Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fluoride and Thyroid Function

Now even Dr. Mercola is issuing warnings about fluoride because of the infliction it can have on thyroid function (as well as other organs).  I guess my doctor is really on top of things because she was the first to let me know this.  I don't ingest much fluoride, but I'm sure I accidentally ingest a little sometimes.

I often wonder HOW kids function these days.  With all of this garbage in their food and drink, how, how, HOW do they function?  I now understand why there are so many kids who can't function at all.  Maybe it isn't that they are lazy after all.  Actually, I've never really believed in "laziness" really.  Laziness usually was a sign that the kids were overwhelmed by something; laziness and retaliation was just their way of dealing with much bigger physical issues.

If you are STILL drinking tap water; I beg you to please, PLEASE stop it!  We need more people to fight for our right to health and with that poison in your system, you won't have the energy to do it.  Fluoride will slowly and efficiently break down everything in your body.

Please watch the video below and become more informed about the FIRST step in the termination of the gradual destruction of your thyroid and pineal gland.

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