Sunday, August 26, 2012

2016: What Kind Of World Will We Live In?

Surprisingly, still so many people don't understand that it's not the left nor the right that is to blame for the crisis that our country has found itself in.  Both sides have taken steps to expand our government.

I'm not going to pretend as though Obama didn't try to expand the government like his life DEPENDED on it, but Santorum (a Republican) wanted big government too, just with different restrictions on our freedom.  Once again, this post isn't written to support the left or right.  This is written to support the rights to freedom that our Constitution was written to protect.

I don't want to live in a country where I'm not entitled to eat clean food; in other words there is no place to buy it and I don't have a right to raise it myself.  This is the direction that we are moving in right now (Heaven help us all).  The trailer below is for a movie that explains why Obama put us on the fast track toward this world that I'm trying not to live in.

Pul-leeez see this movie.  There is something in it for everyone and it helped me understand so, so much.

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