Sunday, August 14, 2011

L. Acidophilus

I'm in the same boat as you. I have issues with my gut flora (I have lab results to prove it). I can't seem to get any population of L. Acidophilus built up though I've tried my darndest with probiotics. I'm considering doing the cow share thing - have you noticed any difference? 

I have seen a difference as a matter of fact; but I'm not sure that it is just the milk alone.  It could be a combination of the milk, the kombucha and the cultured veggies that I've been eating for the past two months.  I have been eating more and more cultured foods over the last few weeks and I've been feeling very good on them.  I find that I have more energy and I also have been experiencing a tremendous reduction in digestive issues.  I had little to no issues at all this week (not counting the nausea that I experienced on Thursday because that was from a migraine). 

I've only been drinking the milk for the past week.  I admit my favorite thing about it, besides having blueberry milkshake smoothies that don't make me ill, is the fact that I can make a quick and complete cultured meal with it!  I usually blend the blueberries and the pineapple juice together and then stir in the milk so that the cultures aren't whipped around in the blender.  I don't think that it would hurt them, but it is a personal preference.

I encourage you to do it.  Most people that I know who start drinking raw milk become raw milk fanatics very quickly.  It improves gut flora and the immune system and people can usually see or feel a difference.  If you do it, please post your success with it.  I am very interested in knowing what you think.

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