Saturday, August 18, 2012

Detoxing the Gerson Way

I used to see a naturopathic doctor in San Diego for things that my acupuncturist could treat.  He never told me about Max Gerson, but he did advise me to use many of Gerson's techniques.  There are so many reasons why I wish I had listened to him back then.  The techniques may not have worked for my issue at the time, but it would have really flushed out my liver and helped me in so many ways.  I still have some of his suggestions even though I don't live there anymore, I'm going to be sure to use them this time.

Detoxing isn't fun; it's tedious, it can cause discomfort and sometimes even pain.  Detoxing is nevertheless a necessary evil.  I hesitate to call it "evil" because when your body is clear, it's healing power can be downright miraculous.  If you do it regularly, your body stops reacting so harshly to the things that it needs to let go of.

I look forward to going back to the routines that my doctor talked to me about.  Liver cleansing is VERY important, but you never realize until it is in need of a cleanse.

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