  I'm not 16 anymore, I don't need anyone telling me what to eat and what not to eat.  Just give me the 411 on different foods and let me make the choice for myself and my family.

The following article created one of those days where I just wanna scream.

Will FDA’s “Grandfathered” Ingredients Rule Mean No More Real Vitamin E?

Sunday, November 4, 2012


I loooooove sorrel!  It's very popular in Jamaica.  My auntie used to make it at Christmas; if I remember correctly (I can't remember the last time I've had her sorrel).  I remember the first time I tried it, I was so afraid that I was going to finish the entire gallon that my auntie made (she didn't add rum to that batch, but I've tried sorrel both with and without rum and it was ALWAYS delicious!).  Thank goodness, she had another gallon stored away because I actually ended up finishing almost three pints of the one that was sitting before me!

I wanted to post a video that gives a sorrel recipe because it is such great stuff (it's both tasty and healthy).  What I liked about this video in particular was the ingredients that this couple added.  They added some of the herbs that we talked about last month that are nutritional, medicinal and aid disease prevention.  I like the presentation and I liked the presenters as well.  I've never come across any of this couple's other videos, but I think they are just too adorable!  They don't sound like they are from Jamaica; at least not in any part of Jamaica that I've been to, yet it wouldn't tremendously surprise me if they were Jamaican.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video and the charming presenters!


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Super-Cool Cloves

Cloves are often seen in those honey baked hams that I don't eat (since pork isn't my favorite thing).  They are wonderfully tasty and savory herbs, as we all know, but I admit I wasn't aware of their highly medicinal value.

Did you know that cloves were used to heal circulatory problems?  They are also antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral agents in cloves.  These herbs are very high in antioxidants, which is good for your EVERYTHING!  Several sources even spoke of how because it stimulates the circulatory system it also makes it an aphrodisiac.  My absolute favorite thing about cloves, however, which is why I'm going to make a point to eat more of them, is its healing properties for digestion.  I'll be including cloves in my next glass of turmeric milk!