Friday, September 28, 2012

How to Protect Unvaccinated Kids

For those mommies who say 'nay' on vaccinating their babies; I say you are a brave soul!  Please understand that you ARE taking a gamble whether you vaccinate or not.  There are many ways to protect your baby from illness or help them fight off illness fast if they get sick.

The article below gives so much information that many of us know but may have quickly forgotten.  Cod liver oil, for example, is one of the most powerful immune boosters that I know of.  The article below discusses doses for children and breastfeeding mothers (which, frankly, I deeply appreciate).  I wouldn't take all of this with a grain of salt, however.  If you have a doctor who understands and validates the choice that you've made, let him or her in on this information that you've learned and talk to him/her about a game plan to prevent illness from striking your precious little one.

How to Protect Unvaccinated Kids

Responses to Vaccine Pushers

Every time I read a story about vaccine pushers it makes me so angry.  Not all parents will ban all vaccines; however, there are a few parents who feel that there are several vaccines that are unnecessary.  Unfortunately, if a vaccine is unnecessary then it is potentially dangerous for baby.  Before deciding to vaccinate or not, every parent needs to get all necessary information.  At the very least, understand all of the risks of getting shots and understand all of the risks of not getting shots.  It is a gamble either way; so mom and dad need to weigh the pros and cons and make a decision for baby's sake.  When government steps in and vaccinates baby, they don't take responsibility for when baby gets injured and THIS is a problem!

One of the biggest risks of not getting shots today, unfortunately, pertains to politics and not health.  Doctors have blown the whistle on parents of children who were not vaccinated.  By the time mom and dad bat an eye, social workers are sent to their homes to take the children away.  Families, as we speak, are in hiding because of this.  It's a sad, sad thing and very frightening for parents.  About 49% of American parents are not desirous to vaccinate.  That should be their choice.

The link below is another outraged citizen of America who is appalled by the vaccine "pushers" in this country.

Responses to Vaccine Pushers

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fluoride Can Impair Thyroid Function

Again, the essential ingredient to make T3 and T4, (the thyroid hormones) is iodine.  Fluoride destroys iodine; plain and simple.  If you make a habit of drinking fluoridated water, dental fluoridosis is a good possibility and thyroid malfunction is another good possibility.

Below there is an article where Dr. Mercola gives details about the horrible effect that fluoride has on the thyroid.  If you want to keep this simple, drink spring water, RO water or any clean water free of fluoride, heavy metals and arsenic and your thyroid will be better off for it.

Fluoride Can Impair Thyroid Function

Ron Paul = Health Freedom

I suppose the Bilderbergs really are real.  This is spooky!  I was starting to believe that they were real, but if Ron Paul is addressing what he knows about it, that says a lot as far as I'm concerned.  There is very little that this man discussed or predicted that didn't become a reality.

Dr. Rima Laibow was not crazy.  She was trying to warn us before she understandably fled the US.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Proper Exercise Helps in Cancer Treatment

The link below gives information about exercise that I admit I didn't even know about.  I knew that exercise helps prevent cancer, but I didn't know that it could aid cancer treatment.  I think that is absolutely amazing!

There really aren't enough good things to say about exercise.  So far, we talked about how it was good prevention for cold/flu, cancer, heart disease and obesity.  Over the last two days, we've talked about how exercise also works as part of treatment for disease like thyroid and now cancer.

I guess we should all take Dr. Mercola's advice and move our bodies.  It is always wise to check with your health provider before starting a program, but check soon and start soon!  Obviously it is doctor recommended!

Proper Exercise Helps in Cancer Treatment

Monday, September 24, 2012

Exercise For Total Health

I'm really sad that most people see exercise as a way to get thin or stay thin.  As I've mentioned before, exercise aids one's total health.  This is why so many good doctors try to persuade their patients to exercise.  Mine told me that even if I don't check into a gym, it's fine; but go running.  I started doing this about a year after he told me to, but I admit that I do feel better after I go out for a run.  I have more energy, I function better and even my low back problems fade.

I found out recently how much exercise could also help with thyroid function.  Recently, after I would go out for a run, I would come home and place a cold wash cloth over my neck (on the thyroid area).  Both the running and the cold compress stimulate thyroid function.  I usually have a most productive day after doing this routine.

I admit that I didn't go out today, but I had an unusual morning.  When I don't get around to it one day, I try to make sure that the following day I get to it.

Soapnut Progress

Here is an update on the soapnuts:  I went back to using Biokleen only because my washing machine will cause it to clean one load twice and I haven't figured out a way to stop that from happening.  Even though this was written a few months ago, I still haven't figured out the soapnuts.  If you have a conventional washing machine, just take it out before or just after the first spin cycle.  My machine is a front load machine, so it's difficult to do that.  I haven't given up yet though; it may be difficult to use the soapnuts, but it isn't impossible.  I simply haven't figured out how I'm going to use it with my machine without wasting it.

If you have any suggestions, I'm open.  Questions, comments and furthermores are always, always valued and welcome.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Rainwater Collection

For those of you who live in states that have laws implemented by more level headed people (than the people who lead the states with rainwater collection prohibition), rainwater collection is a fabulous supplement to gardening.  I understand that acid rain was (and in some places still is) a problem, but there are things that one can do to treat the water once collected and/or balance the pH of one's soil; therefore, I wouldn't discourage rainwater collection because of this.

Rainwater collection is a great way to avoid fluoride, arsenic and other poison garbage in the water that your food doesn't need.  The best part of this whole system is that other than the price that you pay for water barrels, rainwater is free!  So, rainwater is free and clean making it great for gardening and perhaps with minimal filtration (if needed) it could also be used to give to animals for drinking.

I'm so sad that I didn't get my crops going this year, but in a way it was a blessing in disguise.  I learned so much about farming and sprouting in just this one summer.  So I didn't utilize these lessons to develop gardening skills this year, but I will hopefully utilize them next year.

Rainwater Collection Prohibition

I learned recently that it is illegal in some states to collect rainwater.  Basically, it is considered stealing because the rainwater belongs to the government...  Is everyone with me here?  I'll say it again:  Collecting rainwater is STEALING in some states because the RAINWATER BELONGS to the GOVERNMENT!  You get me?  Are you appalled?  I certainly hope so!

I feel utterly sorry for the Americans who don't see that there is something abominably WRONG with this.  When the government prohibits you from collecting rainwater, THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is where We The People need to step in and ask our leaders what the heck is going on!  It's not a mystery or question that our Constitutional rights have been trampled on for years now, but prohibition on rainwater collection... seriously???  Come on!!  Talk about taking away natural rights, you can't get more ridiculous than that!  This is a direct and gross violation of the rights of the American people and I find this absolutely disgusting!

I would like to exercise my right to free speech while it is still intact and deliver the follow message to the leaders of the states that implement rainwater collection prohibition:  SHAME ON YOU!!

Friday, September 21, 2012


I admit that I sometimes find the health freedom fight tiresome.  I admit that my quest to inform others is so that they are aware of their rights because when everyone is aware of their rights, they are more likely to fight for them.  There are many people who are aware of what is happening and they are against the government corruption, but I'm not sure everyone is aware of how bad it is.

I just read about a family who is in hiding from the government.  It is a Christian family who took religious exemptions from vaccinating their children.  The doctor blew the whistle on them and a social worker came to take the children away.  Thank God, the family escaped before the social workers got there.  But it still makes me angry.  Since when does the land of the free legally kidnap children for not buying into propaganda?  The answer is unfortunate and frustrating!  America has been doing this for a while now.

I'm so tired of this.  I'm tired of Obamacare, Bill Gates Foundation, the FDA, Monsanto, Codex Alimentarious, all of them and any proponents of them.  I don't mind people doing their business, as long as it doesn't interfere with the rights of others.  The American government needs to back up and shrink down before they hurt anyone else.  The only reason why I haven't given up is because there are so many others who fight with me.  This is just as much our America as it is theirs, and to defy the Constitution like this, to steal the natural rights of the people is downright disgusting!

WHFoods: What are goitrogens and in which foods are they found?

Goitrogens are foods that can further slow thyroid function.  The foods that were consistently listed in several articles included broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage.  If you suffer from hypothyroidism and are a fan of these veggies, don't worry too much.  The groitrogen effect of these foods are weakened when these veggies are cooked.  If you're like me and you don't like to cook your veggies because you are concerned with preserving the nutrients, there is a way to cook veggies so that most of the nutrients are preserved.

There are two methods that I've used.  One is to make soup by bringing the water (or broth) to a boil, removing the pot from the heat completely, and then adding all of the fresh veggies to the water.  Let it sit in the water for 30 min to an hour (depending on what you are cooking).  For sprouts and greens even less time would be needed but for potatoes or beets, you may want to add time and heat (in other words, turn the heat way down to almost off instead of removing from heat completely).

The other method I've used is blanching.  Bring the water to a boil, then take it off the heat completely.  Immerse the veggies into the water for 20 seconds, then remove immediately.  Immersing veggies into cold water or ice water immediately after is optional.

I know raw foodies would cringe at the thought of this, but unfortunately raw food diets aren't for everyone.  For those of us with thyroid or digestive issues, it will take some time before the body will be able to digest raw food properly.  Once your metabolism starts to digest properly, raw food may be an option.  It is highly advisable that people with former thyroid or digestive issues extend the transitional period before completely switching to raw food.

WHFoods: What are goitrogens and in which foods are they found?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I found a video that says EXACTLY what I've been writing about in just one video!  Propaganda, lies and deceit is the method that Monsanto, Dow, Dupont and many large food corporations are using to convince us to vote NO on proposition 37.

Proposition 37 will invoke the mandatory labeling of GMOs.  God bless Jeffery Smith for his proposed FOOD FIGHT!!!!

Please, vote YES on 37.  You have a right to know what is in your food.

Coordinated Effort to Eliminate Vaccine Exemption

Bill Gates is showing his true colors once again and playing dirty.  The Gates Foundation is funding a movement to attack anti-vaccine groups.  So be careful if you are one who gives correct information about vaccinations whether good, bad or otherwise; ESPECIALLY if the information is anything other than good!

There is also new propaganda on the rise to scare the parents who vaccinate their children to push the rest of their community to vaccinate.  Basically, the lie is that if your child is sitting next to a child who was not vaccinated, then that child is putting your vaccinated child at risk!  Oh no!  So the vaccine only works if the whole world gets a shot?  No!  I repeat, this is a LIE.  If vaccines work as well as they are suppose to, vaccinated children are to be inoculated from the disease that they received a shot for.  Unfortunately, because there are several vaccines that DON'T work as well as they say they do (like chicken pox and whooping cough), proponents of vaccines unfairly blame non-vaccinated kids for the disease outbreaks.

Coordinated Effort to Eliminate Vaccine Exemption

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Starvation (Part II)

Those of you who struggle with an overweight or obesity problem you aren't alone.  America is over 60% overweight or obese.  So as you can see, more than half of us are struggling with you.

The one mistake that many people continue to make when trying to lose weight is they continue to starve themselves.  Melissa (the woman whose journey we follow in the video below) actually did a little of that.  Food isn't the enemy, food is the way to lose weight (REAL food).  Many overweight people who saw my chiropractor (for weight loss guidance) lose weight much more easily because the doctors tell them to eat... they simply learn how to eat better.  Because sugar is an addictive substance, it's hard to know when to stop eating it.  That is why it should be the first thing that is cut from the diet of anyone struggling with weight.


I notice that there are many Americans who are under the false impression that obesity and anorexia are completely different.  In many ways, they are of course, but they have one major thing in common.  They are both conditions of starvation.

Because of an anorexic's habits and looks, it is evident that they are starving.  Anorexics are known to have habits of exercising with no food in their system or eating tiny little pieces of lettuce, celery or something that will give them little nutrition and this is if they eat anything at all.  This is a common understanding of starvation.  Obesity doesn't look like starvation at all, it looks like just the opposite.  Instead of someone losing too much weight, like in the case of anorexia, a person gains too much weight.  Therefore obesity is the opposite of starvation, right?  Well, yes... AND no.

Many believe that obesity is feeding oneself to death.  In a way, yes, this is true; but it is still a form of slow starvation.  One wonders why someone who is very overweight needs to keep eating and eating.  The answer is simple, they are starving!  Have you ever seen what an obese individual eats?  It's mostly processed, toxic, fake food.  The more fake food one eats, the hungrier they will be and the sicker they will become.  Sugary, nutrition-free fast foods, for example, don't offer the body the nutrients that it needs to be healthy; but it does fill the body with something.  Therefore the body doesn't appear to starve, but the cells and tissues aren't getting what they need to function properly.  This is why it is also a form of starvation.  The body is starving for nutrients but it's fed nutrient-free foods so the body continues to tell the brain that it is still hungry.

If one cuts down on calories, they will lose weight of course; but diets often fail because the individual is still starving for nutrients and in the case of some diets even more so.  If you have a problem with obesity or excess weight, the key is to find a nutritional program that will help you gain control of your leptin hormone while simultaneously feeding your body what it needs to be healthy again.  This is how you feed your way to weight loss instead of starving your way to great frustration.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Liberty and Health Freedom

I keep meeting people who really don't want to care about politics.  They blindly choose leaders according to the promises that he/she makes.  Even long after these promises are broken they STILL want to place hope in an individual who has shown that he/she will never deliver.  I confess that this was who I was years ago.  I was so blind that I didn't see that the government was willing to sacrifice my health and the health of so many others for the sake of their own personal gain.

I'm grateful that my eyes have opened.  Now I am one who will stand for liberty.  I understand that this is the same country who has a history of prohibiting liberty from some of us; but now that we are growing and changing we have an opportunity to be better than that.  I feel that as a citizen it is my responsibility to stand up for the America that we can have.

The Garden

If you live in Colorado and you haven't tried The Garden yet, you are soooo missing out!  They are the only restaurant that I've found that serves 90% organic or more.  The owner is a vegan chef (and a very talented one), but she serves vegan and non vegan food as well.  Most of the food that she serves is grown in the back yard so I don't even need to mention freshness.

Healthy and yummy is all that I look for in a meal and The Garden provides which makes it one of my all time favorite restaurants ever!  Click *here* to see their web page, and click the links below to find them on facebook or twitter.

The Garden FB fan page

The Garden (Twitter)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

'No on 37' Campaign Against GMO Labeling Exposed as Complete Fraud

Monsanto is fighting tooth and nail against proposition 37.  This is a law that will require labeling of GMOs.  In several different parts of the world, GMOs are sold, but labeled.  This was something that the people voted for.

There are "No on 37" campaigns that are going around.  Monsanto is trying to scare us into believing that labeling GMOs would not be beneficial to the people, but this is a LIE!  Get the facts and vote "yes" on proposition 37!

'No on 37' Campaign Against GMO Labeling Exposed as Complete Fraud

DDT Is Good For Me? Seriously???

I've known that DDT is toxic, I had no idea what the effects were until I saw this video.  Needless to say, I am thoroughly disgusted!

This is one of many presentations that inspired me to do a short series on old propaganda and current propaganda.  I want to discuss what is being said about GMOs and compare it to what the manufacturers said once upon a time about DDT, cigarettes and agent orange.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Old DDT Propaganda

Remember what they said about DDT?  No?  Neither did I because I wasn't born yet.  Thank goodness for the internet.  It isn't difficult to find out what was said about these deadly substances.

The following commercial was made back when everyone believed in the whole "DDT is good for meee" lie.  I used to think that DDT was a pesticide that was used on fruit and vegetable crops, but I was wrong.  It was encouraged for people to apply it EVERYWHERE!  They used it on crops, in their homes, at work on pets and everything.

This is a 14 minute presentation that was created in 1946.  It looks like some sort of infomercial; at least that's what such a long advertisement would be considered today.

Old Cigarette Propaganda

I posted the commercial below to remind everyone about how we were all fooled into believing that smoking is not only safe, but even good for us!  Of all people the cigarette industry could choose to be the face of a smoker, they chose a doctor???  I mean, really?

Why were these people so desperate to convince us that these poisons are safe and healthy?  It truly makes very little sense until you think about the money they make off of your addictions.  It makes sense that there are people doing this on purpose for the sake of personal gain.  Take control of yourself, your life and your health!  Do your research, find the reliable sources and start tuning into them.  The ones who made the commercial below aren't reliable.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Propaganda and Conformity Part II

Your own fears can be a weapon that those who lust for power can use against you.  It is by far the oldest trick in the book.  Knowing this may not help one feel less afraid, but it may give one the opportunity to see where they can gain their power back.

THIS is the reason why Big Corporate use scientists as the faces of their products.  Once they can get most of the population to believe in their lies, the population will pressure the rest to buy into the lies too.  My favorite example of this is water fluoridation.  I have a family member who STILL believe that without fluoride ingestion people would have rotting teeth.  She is thoroughly convinced of this false notion and so are many others.  They don't realize what a fatal black lie it is, but the faces of this movement were all wearing lab coats so they feel that it must be true.

I posted the entire Milgram experiment in case you want to see more about how propaganda starts.  It is a 40+ minute presentation.

Propaganda and Conformity

Conformity is a force that many of us cannot touch, taste or see; yet it can be a great weapon for those who want to control population.  People who desire great power realize that not many of us will defy what is expected of us by our peers and they will use that against us.  Monsanto, Big Pharma, Bilderbergs; they do this everyday.

Below is a presentation that shows how quickly most of us will give away the power that we hold to please others.  I'm presenting this because right now it is so important for people to look at themselves and face their fears.  If they allow their fear to control them, they are giving control to someone who will not be looking out for their best interest, like Monsanto.  There are scientists who KNOW that they are wrong, but they won't say anything because they want to be accepted among the scientific community that they are familiar with; even though it was a community created by people who care nothing for science.

One needs to think about how badly one wants to fit in and how that can be precarious to oneself, one's family and the community the community around one.  Propaganda is destroying us.  We are told something, it is widely accepted and that becomes truth.  It is especially accepted when people like Joseph Mercola, Royal Rife, Rene Cassie, Gary Null or Max Gerson are attacked for saying what the general population is not ready to accept.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


It is articles like the ones below that remind me of the mockery that has been made of science, especially over the last few decades.

How sad it was that science authorities discovered how much power they have over the general population and they really used it to manipulate!  There are people today who will eat and even fight for GMOs and fluoridated water because they rely heavily on what they are told by the "scientists" who are hired by companies and other proponents of these products.  We were lied to for decades by Monsanto, Big Pharma and other big corporate monsters as well and they used a scientific mask because they knew REAL science would prove opposite to their declarations.

The next couple of posts will be reminders; just reminders of who these people are historically.  "These people" refer to leaders with corporate interests (like all the presidents from H. W. Bush to Obama) and corporate leaders with personal interests (like Big Pharma and Monsanto).

Just because a new generation of people run the show does not mean that the industry stopped playing dirty. Watch out for the things that "these people" hesitate to tell you, for it may just be the truth!

What Do Cigarettes, DDT, Agent Orange, and Your Groceries Have In Common? | The Alliance for Natural Health USA


When I saw two of my favorite gentlemen talking, I KNEW that I had to post this video!  Here we have Dr. Joseph Mercola and Mr. Joel Salatin talking about the health freedom movement.  When I hear people like them talking I become more and  more confident that justice will see this all the way through.

I'm so inspired by them.  I can't help but look forward to the victories that all health freedom activists will be celebrating in the near future.

Monday, September 10, 2012


Frequent readers have probably noticed that I've been posting about fluoride a lot both on this blog and on the BWMF page on FB.  Frequent readers have probably also figured out that there is a reason why I would post about the dangers of fluoride during the month where thyroid health is the focus.  Fluoride slowly destroys thyroid function.  Fluoride is difficult to avoid, yes; but it is NOT impossible.

As much as you can, stay away from tap water.  Right now, the only time I use unfiltered tap water is to wash my hands, dishes and clothes.  I have an RO system for drinking and a shower head filter for bathing.  I suggest that this be the very LEAST that we all do.

Dr. Joseph Mercola discusses water fluoridation with Dr. Paul Connet in the following interview.  They are two individuals whom I urge all to listen to.

Hypothyroid Causes

I really loved this video.  It gave me more insight on hypothyroidism.  If you suspect that you have a hypothyroid condition, the following information will give you a place to start as far as how to heal it.  Knowing what caused it or what makes it worse is a good place to start; I admit however that it should absolutely NOT be a finish.  As I find more about cause and healing, I will post.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fluoride's Serious Health Problems, thyroid disorder, Iodine deficiency

One of the first things that anyone with hypothyroidism (or with even a suspicion of hypothyroidism) needs to do is get fluoride out of their diet.  Below is yet another article that offers more information on why.

Below the link to the article, there is a link for the Nimbus RO (reverse osmosis) system.  This is the filter that I use and I must say that I was really surprised when I took my first sip of the water it makes.  When water is from tap or hasn't been filtered out well, I could usually tell right away.  I often don't even need to taste it, sometimes I could smell the chlorine in it.  The water from this filter had no smell and it had no taste.  I was just plain refreshing water.  I highly recommend it!

Fluoride's Serious Health Problems, thyroid disorder, Iodine deficiency

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Mile High Organics

The following advertisement is for all the mile high peops.  This is an organic grocer in Colorado who will deliver to your door.  I've never tried it, but if anyone ever has then your comments and reviews would be most beneficial.

May I present the Mile High Organics!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Hypothyroidism Infomation

Dr. Oz apparently did a show about hypothyroidism.  I didn't see the show; but because he is an MD and he isn't trained to teach people how to heal thyroid, I would place much more value on anything that he may say about symptoms and maybe even supplementation than on healing it.  Either way, the doctor in the video below gave valuable information about symptoms and other such that I felt was worth posting.

I also placed very little weight on what this individual said about fluoride.  Even though many opponents of water fluoridation would concur that IF fluoride has any benefit at all it's when it is in it's natural form and used topically, but there is absolutely without a doubt NO benefit to ingesting it.  I still avoid the use of fluoride all together and most doctors whom I know would encourage that.

Cancer Testing

I understand that the video below refers more to the subject that we've discussed last month, but I felt that this was worth posting.  This young boy came across a way to test for cancer.  Many of my colleagues believe that the big bosses (or bullies rather) of the FDA won't allow his findings to see the light of day.  The FDA does not just go after producers of food and drugs that they don't approve of, but healing inventions (like the rife machine) have been trampled on as well.

I truly hope that this boy finds a way around them.  To his parents, please give him yet another pat on the back from me!  I don't know him, but I'm proud of him too.

Wellness Avenues Additon

I added Gardening Resources to the Wellness Avenues page.  I find it very useful to know where to go to buy organic seeds and other gardening supplies.  Despite my desire and enthusiasm to do gardening this year, it wasn't possible; but I created a collection of resources anyway.

I only included one resource in that category, but believe me, there is plenty more to share.  You may expect to find that list expand in the near future.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The simplest way to support thyroid health — food!

I've been writing about the dangers of drinking fluoridated water on and off for a while.  If I remember correctly, I dedicated about two months to Dr. Paul Connett's book on that subject.  I've always known that tap water is horrible for the body, but I never realized what it could cost the thyroid.  Fluoride destroys iodine and iodine is an essential ingredient in the construction of T4 and T3 (the hormones made by the thyroid).  Without iodine, the thyroid struggles; plain and simple.

If you have issues with fatigue, depression, obesity, hair loss, estrogen dominance, fibroids, poor immunity, miscarriages AND you drink tap water; I beg of you to stop drinking the tap water now.  Your health may not improve right away because the next step would be to heal your thyroid, but at least you will not be inflicting any further damage on your thyroid.  Once the thyroid is gone, you will be on medication for the rest of your life.

Below is an article on how you can begin to build up your thyroid again.  I stress the word begin; if you've really damaged your thyroid, you can heal it but you may have a long climb ahead of you.

The simplest way to support thyroid health — food!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fluoride and Thyroid Function

Now even Dr. Mercola is issuing warnings about fluoride because of the infliction it can have on thyroid function (as well as other organs).  I guess my doctor is really on top of things because she was the first to let me know this.  I don't ingest much fluoride, but I'm sure I accidentally ingest a little sometimes.

I often wonder HOW kids function these days.  With all of this garbage in their food and drink, how, how, HOW do they function?  I now understand why there are so many kids who can't function at all.  Maybe it isn't that they are lazy after all.  Actually, I've never really believed in "laziness" really.  Laziness usually was a sign that the kids were overwhelmed by something; laziness and retaliation was just their way of dealing with much bigger physical issues.

If you are STILL drinking tap water; I beg you to please, PLEASE stop it!  We need more people to fight for our right to health and with that poison in your system, you won't have the energy to do it.  Fluoride will slowly and efficiently break down everything in your body.

Please watch the video below and become more informed about the FIRST step in the termination of the gradual destruction of your thyroid and pineal gland.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Treatment of Hypothyroid

I admit that thyroid is something that I am just starting to learn about.  It is important to monitor the health of your entire body, of course, but so many diseases and conditions are a misdiagnosis because health practitioners often overlook thyroid health.  For soooo many diseases (fibroids, obesity, hair loss, depression and many, many others), healing the thyroid is often all that is needed.

I hope you enjoy the video below as much as I did.  It taught me so, so much!

Sunday, September 2, 2012


The thyroid is such a small organ.  When things start to go wrong with this small organ, however, things can REALLY go wrong in one's life.  Who knew that it was so important?  Many times diseases and conditions like chronic fatigue, painful menses, headaches, depression and obesity could be as simple as a problem with the thyroid.  Because many of these conditions are often diagnosed as the problem itself (for example depression is diagnosed as depression and not a symptom of hypothyroid), hypothyroid conditions are often misdiagnosed.  To make things worse, fluoride is the WORST thing to take for hypothyroidism and there is plenty fluoride in many antidepressants.

I posted this video to give more information on hypothyroidism.  If you want to get tested, don't just get tested for TSH; talk to your doctor about getting a more complete test (for example test the T3, reverse T3, T4 and auto immune factors).  This will give you a better idea of what exactly is going on and what your doctor can do to guide you back to health.

September's Book "Hypothyroidism The Unsuspected Illness"

I'm really fired up about this month's book.  I'm fired up because I realized that hypothyroid could upset so many different functions in the body; which means, of course, that thyroid health could do so much for everyone.  After reading the first chapter of this book, I knew immediately that getting tested for hypothyroid was what I needed to do.  Because the TSH exam is so common and the results so overestimated, my doctor gave me a list of specific exams to do so that nothing is overlooked.

This book talks mostly about symptoms and what hypothyroid can do to a person's health and life.  The next step is figuring out what to do to heal which the book also talks a little about at the end.  This month I will be covering some different methods of healing in a little more detail than the book.

Now I understand why exercise helps me so tremendously!  Most importantly, I have better ideas of how to get healthy!