Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fearing the Future of Health Part II Comment

Anonymous said:
"I also unknowingly ate a lot of GMOs while pregnant and I suspect it is the culprit behind my daughters allergies. She breaks out in hives drastically from a large variety of foods. I feel so angry that people are subjected to this with no warning of whats at stake. I fear so much for my daughter and can only pray that she will not deal with future or other unknown implications from GMOs. God bless everyone." 

Thank you so VERY much for your response.  I'm so sorry about not responding sooner my friend; I was taking a break when you commented.  I'm also sorry about your daughter's allergies.  I know how frustrating it is.  I'm very angry too and wishing that there was more to do to fight to get our food labeled.  Please be sure to see my other posts on GMOs and the presentation on Monsanto to get more perspective on what GMOs are.

You probably know the following information already, but I will offer it just in case you don't know.  To avoid GMOs completely may be near impossible (which is very sad and scary).  Even if ALL you eat is organic food all the time (which can get pricey) sometimes food can become GMO contaminated, but I believe that is rare and it is safer to go organic anyway.  If you avoid corn, canola, soy, cotton (some foods are cooked with cotton seed oil) and sugar (unless it is cane sugar) you can be mostly safe from eating GMOs.  You can still eat those foods and avoid GMO if you make sure that it is certified organic.  I love corn for example.  I buy organic corn whenever I see it, but I refuse corn otherwise.  The only exception to that is if it is a verified non-GMO product.  Find out which products are safe at the Non-GMO Project website.

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