Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pickles, Kefirs, Kombucha and Sprouts

I remember the days when I had major attacks of candida.  Just a few years ago, I would have smaller attacks of candida which was an improvement; but I knew that if it was still coming round to bug me, there was something more that I could do about it.  I think I finally found the answers and they all have to do with my diet.

I used to take cultures in pill form which decreased both the intensity and frequency of attacks, but I don't really seem to need them anymore.  Culturing (veggies and kefirs), soaking (nuts and grains), sprouting and making kombucha have all become somewhat a regular practice for me.  I can't actually remember the last time I've had an attack of candida.  I guess Donna Gates was right because the few suggestions that I've taken from her book worked beautifully so far.  The sprouts and the soaked nuts have so many health benefits that I'm looking for recipes to use them just as an excuse to eat them more often and enjoy them in more ways.  They are packed in vitamins which help build my body's immunity to diseases and fight against candida and the cultured foods and kefirs are helping to build my gut flora keeping the yeast volume in my body in check.  I'm sure raw milk helps a lot too; there are tons of cultures in raw milk and even more in the kefirs that I make from it.  Even though the milk kefirs are wonderful, NOTHING beats the coconut kefirs in my opinion; yummy!!

I've used pickling cucumbers to make sauerkraut for the first time two days ago.  I'm absolutely aching to eat it, but they aren't quite ready yet; they still need to ferment for a few more days.  I highly recommend these practices.  Clear out some cupboard space (bottom cupboard preferably if you use glass jars like I do), and use it for pickles, kefirs, kombucha and sprouts!

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