Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Migraines are mysterious to me.  I mean, there are many reasons why people get migraines and therefore many triggers that can set migraines off.  Migraines can also vary in intensity and symptoms  Although the main symptom is usually a bad headache, other symptoms such as nausea and light sensitivity can occur as well.  I ALWAYS get the headache and light sensitivity.  I've experienced a stiff neck and nausea from migraines, but those symptoms are rare for me.

Therapies also vary.  Most people that I know love cold on their heads when they have a migraine; but cold does nothing for me.  I need heat.  I would sometimes fall asleep with a hot washrag on my left temple with hot water bottle on top to keep it warm for as long as possible.  Neurofeedback therapy has helped many people get rid of migraines permanently.  I've actually tried neurofeedback therapy for migraines and although it helped teach me different ways to treat my migraines, I still get them.  Please don't misunderstand; neurofeedback therapy is a blessing for many reasons and it did help me get rid of depression.  The neurofeedback therapy didn't help the migraines that I get and I believe that it is because the problem may be a subluxation in my cervical spine.  When I have a migraine, pressing on certain parts of my cervical spine temporarily causes the pressure over my left eye to dissipate.  When my acupuncturist in San Diego worked on my spine my migraine (the pressure specifically) was gone within minutes and any headache that came with it would be gone within minutes or hours depending on what point in the progression of the migraine she worked on me.  When she worked on me close enough to the beginning of a migraine, I usually wouldn't even get a headache. 

Strictly speaking from personal experience, it is best to understand the cause of migraines when you can before looking for treatment; although, I can't say that will always be easy.  I'm hoping to figure out the cause of my migraines soon.  Several doctors had theories, suggestions and treatments but so far nothing has given me permanent relief; although chiropractic treatment came the closest to permanent relief.  I still dare to believe there is relief for me and I won't stop searching until I find it.

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