Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Migraines II

I know of some people who get migraines constantly.  By constantly, I mean there are few days when they live without it.  I can't even imagine what that must be like. 

My migraines have become progressively worse over the years.  I started having occasional migraines from when I was very young (the earliest that I remember was third grade).  They became more frequent as I got older.  Over the past 6 or 7 years they have been consistently every month.  Last year before I got pregnant, my chiropractor was REALLY helping.  The last migraine that I had was about a month before I got pregnant but I barely felt it at all.  I just felt a little pressure over my left eye.  This is how my migraines always start, but that one time, the pressure is also where it ended; there was very little pain that didn't even last the morning.  After my miscarriage, the headaches came back at full intensity as though I've never worked on them at all.  With more chiropractic, they have been dying down again.  Recently, however, the migraines I've had (although the headache was very, very mild) have been accompanied by terrible nausea.  Throughout my life, nausea or a stiff necks would very rarely accompany a migraine; but it has happened for the past two months in a row.  If nausea is going to come with each migraine every month, I need to do something or at least figure out why.

Doctors have told me that migraines can sometimes be a sign of healing.  I have made a few adjustments to my diet over the past three months so the nausea could be a sign of something good, but I would rather have a professional tell me if it is rather than rely on my own understanding in this case.

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