Friday, August 31, 2012

Don't Let Them Tell You That It's Not Possible!

Doctors will usually tell you that there is just one way to heal from some diseases.  For example, the only way to treat cancer is cut, poison or burn it; the only way to treat AIDS is to slow it down with AZT; or the only way to get rid of fibroids is surgically.  None of this is true and I can testify to the fibroid propaganda.

I KNEW that fibroids could be shrunk, I really KNEW this; but not even my naturopathic doctors knew how to do this.  So I did my own research.  I searched for doctors or health practitioners who could give me the information that I knew was out there somewhere, but instead I stumbled upon another solution.  There was a supplement that can shrink fibroids.  I don't believe in taking supplements for every little thing, for this isn't what naturopathic medicine is all about; but I was desperate for a solution.  I called the company and asked for a free sample and took the sample to my doctor to look at the ingredients and test me on it.  It turned out that I tested well on it so I started taking it.  Realizing that I was doing things backwards, I researched reviews on the supplement after I started taking it.  It had GREAT reviews.  Women were so happy to get rid of their fibroids.  One woman said that she had a fibroid the size of a grapefruit.  It took her an entire year to shrink that nasty sucker, but she did it.

My former acupuncturist shrunk a fibroid and it hasn't been back since.  This is how I knew that shrinking them was possible when others appeared (in other areas).  I just didn't know how to do it without her and she doesn't live near me anymore.  It will take some time to shrink them, but I'm up for a challenge!  I'll post my success in a few months.

Tell the USDA and EPA to Reject 2,4-D Resistant Corn!

Here we go again.  I'm so tired of Monsanto.

Monsanto wants to make Agent Orange resistant corn; so I've posted the video below just to remind us of what Agent Orange does.  After watching the video, ask yourself WHY we would need this stuff in our environment today???  It makes me want to cry when I see what it has done to children today even though they sprayed it over 40 years ago.

People really don't want to hear about this, but the ones who choose not to hear it are giving their power away to Monsanto and that's what Monsanto wants.  Those of you who sign the petition (the link below the video) at the very least are a part of the solution.  It's YOU whom I am posting this for.  It's YOU who are the heroes!  It is because of YOU why we will win this!

Tell the USDA and EPA to Reject 2,4-D Resistant Corn!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mercola's Path

I found this video to be comforting even though it was made a long time ago.  I happen to believe that our health freedom will conquer the issues that we face today.  The FDA can't ban foods that we all know to be healthy forever.  I suppose that's why Monsanto is trying to get their influence into schools right now.

I'm happy to know that I'm not the only one who sees the scary situation that America has found itself in.  Without Ron Paul in office, it will be interesting to see what happens to us.

The Rise of the US Empire

There are some frightening similarities between the rise of the Roman empire, and the rise of the US empire.  Much like America, Rome was a republic.  It wasn't until Augustus, who gave tons of money to the poor, that Rome became an empire.

I'm seeing a lot of unnecessary poverty in the US these days.  People want to start a business and earn an honest living, but the government tells them no?  There is a 13 year old who CHOSE to earn a living by mowing lawns, saving $1200 and then buying a hot dog cart.  This boy was told that he wasn't allowed to sell after all the precautions that he took getting permits from the city and asking them about zoning and everything.  He made no money and he had to sell the cart.  There are farmers in Michigan who were forced to slaughter their own pigs because the government told them that the pigs are dangerous (which was a lie).  Amish dairy farmers can't sell their raw milk and young girls are having their lemonade stands shut down.  There are African hair braiders in Utah that are told that they have to get a license to do cosmetology in order to braid hair; meanwhile there is NO hair braiding courses in cosmetology nor is there any cosmetology involved in African braiding!  It's as if there is an attempt to CREATE poverty in this country.  We are in an economic crisis and people NEED to work.  How many times am I going to hear about bureaucrats threatening innocent people at gunpoint telling them to destroy their businesses?  I can't help but suspect that the government is trying to make poverty in order to save the victims and then look like a hero.

What I am seeing really is pretty frightening.  I don't want the government to tell me how I must keep myself and my family healthy.  Already they don't allow alternative cancer treatments, already they try to force vaccinations on babies and already they are trying to tell everyone that B6 is a drug that we aren't entitled to.

Big government needs to go.  I don't need another telling me how to live, how to generate an income or how to be healthy.  The scariest part of this is that the government is in a position to dictate what health is and how we are and are not allowed to stay healthy even if those choices are natural rights.  We need to get back to the Constitution.  After all, that is what made this country great to begin with.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Healing AIDS/HIV Naturally. The NON-TOXIC Drug-free Approach

Dr. Gary Null used some old naturopathic techniques to heal patients who suffered from the AIDS virus.  He researched and found that he wasn't the only one in America who could do this.  His patients who were on AZT claimed that it did absolutely nothing to heal their bodies and that mainstream is neither the only technique for treating AIDS nor is it the most effective.

I came across the article below as I was searching for treatments other than Dr. Null's.  It provides insights that I didn't know about.  Insights that I could apply as preventive methods for other diseases.  For example, it gives some information on how to raise glutathione in the body.  This helped many AIDS patients, but there are so many other ways the body can help itself when glutathione is raised.  Glutathione is the antioxidant that keeps autism away when babies are imposed upon with all of the mandated vaccines.  The more glutathione a baby has in his/her body, the less likely he/she may experience a vaccine injury.

There may be many other helpful insights that you may be able to use.  Enjoy the article!

Healing AIDS/HIV Naturally. The NON-TOXIC Drug-free Approach

India's State of Maharashtra Revokes Monsanto's Cotton Seed License

YES!  Another battle won!  I'm surprised it took so long, but better late than never.

In Maharashtra, India, it is now a criminal offense to sell GMO cotton seeds.  I'm so grateful that more and more people are recognizing the dangers of GMOs.  Whether you believe it is safe or not is irrelevant, if I choose not to eat it, growing GMO crops next to mine is infringement on my rights even though Monsanto treats their victims like perps.

A war is won one battle at a time.  Monsanto may have won a few, however, I'm hoping that once Obama is voted out of office we will have more of our constitutional rights back.  With Romney, we may not have them all back like we want, however, at least we will have some.  Either way, with more power to say what We The People want, I can be more hopeful that more battles will be won.

India's State of Maharashtra Revokes Monsanto's Cotton Seed License

Monday, August 27, 2012

Opposing Water Fluoridation

Most of us in the US have been told that fluoride is necessary to keep out teeth clean and healthy.  Imagine how I felt when I was told by health professionals that fluoride is poison when I was in my early 20s after hearing the opposite all my life.  "Fluoride is bad for your everything" a premed student told me.  Then a landlord (who was a chiropractor) told me exactly the same thing less than two years later.

Dr. William Hirzy is one of the opponents of water fluoridation.  It isn't fair that the water supply is poisoned and those of us who DON'T want it have to pay an incredible amount of money to get it out of our water.  What is sad is that not even RO systems can get it completely out.

Whitening Teeth Naturally

I tried the banana peel method.  I rubbed the inside of the banana peel on my teeth and then just left it on my teeth for about two minutes.  If it helped, there may be a subtle difference; but to be honest I don't see it.  I'm going to try it again in a week and say more.  Maybe it would be a good idea to take a before and after picture so if there is a subtle difference, I would have an opportunity to compare.

If you have any natural whitening techniques, please let me know in the comments below.  I would love to try it and post about it.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

2016: What Kind Of World Will We Live In?

Surprisingly, still so many people don't understand that it's not the left nor the right that is to blame for the crisis that our country has found itself in.  Both sides have taken steps to expand our government.

I'm not going to pretend as though Obama didn't try to expand the government like his life DEPENDED on it, but Santorum (a Republican) wanted big government too, just with different restrictions on our freedom.  Once again, this post isn't written to support the left or right.  This is written to support the rights to freedom that our Constitution was written to protect.

I don't want to live in a country where I'm not entitled to eat clean food; in other words there is no place to buy it and I don't have a right to raise it myself.  This is the direction that we are moving in right now (Heaven help us all).  The trailer below is for a movie that explains why Obama put us on the fast track toward this world that I'm trying not to live in.

Pul-leeez see this movie.  There is something in it for everyone and it helped me understand so, so much.

Friday, August 24, 2012

A River Of Waste

A colleague of mine has been posting this film for a long time.  I feel that it is important for people to understand what they are buying.

Factory farming is encouraged because of the "bigger, faster, cheaper" demand imposed upon by Big Agrobiz, but it isn't best.  It didn't surprise me that it was Big Government getting in the way of small family businesses.

This is a 1.5 hour feature; enjoy!!

Liver Health No-Nos

Countless things can go wrong with disruption of liver function.  It is so important to take care of your liver.  The one way that many doctors urge us to take care of the liver is to clean it out.  In my experience, one doctor highly recommended the castor oil pack, while another recommended Gerson's coffee enema.  I recently did my own research and found out about other ways to flush the liver that I'm still looking into.

I posted the video below because this doctor talked about the effects of alcohol and certain over the counter medicines on the liver.  I understood that binge drinking is VERY dangerous because of what it will do to the liver, but I never thought about the fact that even a little alcohol could be hurtful to the liver.

This information was so interesting and important; so I had to post it.  Enjoy!

How to Improve Liver Function -- powered by ehow

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Healthy Politics Makes a Healthy Community

I believe that it was within the first or second month of writing this blog that I realized the connection between politics and health.  If the people want something unhealthy, there are always others who could provide it for them.

Unfortunately, we are living in a time when an unhealthy provision is not only available for those who ask for it, but is shoved down the throats of those who would choose against it if they knew they had other choices.  As we speak, there are monopolies being created in the system; therefore those who would prefer another choice don't have one easily available.  There are so many examples of this happening right now when it comes to health:  GMOs, nationalized health care, vaccine mandates, cancer treatment, raw milk sales and this is just the beginning.  These are only SOME areas where we have little or no choice.  I keep reading these bummer articles about how corporations are using the government to close in on us practically forcing us to choose "them" instead of the companies that we want to choose.

I have great hope for a healthy nation.  The beauty of unsustainability is that it can't last forever.  The scary part of unsustainability can be summed up in one question: How much damage will be done when it collapses and who will be forced to reap the disadvantages of the irresponsibility of those who suppose to lead our country?

Whitening Teeth Naturally

Why buy those chemical whiteners when tooth whiteners have been given to us centuries ago?  I haven't found any studies that show the efficacy of this claim, however, these are remedies that people learned from their parents and their parents learned from their parents.  I almost prefer this to what I can find in a scientific journal to be honest.  The best part is, if it doesn't work, no one lost anything.  I'm going to try ALL of these remedies unless I quickly find one that I'm happy with.

  1. Baking Soda is said to be a tooth whitener.  If you have been using baking soda to brush your teeth like I do, then you're already on the right track for many reasons.  In my experience it may work as a whitening agent, but it's not very strong.
  2. Strawberries are used as tooth whiteners.  It was suggested not to use this on your teeth daily because of the acid, but there are many people who swear by this method.  The suggested use is once per week at most but some do this twice per month.  If you are worried about tooth enamel, there are dentists who suggest xylitol for the repair of tooth enamel.  I brush with xylitol daily.
  3. Banana peels (the inside of the peel) are also used to whiten teeth.  I am actually looking forward to trying this.  There were many ways that people use this method as part of their tooth whitening routine, but I've read articles about people who swear by it.

What I love about natural remedies like this is that there isn't so much research necessary; (there is some necessary, but not much).  There really isn't anything to lose by just trying it.  They are usually methods that have been used for generations and that says more to me than clinical studies; the clinical studies just confirm that these many generations of people are correct.  I can buy some strawberries and sacrifice one or two to see if it can whiten my teeth.  I could also do the banana peel thing once per week or twice per month.  As long as I don't make a daily routine out of this, it can't really hurt my teeth especially since I take such good care of them.  If you have a healthy diet and brush regularly, trying this once or twice shouldn't be too harmful.  I'll post any results.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

If True, This Would Be The Most Heartless Case Of Corporate Cruelty We

This video made me want to cry.  I'm not trying to point blame at the left or the right for this because BOTH sides have a hand in the problem with the super sized government that we have.

This video isn't an example of super sized government, but of what a super sized government is doing to us.  Money is priority over our rights at present.  GMOs, for example, make up 70% of food in America because we don't know what we are eating AND because we rely on the FDA to tell us which foods are safe and which are not safe.  Wells Fargo knows that they can get away with letting their employees go to protect their health care system because government protects them from everything else.  We need to audit the Fed (for starters), stop bailing out banks like Wells Fargo and TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Oil Pulling

I recently read something about oil pulling.  Oral hygiene has always been important to me.  My whole life I've only had one cavity, but that was one cavity too many for someone like me.  Since then, I've been very careful to make sure that my wisdom teeth are clean.  I've also been searching for alternatives to toothpaste that are effective and I found some ideas that I am looking forward to trying.  Oil pulling is one technique that I've already tried and I honestly like it.  It makes my mouth feel cleaner than usual (and for me that's pretty clean), but I'm more excited about the long term effects of oil pulling.  This I have yet to discover and I'm looking forward to it.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Flushing The Liver

I was doing some further research on liver cleansing and found there were several techniques that gave good potent cleanses.  Some of these techniques I look forward to looking into and others that I will never consider.

  1. Epsom salt cleanse:  I would never consider this cleanse.  I know salt cleanses are powerful, however, I happen to know they can be harsh on the body.  This cleanse comes with cramping and discomfort that I don't want to bother with.  Why do this when there are far more gentle cleanses that are also potent.
  2. Oil cleanse:  This cleanse usually involves drinking oil and citrus.  I'm still researching such cleanses, but I believe that this comes with cramping too.  There was a time when in parts of the Caribbean children had to do something called "wash out" three times per year (I'm not sure they do this anymore).  This sometimes involved drinking castor oil.  Many said that it tasted horrible AND it gave cramps.  For this reason, this doesn't sound like a cleanse that I would like to do, but if health professionals advise it, I may try it.
  3. Coffee enema:  My doctor actually recommended this cleanse.  At first I admit that the idea scared me.  I tried it and it was a very uncomfortable process, but now I'm starting to consider doing it again.
  4. Castor oil pack:  This technique doesn't involve drinking the oil, but rubbing some over the liver area and putting a hot water bottle on top to encourage the body to absorb it.  I've tried this cleanse many times and it is both gentle and powerful.  An old ND of mine said that this technique was SO gentle, in fact, that it can be used on infants.  In my experience, it is so powerful, in fact, that it could break a high fever easily.

I'm still on the hunt for other ideas to research.  I welcome any information whether scientific, anecdotal or instructive.  Once again, your questions, comments and furthermores are very welcome and valued.

Detox Blues

I've been detoxing for a few weeks now.  For some reason the last two weeks have been particularly rough for me.  I've been pretty tired and thought that it could be a thyroid issue, but it may actually be side effects from the detoxing.  The headache that I've been having was a big clue.  It wasn't exactly a migraine, but at first it certainly felt like one.  I know that it was a headache only because I didn't have the light sensitivity that I usually experience with a migraine.

I wrote a long post about liver health about two years ago.  Thanks to what I'm learning about attaining health the Gerson way, I'm discovering so much more about liver health.  I'm hoping to start practicing these new skills.  Of course, I want to talk to my doctors about it first; once I do, I look forward to seeing what a nice clean liver would do for me.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Detoxing the Gerson Way

I used to see a naturopathic doctor in San Diego for things that my acupuncturist could treat.  He never told me about Max Gerson, but he did advise me to use many of Gerson's techniques.  There are so many reasons why I wish I had listened to him back then.  The techniques may not have worked for my issue at the time, but it would have really flushed out my liver and helped me in so many ways.  I still have some of his suggestions even though I don't live there anymore, I'm going to be sure to use them this time.

Detoxing isn't fun; it's tedious, it can cause discomfort and sometimes even pain.  Detoxing is nevertheless a necessary evil.  I hesitate to call it "evil" because when your body is clear, it's healing power can be downright miraculous.  If you do it regularly, your body stops reacting so harshly to the things that it needs to let go of.

I look forward to going back to the routines that my doctor talked to me about.  Liver cleansing is VERY important, but you never realize until it is in need of a cleanse.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Best Loaf of Manna Yet!

If you haven't ever used kamut to make manna bread, I highly recommend it!  I actually enjoy the manna from kamut much more than wheatberries.  The small loaf above was the best that I've made ever!

The recipe that I have is obviously not raw food friendly, but I believe that you raw foodies can make it so if you dehydrate it under 118 degrees instead of 175.  It's just going to take longer to dehydrate and you may want to make it a flat bread instead of a loaf.  Of course, you vegans need not put butter on it either, unlike what I did above.

I'm still in the process of perfecting this recipe.  When I do, I'll make sure to post in the Wellness Cafe forum.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What They Do

Pink eye is something that used to strike me often around the time that I moved to a colder state.  My doctor recommended Similasan to treat my eye.  I would always use the drops and the eye wash (I've used a different herbal eye wash since they don't sell the Similasan eye wash in my area).  It clears up my pink eye every single time.

I purchased the bottle on the left a few years ago when I first moved here and a few months ago I had another pink eye attack when I had strep.  Obviously the bottle on the left was too old to use (it was empty anyway), so I asked my husband to get some more.  I called several stores but there wasn't any Similasan "Pink Eye Relief" products available.  Similasan "Irritated Eye Relief" was all that the stores found.  It's the exact same product, but named differently because the FDA didn't want Similasan to imply that their VERY effective product could do anything for Pink eye.

To the Fraud and Death Association, I would like to beg your pardon, but this is a product that is recommended by doctors for treating pink eye and it has worked for me every time.  I'm sorry that your precious Big Pharma poisons just don't happen to be as great!

DIM PRO - The Estrogen Metabolizer and Blocker for Estrogen Dominance from BioResponse

For the women who are trying to get rid of uterine fibroids, I started using Vytalzyme.  I'll be sure to post about my success with it.  All I know is that my body tested very well on it, and I'm hopeful about the results.  The DIM PRO is to keep estrogen down, but I admit that I'm a little wary of that.  I may ask for a sample of this as well and have my doctor test me on it.

DIM PRO - The Estrogen Metabolizer and Blocker for Estrogen Dominance from BioResponse

Monday, August 13, 2012

Contact The Gerson Institute

If you have cancer and you are looking for an alternative way to treat yourself, there is a link below for the Gerson institute.  Charlotte has an office in San Diego and a clinic in Mexico.

She and her father have treated and cured hundreds (by now it may even be thousands) of people with cancer as well as other ailments.  Several of their clients were told by their physicians that they only had a few moths left to live.  If you strongly believe that the cut, poison, burn business isn't for you but you don't want to go against the authorities, please contact this amazing life saver.

*Contact* the Gerson Institute

Gerson Healing

Those who know anything about Max Gerson, know that he is one of the most brilliant healers of the 20th century.  He miraculously survived Adolph Hitler's grasp in the holocaust, but sadly his siblings did not.  It's a great miracle that he survived because if he didn't there would be so many people who would have lost their lives to cancer for never knowing him.  I posted this video because there are so many more who should know and understand his healing methods.

Even though he is amazing, I'm just not entirely certain about a permanent raw food diet.  People rave about it and it's understandable why they do, but there are so many nutrients in animal proteins too.  I admit that I would like more insight on that matter.  Other than that one issue, there is no doubt in my mind that raw food is the way to go when one is trying to heal the body.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Activists grill producers of modified corn

The food industry says that activists have no grounds for their claims or requests; in other words for things like labeling their GMOs.  I can't believe the arrogance!

Most people would like more say in the matter and Mon-satan can't hide the truth forever.  At some point, the skeletons will become too much for their closet door to hold.

Activists grill producers of modified corn

Farmageddon (the movie) Is On The Way!

Here a trailer of a movie that I've been dying to see.  I believe I've posted an introduction to it last year, but I posted again mostly because I'm excited about it.  Farmageddon talks about the war on small farmers that was declared by Big Agrobiz.

Farmageddon - Movie Trailer from Kristin Canty on Vimeo.

Friday, August 10, 2012


"Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food." says Hypocrites.  Well, I agree!  The video below, however, shows a WHOLE new way of using food as medicine.  There are many ways that we could use food topically, for example, to treat conditions and diseases.

I actually learned some things from this video; however, I disagree with what she said about whole milk.  The only skim milk that I would drink is the milk that I have left over after making butter.  Raw whole milk is GREAT for so many things and it's a nutrient dense food.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Audit The Fed!

If Ron Paul is elected, he will be the way out of the crazy struggle we have with Big Corporate.  I say that knowing that this is highly unlikely, but I root for him nonetheless.  He would like to end the Fed, but as for right now he is simply fighting to audit it.  It would REALLY help everyone in so many ways.  It would make the Fed's dealings transparent AND it would make it harder for them to bail out these big businesses with their counterfeit money.

I love how the article below declared Romney's statement about the Fed audit as "murky", I mean, what statement did Romney EVER make that wasn't "murky"?  He does more flip-flops than an Olympic gymnast!

Romney backers leery of Ron Paul effort to audit the Fed


I've been saying that I believe that pharmaceuticals are good for some things.  That may be true, however, the more I explore how effective and powerful naturopathy is, I draw myself closer to the belief that pharmaceuticals may just be worthless.  How many times did MDs try to convince me that drugs are the ONLY treatment/cure for certain diseases only to find that what they said wasn't true.  The doctor may have believed it, so I'm not calling the messenger a liar, however, Big Pharma sends people to lie to doctors and makes it the doctor's business to further propagate that lie.

To know that there are other ways to treat disease is both wonderful and FRUSTRATING!  It's wonderful because then I always have hope.  It's frustrating because Big Pharma often tries to make sure that not even the naturopathic world knows about how powerful natural medicine is.  In order to figure out how to heal, it sometimes takes days to find a naturopathic physician who could guide me through it because the REALLY knowledgeable ones may have to do their work in secret.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

ANH-USA and Trade Groups Meet with FDA on New Supplement Guidance | The Alliance for Natural Health USA

I would like to say thank EVERYONE who participated in the fight for our supplements.  We lit so much fire under the FDA's butt that they are revising the draft guidance.  I know that the revision will not be much better than the original, but that only means that we stay on them until they back off.  DSHEA wasn't broken so there was no need to try and fix it.  We all know that their only problem with it was the fact that there wasn't enough control in the hands of the FDA with DSHEA around.

Knowing what the FDA is up to, I still consider this a battle won!

ANH-USA and Trade Groups Meet with FDA on New Supplement Guidance | The Alliance for Natural Health USA


Why buy meat ever?  I mean, it's so sad that there is so much junk in it.  I usually buy organically raised 100% grass fed beef and organically raised chickens and eggs (however expensive), but even THAT isn't always high quality.  It makes me so sad that the quality of food in this country is plummeting so fast.  It's really difficult to find food at all and Big Agrobiz and Bill Gates want to blame it on population???

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Charlotte Gerson

True Healers, Scientists and Pioneers of Natropathy

I will be celebrating different healers, scientists, pioneers of naturopathy and health freedom activists this month.  I'm proud to be fighting the same cause as men like Max Gerson and women like his daughter Charlotte.  "Healing The Gerson Way" is this month's book to focus on one of the people that I want to honor for his bravery as he stood up to the FDA and told them that they don't know everything.  There are many treatments for cancer that are more likely to cure patients than the whole cut, poison, burn fiasco.

A man named Dr. William D Kelley is another doctor.  He healed 90% of the patients who saw him.  Even though he did lose some, it doesn't compare to the amount of patients who lose the battle against chemotherapy.  That's right, I said lose the battle against chemotherapy.  Dr. Kelley's patients died of cancer, while many allopathic cancer patients die from the poisoning of the chemo.  No matter what, I would always choose someone like Kelley over allopathy.

It's frustrating trying to find science based treatment in America.  You would think that the US would give us that choice while what they actually do is give an illusion of choice.  I hope the day when this battle no longer needs to be fought comes very soon.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Cut Poison Burn Trailer

Until recently, I've never realized how many ways there were to treat cancer.  It never hit me that perhaps the drug industry never really wanted to find a cure.  It is truly frightening how we are being forced to accept brutal treatments that can kill as opposed to gentle, natural protocols that can save lives.

This is a trailer of another documentary that discusses the different treatments for cancer.  It's wrong when a nation that prides itself on freedom forbids our rights to choose something as basic as health care.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Wolfgang Puck Review Reminder

A reader reminded me of a something that I was to post:

Lauren you have a review of how [the Wolfgang Puck Mini Chopper] works as a food processor?

Thanks for reminding me about this Lauren!  I guess because I'm not exactly raving about it, I didn't feel like I had anything to post.  It's not that I'm unhappy with it.  I'm actually very satisfied with it overall. I use it pretty often because there are so many things that I make from scratch like manna bread and sprouted crackers.

There were just a few things that bummed me out about it, but I wouldn't exactly complain about these things.  I'll mention them just to complete my opinion.  For one thing, it came with so many accessories that I'm never going to use which was a bit of a bummer because I don't know what to do with this stuff.  Another issue is the fact that the bowl is so small that I have to chop, empty, and then chop more in order to process everything.  I can't really complain about the plastic that holds the blade either because all of the other food processors have that.  I'm just happy that it isn't the part of the product that has the most contact with the food.

Again, I'm not complaining, I can give away the extra pieces to the set and there is a good side to having a small chopper.  When I'm experimenting in the kitchen, which I do a LOT, it's good to have a small chopper because a large one wouldn't process a small amount efficiently.  So my overall opinion is that this is good product and I recommend it to others who are as anal about not using plastic as I am.

Father Of A Cancer Patient

Jim Navaro is one of the people who experienced the fight to live within the law and get his son treatment for  cancer.  Again, I understand (I don't advocate, but I understand) when the law steps in when parents try to treat a child's cancer illness on their own understanding.  If they try to treat cancer with roots and berries without knowing what they are doing, the child is very likely to die.  What angers me about the law stepping in in this case was the fact that these parents were trying to find a doctor who used scientifically significant alternative cancer treatments to treat their boy; but the law prohibited this.

Thanks to Big Pharma and the FDA, Jim Navaro's son Thomas has passed on.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dr. Max Gerson

Dr. Max Gerson was a brilliant, brilliant healer who was far ahead of his time.  His healing practices healed cancer patients who had days left to live.  It sickens me that they treated this amazing doctor like a mad man and a criminal.

I guess this is one reason why allopaths don't like to encourage eating natural foods.  It steals from their business.  One practice that heals many things is the coffee enema.  My doctor was to first to tell me about the coffee enema.  I don't practice it because I'm too afraid, but Gerson Institute uses it to heal cancer patients.  I didn't even realize that it was a Gerson healing practice until now.

This is just the beginning.  There are sooo many other healing practices that can heal a variety of diseases INCLUDING cancer.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August's Book: Healing The Gerson Way

Dr. Max Gerson was one of many scientists who made breakthroughs in sciences that was blatantly ignored. Once his therapy became famous, his theories and practice were attacked.  He was one of many brilliant scientists who were labeled as a quack.

His daughter, Charlotte Gerson, continued spreading the word about her father's work.  She also continues to run his cancer clinic in Mexico.  Here is a book that talks more about his theories and methods that he and Charlotte used to heal many.

Cashew Cheese

Until I made some myself, I didn't realize what a delicious food cashew cheese can be.  I only made a pint the other day, but the moment I put a little on some vegetables it was finished in seconds!  I soaked my cashews for a long time so it blended very, very easily.  I'm still looking forward to making some with basil and olive oil.  The one that I made was an onion flavor and it was gooooood!

You can use it the way it was suggested in the video, or you could use it as an alternative to cream cheese as well.  Either way, I hope you try this and I hope that you comment on how it came out.