Monday, March 7, 2011

Decreasing Toxicity: Water continued

It is necessary to be very careful when you choose which bottled water to drink.  Some bottled waters are fluoridated.  My husband and I drink Eldorado water.  We subscribed to it.  We ordered the porcelain jug dispenser and the glass bottles.  The glass bottles are a little more expensive, but it’s worth it.  Many doctors feel that filtered water is best.  It often has the least amount of toxins in it.  We use a Berkey filter for cooking and making tea.  We talked about eventually getting a whole house filter to decrease toxicity even further.  In our research we came across a whole house reverse osmosis appliance.  Some doctors highly recommend reverse osmosis because it takes out almost all the toxins; other doctors advise against it for concern that reverse osmosis (and distillers) take out too many important minerals.  Use your judgment on this topic.  Also, watch out for plastic containers.  I like to keep my water in either glass or stainless steel containers per my doctor’s advice.  If you MUST use plastic, at least check the number within the recycle sign at the bottom.  Make sure the number is #1,2,4 or 5; any other number may leach.

It’s sometimes frustrating that we have to be so careful.  As Mother Teresa would probably say, however (according to her poem), be careful anyway!  Your body will thank you for it in the end.  Good clean water will begin the journey toward a clean body with very little toxins.

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