Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I notice that there are many Americans who are under the false impression that obesity and anorexia are completely different.  In many ways, they are of course, but they have one major thing in common.  They are both conditions of starvation.

Because of an anorexic's habits and looks, it is evident that they are starving.  Anorexics are known to have habits of exercising with no food in their system or eating tiny little pieces of lettuce, celery or something that will give them little nutrition and this is if they eat anything at all.  This is a common understanding of starvation.  Obesity doesn't look like starvation at all, it looks like just the opposite.  Instead of someone losing too much weight, like in the case of anorexia, a person gains too much weight.  Therefore obesity is the opposite of starvation, right?  Well, yes... AND no.

Many believe that obesity is feeding oneself to death.  In a way, yes, this is true; but it is still a form of slow starvation.  One wonders why someone who is very overweight needs to keep eating and eating.  The answer is simple, they are starving!  Have you ever seen what an obese individual eats?  It's mostly processed, toxic, fake food.  The more fake food one eats, the hungrier they will be and the sicker they will become.  Sugary, nutrition-free fast foods, for example, don't offer the body the nutrients that it needs to be healthy; but it does fill the body with something.  Therefore the body doesn't appear to starve, but the cells and tissues aren't getting what they need to function properly.  This is why it is also a form of starvation.  The body is starving for nutrients but it's fed nutrient-free foods so the body continues to tell the brain that it is still hungry.

If one cuts down on calories, they will lose weight of course; but diets often fail because the individual is still starving for nutrients and in the case of some diets even more so.  If you have a problem with obesity or excess weight, the key is to find a nutritional program that will help you gain control of your leptin hormone while simultaneously feeding your body what it needs to be healthy again.  This is how you feed your way to weight loss instead of starving your way to great frustration.

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