Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How is it going?

How is it going; as far as trying to drink water instead of sugary beverages?  It may not be as easy as it sounds for some people.  Sugary beverages can actually be addicting.  Artificially sweetened beverages definitely are.  My husband went through a few months of headaches (and grouchiness) before he was free from his aspartame addiction.  He kicked it none the less, bless his persevering heart!

By the way, non sweetened tea counts as a non sugary beverage, as long as you made it.  Be careful of bottled teas and restaurant teas for the water may be fluoridated.  Also, make sure there aren't any ingredients in the tea except for the tea itself.  In other words, if you are drinking real peppermint tea, that's fine.  If you are drinking a fruity tea with "natural flavors" I'd stay away from that for a while.  Sometimes "natural flavors" are a way for companies to make their products appear all natural.  "Natural flavors" may be all natural, but sometimes they contain hidden MSG or other chemicals.

I've had comments on decreasing toxicity via chat and email.  One reader has been drinking non-sugary beverages her whole life and asked for the next step.  If this is you, start reading ingredients on the foods that you buy.  Start cutting out foods with artificial ingredients such as any artificial flavors or colors, reduced irons, BHT, BHA, MSG, fast foods and foods with aspartame.  Start reducing the mentioned chemicals and chemically infested foods and keep drinking the non fluoridated water.  A good way to do this slowly is by finishing what you already have in your house, but not buying anymore foods with chemical ingredients. 

We will discuss more about the next step next week.  In the meantime, whether you are succeeding or having trouble please go to the Making Changes forum.  I would like to hear how you can be helped or how you can help others.  You may even inspire me!  I’m eager to know how you are doing and to chat with you.  I’ll see you in the forum.  If you don't remember how to sign in click here for instructions.

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