Sunday, August 28, 2011

Monsanto: Own the Food, Own the World! Part II

I absolutely can't understand why we are not learning from history.  What was that saying?  "Shame on you if you fool me once, but shame on me if you fool me twice" right?  Well then shame on us!  Grand shame on the USA because we were fooled several times by the same people. 

Weren't we told that DDT, Agent Orange, PCBs and dioxin were all safe?  Didn't we figure out later that this wasn't just a tragic error but a malicious lie?  What about the herbicide Roundup?  Wasn't it once biodegradable?  No, it wasn't.  Roundup was NEVER biodegradable.  Monsanto was sued by the US and France for false advertising and they had to take the "biodegradable" label off.  So we have been lied to over and over again and again by the same company about all of these things and more.  When are we going to wise up and STOP listening to Monsanto?  People have been killed by this company.  Again, these were NOT tragic accidents.  Ask anyone in Anniston, Alabama about the non-accidental deaths because of Monsanto's lies and the slap on the wrist that Monsanto received as punishment. 

What is Monsanto saying about GMOs now?  Aren't they trying to convince us that they are safe even though there were NO safety tests done to make sure they are safe?  Even if most of us aren't convinced, most of our foods have corn, soy, cotton seed oil, canola or sugar most of which are GMO unless they are certified organic.  Can anyone tell me WHAT in our history says that we should continue to listen to these people? 

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