Sunday, May 8, 2011

Food Addictions

The movie "Super Size Me" revealed that it is possible that people buy from certain fast food chains because of a food addition.  I've known that many of these toxic foods are willfully made to be addicting.  I did not realize, however, how quickly one can become addicted until I saw the movie.

Dr. Lustig gave in-depth explanations about sugar and showed in his video (that is approximately an hour long) that it is an addictive substance.  At the end of Super Size Me the massive amount of sugar Morgan consumed in just 30 days was revealed. 

During the movie, Morgan expressed how his feelings of depression (which resembles a "crash" that drug addicts say they feel when they come down from a high) quickly seemed to be remedied when he ate the toxic food (which resembles the "high" that drug addicts say they feel after taking a substance).  How fascinating!  So Ronald Mc Devil is not only telling children that he is the route to great fun, he is proving it to the kids every time they eat there!  So what this could mean is that there are thousands who are unknowingly addicted to this food which would explain why people would defend their desire to eat there to the very end.

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