Tuesday, March 15, 2011


We've been talking about decreasing toxicity.  At this point you are drinking at 8 -10 glasses of good clean water per day.  Clean as in spring or filtered water (and of course you made sure the filter you have takes the fluoride out).  This week we talked about decreasing our synthetic and toxic food intake and raising our nutrients.  By doing this, you will also raise the amount of fiber in your diet.

Fiber is just indigestible carbohydrates.  Why would we need to consume something that is indigestible?  Well, for lots of reasons.  Believe it or not, these indigestible carbs are necessary nutrients that have a variety of benefits.  For one thing, most people understand that it helps to cleanse the system.  What many may or may not understand is that helps lower the risk of a variety of diseases or bad health conditions.  To name a few, fiber can decrease your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and it both prevents and relieves constipation (according to Harvard School of Public Health).

Harvard School of Public Health says that if the calories that you consume are more than average then you need more fiber.  For example, they recommend that teens consume 30-35 grams per day.  For most people, the recommendation is 20 grams of fiber per day.  Either way, it is recommended that you get obtain your fiber FROM FOOD.

Once again, another source is stressing the importance of getting your nutrients from real food as opposed to a pill or supplement.  Because you are decreasing your toxic/synthetic food intake and increasing your fruit and vegetable intake, you are well on your way to getting the fiber that you need in your diet.

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