Monday, March 21, 2011

Decreasing Toxicity: Cleaners II

As a school counselor I'm well aware of the problems that harsh cleaners can do to young minds.  If you have any school age children in your home, your home detox is as important as your food and beverage detox. 

Harsh cleaners are known to effect the minds of students and yet they use these cleaners in schools anyway (unknowingly of course).  In this post, "harsh" can be defined as synthetic/ toxic ingredients that are potentially harmful to the body and environment.  According to one study, students did significantly worse on exams when they took it just after their school was cleaned (Bell, Peiper 2006).  There are nasty chemicals found in some cleaners such as paraben.  Several  sources say that parabens are found in cancer tumors.  According to my research I haven't found any "link" between paraben and cancer other than that, however, one article did say there is a possible link between harsh air fresheners and breast cancer.  When more information is available on that subject, I will definitely post about it.   

So start hunting for alternative cleaners to scrub your home.  Let me know your progress.  As always, questions, comments and furthermores are valued and welcomed.  For more community feedback, try the Making Changes forum on the Whole Health Destinations page.


Bell, Rachel; Peiper, Howard; (2006) The A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. diet! (Bell, Peiper 2006) 

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