Friday, March 25, 2011

The Meatrix In Reality

Someone I worked with (another personal trainer) saw pictures similar to the ones presented via the link below.  A couple of people I know, like her, became vegetarians as a result of seeing something like this.  I am not, however, a vegetarian nor am I advocating vegetarianism.  I am a meat eater, I may not have been always, but I certainly am now.  I simply am not in the habit of buying conventionally raised meat.  I buy free range, at the very least, however, I prefer organic beef, chicken and eggs.  "Organically" raised chickens and cows are often free range and they are better nourished therefore more nutritious.

I'm not trying to play on the sympathy of people by showing these pictures.  I'm trying to educate.  I'm trying to show you what they are doing to these animals with a reminder that this will be on your plate if you aren't informed and careful about what you buy.  If you raise an unhealthy, malnourished animal how do you expect to be nourished by it's meat?

Remember, these pictures show what is probably the worst of the conventional methods of raising animals for meat.  They are of a graphic nature. Quite honestly, in my opinion they are pretty horrible and I just want to give this warning because there are some who may NOT wish to see it.  Click here to see the reality of meat production if you wish.

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