Monday, August 20, 2012

Flushing The Liver

I was doing some further research on liver cleansing and found there were several techniques that gave good potent cleanses.  Some of these techniques I look forward to looking into and others that I will never consider.

  1. Epsom salt cleanse:  I would never consider this cleanse.  I know salt cleanses are powerful, however, I happen to know they can be harsh on the body.  This cleanse comes with cramping and discomfort that I don't want to bother with.  Why do this when there are far more gentle cleanses that are also potent.
  2. Oil cleanse:  This cleanse usually involves drinking oil and citrus.  I'm still researching such cleanses, but I believe that this comes with cramping too.  There was a time when in parts of the Caribbean children had to do something called "wash out" three times per year (I'm not sure they do this anymore).  This sometimes involved drinking castor oil.  Many said that it tasted horrible AND it gave cramps.  For this reason, this doesn't sound like a cleanse that I would like to do, but if health professionals advise it, I may try it.
  3. Coffee enema:  My doctor actually recommended this cleanse.  At first I admit that the idea scared me.  I tried it and it was a very uncomfortable process, but now I'm starting to consider doing it again.
  4. Castor oil pack:  This technique doesn't involve drinking the oil, but rubbing some over the liver area and putting a hot water bottle on top to encourage the body to absorb it.  I've tried this cleanse many times and it is both gentle and powerful.  An old ND of mine said that this technique was SO gentle, in fact, that it can be used on infants.  In my experience, it is so powerful, in fact, that it could break a high fever easily.

I'm still on the hunt for other ideas to research.  I welcome any information whether scientific, anecdotal or instructive.  Once again, your questions, comments and furthermores are very welcome and valued.

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