Thursday, May 31, 2012

GMO Foods Alter Organ Function And Pose A Very Real Health Threat To Humans

I have come to develop a very high respect for Mike Adams.  He is a fantastic journalist and bestows information with such a lighthearted humor that I often have to watch his videos twice; for they make me laugh so much!

As new as the information that he gives in this video is, none of it surprises me.  How can GMOs not mess up DNA?  We need to remember that whenever man tries to interfere with how nature functions, we mess it up.  Nature can heal itself after a while, but other organisms in nature may get destroyed in the process. 

NaturalNews exclusive: Michigan government unleashes armed raids on small pig farmers, forces farmer to shoot all his own pigs

I am not a pork eater, yet in any way that I can I want to give Michigan pig farmers my support.  The DNR gave an ambiguous description of "illegal" pigs in order to have another lame reason to go after family farmers.  Americans have the Constitutional right to conduct a legitimate business to feed their families; but as many of you know, our Constitutional rights have recently been challenged left and right. 

Pig farmer Mark Baker is awesome and makes me proud.  I believe that the lengths that he has gone through to protect his family is amazing.  Thank you Mark, for sending clear messages the Tyrannosaurus Bureaucrats; I for one have had enough of them!  Hats off to you Mark!!

NaturalNews exclusive: Michigan government unleashes armed raids on small pig farmers, forces farmer to shoot all his own pigs

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Food Fight!!

If Monsanto wants a monopoly, they are going to first have a fight; a food fight!  There are many, many people who don't like the idea of eating GMOs.  Forcing it down our throats isn't the way to make a sale.  What I have to go through to avoid corn, soy and canola is ridiculous.  I understand that sugar and cottonseed is also on the list, but it is the easiest thing for me to avoid those phudes.

Here is Jeffery Smith talking more about the food fight; enjoy!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Cancer Feeds on Fructose, America's #1 Source of Calories

No wonder cancer and heart disease are the top number one and two killers in the United States.  Considering how much sugar is in the diet of the average American, I'm actually surprised MORE people aren't dying of these diseases.  Then again, the number of deaths seem to rise by about 100,000 people each year.  It's so frightening, please watch what you eat.

Cancer Feeds on Fructose, America's #1 Source of Calories

Another Battle

Every time one wins a battle against Monsanto, so many of us win even before we know about the victory. Please help Wyoming win this battle by keeping their rights to board cows.

Signing the petition will bring them a step closer to another battle won.  Please click *here* to sign the petition.  Thanks to you all!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life

Louise L. Hay was right!  When you change your thoughts, you can change your life.  This is the first month I was able to read all of the bad news about Big Pharma, Big Biotechna, Big Agrobiz and the like without allowing it to ruin my day.  I have every reason to believe that everything will turn out for the best.  It's a struggle sometimes to take control of the negative thinking; but when I feel great despite bad news that I've received, it is worth the struggle in the end. 

I dare to believe that all who read her book are experiencing the same change in perception of life.  I'm very grateful for this wonderful reminder:  Change your thoughts, change your life!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Eating Your Way To Hormonal Balance

This is GREAT information for any woman over the age of 35.  I'm just sorry that there aren't more articles that talk about how to raise progesterone.  There are many phytoestrogens in food, but what about progesterone boosting foods?  The only food that I know of that helps balance both hormones is yam; particularly wild yam.

The only treatment for estrogen dominance that I know of (one that allows the body to heal itself), is one where a woman has to cut ALL estrogen (plant and especially chemical based estrogen) out of her life for a good 3 months.  It can be done; but it takes practice, skill and getting used to.

Eating Your Way To Hormonal Balance

Saturday, May 26, 2012

California Right To Know |

I was told that GMO labeling was recently front page news in the New York Times.  I was so excited that I asked someone to save a paper for me.

I haven't read the article yet, although I am absolutely DYING to, but I suspect that part of the reason this issue is becoming such a struggle is because California is really pushing Monsanto to label their GMOs.  If I understand correctly, it would be more costly for Monsanto to label Califonia's food alone than it would be just to label everything sold in America.  For this reason, I'll bet they are looking for every reason and excuse under the sun to fight California on this one.  Sorry Monsanto, unfortunately, this is what the people want.

California Right To Know |

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Majority Americans Want The Right To Choose What They Eat

I felt this video was very, very encouraging.  It tells me that most people want the right to know what they are eating.  Everything that Monsanto has done is frightening, but we DO have a fighting chance because of the majority.  The bad news is that Monsanto has the money to put the lawmakers in their back pocket, but that still doesn't mean that they will win. 

The majority of American people want to be able to choose against GMOs.  There are a few people who don't mind GMOs and some who will even fight against those of us who want labeling, but the overwhelming amount of people who don't want it have a fighting chance on their hands.  We have won some battles against Monsanto thanks to the petitioning and speaking against them; but we need to win more.  This video tells me that we have a chance of winning more if we, the American people, keep pushing.

Pickles, Kefirs, Kombucha and Sprouts

I remember the days when I had major attacks of candida.  Just a few years ago, I would have smaller attacks of candida which was an improvement; but I knew that if it was still coming round to bug me, there was something more that I could do about it.  I think I finally found the answers and they all have to do with my diet.

I used to take cultures in pill form which decreased both the intensity and frequency of attacks, but I don't really seem to need them anymore.  Culturing (veggies and kefirs), soaking (nuts and grains), sprouting and making kombucha have all become somewhat a regular practice for me.  I can't actually remember the last time I've had an attack of candida.  I guess Donna Gates was right because the few suggestions that I've taken from her book worked beautifully so far.  The sprouts and the soaked nuts have so many health benefits that I'm looking for recipes to use them just as an excuse to eat them more often and enjoy them in more ways.  They are packed in vitamins which help build my body's immunity to diseases and fight against candida and the cultured foods and kefirs are helping to build my gut flora keeping the yeast volume in my body in check.  I'm sure raw milk helps a lot too; there are tons of cultures in raw milk and even more in the kefirs that I make from it.  Even though the milk kefirs are wonderful, NOTHING beats the coconut kefirs in my opinion; yummy!!

I've used pickling cucumbers to make sauerkraut for the first time two days ago.  I'm absolutely aching to eat it, but they aren't quite ready yet; they still need to ferment for a few more days.  I highly recommend these practices.  Clear out some cupboard space (bottom cupboard preferably if you use glass jars like I do), and use it for pickles, kefirs, kombucha and sprouts!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

More Greens Please

I've been making raw breads with my sprouts.  They taste great when I make them with fresh herbs like basil or parsley.  This gives me an excuse to eat more greens.

My only trouble with greens is the time that it takes to wash them.  Kale, for example, is one of my favorite leafy greens to eat, but it takes some time to wash and prepare them.  Chard and parsley are also leafy vegetables that I love, but they are both pretty sandy and it even more time get the dirt off of them.

I've gone as far as researching veggie washing machines thinking that it could make things faster and easier, but they are almost all made of plastic.  The only stainless steel one that I found costs over $1000; so I just bite the veggie scrub brush and wash them manually.  Even though that process is a little bit of a pain, I must say that it's worth it.  I like how dark greens make me feel.

FDA, Under Court Order, Nevertheless Refuses to Allow Truthful Claims Based on Good Science

The article below gives yet more information about the fight for health freedom.  It's interesting how the doctors who were labeled as "quacks" just a few decades ago have been proven correct in so many ways no matter how media completely ignored or mocked them. 

It's unfortunate that so many don't know that pharmaceuticals aren't as scientifically sound as they try to come across.  The FDA is not interested in good science but good business with all the wrong corporate people.  It makes me sad that an organization like the FDA, who claims to be around to protect the interest of the American people, isn't everything that they are supposed to be.

FDA, Under Court Order, Nevertheless Refuses to Allow Truthful Claims Based on Good Science

Monday, May 21, 2012

Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is an issue that many new parents face.  I found the following video interesting and I hope that parents find it helpful.  Dr. LaJoyce Brookshire talks about how to treat diaper rash naturally.

Positive Thinking

Louise L. Hay's message has been so helpful.  There is still so much good news for the health conscious people in the world but there is still bad news too.  Because I've readjusted how I perceive the world, I'm able to feel encouraged by the good news, but I can still hear the bad news without feeling crippled by my anger or fear.  This is what I've been striving for.  I've been aching for balance.  I don't want to bury my head in the sand even though some of the things that I've been hearing are frightening.  I'd rather live my life and focus on how any kind of news can inspire growth.

For the past month, I've been paying closer attention to Hay's message.  I've read her book before, but I read her words now and it means more.  It helps me to see and understand that no matter what life throws at me; when I make it about growth it's all awesome.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Food Processor With Glass Bowl

Determined to avoid BPA poisoning, many are trading their plastic kitchen items for stainless steel, glass or wood (usually bamboo in the case of kitchen items).  That transition has been a difficult one for me, but I know in the long run, it's worth it.

Recently, I've been looking for a food processor with a glass bowl.  My blender doesn't ground sprouts very well; food processors are better designed for that.  I have searched and searched for well over a week and found NOTHING!  I asked my hubby to search because he is awesome at finding things online that I never could.  The best that he found were food processors with stainless steel bowls that cost about $1000.  Finally, I stopped looking for food processors and with little hope, I started searching for food "choppers" which have some food processor functions and they are much smaller.  I STILL had trouble finding one with a glass bowl, until I came upon the Wolfgang Puck mini chopper.  It has a plastic pitcher and a 500 ml glass bowl!  Not very many places sold them, but I found a refurbished one for a great price at

I'm hoping that it's a good chopper, for I just received it yesterday and never had the chance to use it yet.  I'm looking forward to making more sprouted breads and crackers so that I can perfect the recipe.  Each time I make it, I try new things and draw closer to making it exactly the way I like it.

Raw Food Yumpot

Who says that raw food diets have to be boring?  I admit that I'm not into the raw food diet, for I am a meat eater, but I do use some raw food recipes because I like the idea of getting the most nutrients out of food.  In the case of yumpot, this is a dessert that is loaded with nutrients which is amazing.  When food is fresh and raw, it is intensely packed with nutrition.  Even though I am a carnivore, I still admire the people who eat raw foods and they usually inspire me to include more raw foods in my diet.

Angela Stokes Monarch used to be obese.  Once she started eating real food, she lost the weight and found a vibrant health that she didn't know was possible.  I may post her story one day, but for now please enjoy her recipe for raw food yumpot.

Friday, May 18, 2012

As thimerosal was removed from childhood vaccines, the number of neurodevelopmental disorders decreased in the US.

The following article is kind of a no-brainer for people like me who have been researching benefits and dangers of vaccines.  The disorders from vaccine injury aren't as frightening to me as the deaths.  Autism and ADD can be reversed, death can't.

I'm sure if Dr. Boyd Haley saw this, he would be happy to see that he has more allies.  I'm disgusted with NIH for treating Dr. Haley like a dunce when all  he tried to do was attack the problem and save lives.  It's very sad for all of us when people of power don't want to face the truth.

As thimerosal was removed from childhood vaccines, the number of neurodevelopmental disorders decreased in the US.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Which fruits and vegetables are naturally the most detoxifying?

Many of us know that all organic fruits and vegetables are GREAT for one's health.  The following article, however, talks more about what some of these fresh foods do for our bodies and WHY they are so healthy.  I have my favorite fruits and vegetables, but I also recognize why it is important to eat such a large variety of fresh food.  When one eats a large variety of fresh foods, one can reap the benefits from each dish.

Which fruits and vegetables are naturally the most detoxifying?

Wild Foods of Ecuador -

Ecuador is known to be beautiful.  Mike Adams talks about the reasons why he loves it there.  He discovered and seemed to fall in love with a wild gooseberry that also acts like a flypaper.  I've got to admit that it sounds like something that I would love to have in MY back yard.

Enjoy this video!

Wild Foods of Ecuador -

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

TSA forces new mom to pump milk out of her breasts in public restroom before boarding the plane

The article below clearly demonstrates one of many, many reasons why I refuse to fly anymore.  What does the government think a new mom would be carrying in her breasts that is so dangerous to people attending her flight???  There was absolutely NO reason for this abuse.  I'm frustrated and disgusted with this system.

TSA forces new mom to pump milk out of her breasts in public restroom before boarding the plane

About May's Books

These books are wonderful!  I've used Louise L. Hay's teachings in my work doing massage, reflexology and reiki.  I've even used them to teach my middle school kids better thought patterns.  Of course, when you are trying to teach kids this stuff, you need to use completely different methods than when you teach adults this stuff.

Everything that I've learned from Hay was essential to my health.  This is how I fought depression.  It was difficult to use her teachings while I had depression, but once it was gone I had to completely change my thought patterns.  It took me years to do this.  I'm still changing old patterns.  I don't always realize that I'm thinking negatively, but when I do I work on it.

Hay is a woman who used her life experience to teach the world things that I've found to be very important.  Words can have power which is why I'm not a fan of the sarcastic humor that is so popular today.  I like to be facetious sometimes, but being playful and being mean are two different concepts.  I find that it is far more productive to encourage people.  When people feel encouraged by you, encouragement seems to boomerang back into your direction.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Are you prepared for rain?

I was so inspired by the movie "Facing The Giants" that I had to write a post about my favorite scene.  I liked what the older man says about preparing for rain.  He suggests that it does little good to just want something.  If you really believe in your dreams, prepare for them to come to light!

Louise L. Hay's book is May's book of the month because with all of the darkness that I've witnessed in the fight for health freedom, I would like to remember that there is light.  If one believes that they will be showered with light, it's a good idea to prepare for it!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

I wish a happy and healthy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there!  Be well!

How bacteria behind serious childhood disease evolve to evade vaccines

I've had questions about this.  I know that the bacteria that causes meningitis is the same one that causes pneumonia.  There is a vaccine for meningitis yet nearly 52,000 people die of pneumonia in 2009.  I understand that there may be different strains that caused this to happen, but I didn't understand that there were as many as 90 different strains!  The vaccines only cover about seven.

This is a very interesting article.

How bacteria behind serious childhood disease evolve to evade vaccines

Friday, May 11, 2012

Dark Times, Bright Thinking II

Positive thinking does not mean that we bury our heads in the sand and go forward in the bliss of ignorance; positive thinking is when we open our eyes the truth no matter how ugly, but we can perceive it and deal with it from a place of calm knowing there is good that will come of it.  When you have faith that no matter what happens to you it is for the highest good, you have reached a powerful place.

There are unfortunately some toxins that we cannot avoid.  If we make ourselves strong enough to deal with those toxins, then how can we say that we aren't better after going through such a situation?  Furthermore, how can I not be grateful for it?

Dark Times, Bright Thinking I

There is a reason why I want to focus on Louise L. Hay's books and messages about health this month.  With so much negativity hitting those of us who fight for health freedom, positive thinking is absolutely necessary for the sake of sanity.

This month I want to quiet my thoughts some.  I've been very angry about the horrible things that are happening; for example Monsanto's lies and Big Pharma's political corruption.  All I can do is let my voice be heard and educate as many people as I can about what is going on.  From there, I can expect the worst and have great faith in the highest good.

This is how I plan to fight the wrong that is happening and still enjoy the beautiful life that has been given to me at the same time.  I plan to achieve this; I dare to believe that I will!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Nail Care From Inside Out

I used to use a nail hardener from Max Factor.  I remember how beautifully it worked.  My nails were always so nice and long.  They discontinued a long time ago.  I'm so grateful that that it was discontinued because it was probably as toxic as many other nail polishes and hardeners.

Dr. LaJoyce Brookshire gives tips on how to grow nails naturally.

Gettin' Pink Kink Outta Yo Think!

I love the following Pixar short film.  If I remember correctly, they showed Boundin' (the following Pixar short) before the movie The Incredibles.  The reason why I'm posting it is because I was watching it on the same day that I heard Louise L. Hay speaking about thought patterns.  She mentioned how we need to work on our thoughts before working on our problems.  That's the basic message that Jackalope gave to the lamb before telling him about the "pink kink in [lamb's] think" hence the name of this post.  Once the lamb readjusted his focus, he found contentment once again.  This is the same message Hay gives to all of us.  To put it in a the words of a dear friend, it's our focus that determines our direction.

(I'm really sorry about any violent content in the advertisement at the beginning of this video.  I'm not a fan of that, but this was the most complete version of the short film that I could find.  If I find another, I'll post it over this one.)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Louise L. Hay

I've read her books, but I haven't actually had the opportunity to hear her speak.  She makes very provocative yet powerful points about changing the way we think.  From my experience, she is right.

I especially like her point about not fixing problems but fixing the way we think about problems.  When I fix what I think, not only does life seems sweeter, but it is far more manageable and digestible.

Overuse Prevention

Overuse injury is one of an athlete's many archenemies.  Runners and people who workout without trainers are especially in danger of experiencing overuse when they don't think about the muscles that they work in order to work the antagonist muscles.

Until I figured out how to prevent it, overuse bothered me for years and came back recently when I started running.  Here are some tips on preventing overuse injuries:

  1. Stretch:  Stretch before and after your exercise routine always.  Stretch every muscle that will be working; meaning hold for 10 seconds before a workout and hold for 20-30 seconds after.
  2. Work the antagonist:  This is most important part of preventing overuse.  When I started running again, the gastrocnemius muscle was getting a great workout, but tibialis anterior was getting NO workout at all.  That's why my shins were bothering me.  Once I started working on the tibialis anterior muscle, the pain immediately went away; and I do mean immediately.
  3. Trainers:  While it may not be absolutely necessary to work with a trainer for everything, it may help to work with a trainer so that you can learn more about how to get the most out of your workout.

If you use these tips (especially the second) you should minimize your chances of overuse.  I didn't even remember the overuse injuries that I used to get in the beginning of my fitness career.  It wasn't until I started running recently did it all came screaming back to me.  It's easier to work the antagonist muscle when you are weight training, but it's good to do a little cardio as well as a little weight training; cross training has multiple benefits.  Just be sure to take care of all the muscles that are working and not working.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sprouting Seeds | Organic Sprouting Seed & Supplies, Kits, Sprouters & More

For those of you who would like to give sprouting a shot, try some of the kits and seeds that are sold by the site below.  I stayed away from the kits because most of them use plastic that will touch my food, but there are plastic free kits and jars available on other sites and I've even seen one in my local health food store.  It was Now brand sprouting equipment and it was very similar to what I have.  To be honest, the Now brand screens look better than the ones that I have, so I recommend them even though I have something else.

Sprouting Seeds | Organic Sprouting Seed & Supplies, Kits, Sprouters & More

Friday, May 4, 2012

May's Book

These two Louise L. Hay's books were my favorite to read.  I had a tendency to be very negative as a young adult.  Funny, I was always a very health conscious person even when I was 16, and yet I never realized what a horribly powerful impact my negativity had on my health.  It was so powerful that old negative beliefs even impact me now.  I sometimes catch myself using old negative though patterns, the difference now is that I am aware of it so I can change it to something wonderful.  Toxic thoughts and toxic relationships are not that different from toxic foods; they can all cause damage to the body inevitably leading to disease and maybe even death.  It was yet another lesson I had to learn the hard way, but when you learn things the hard way you can often teach what you've learned in a much easier way!


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Got Baking Soda?

I commonly use baking soda for multiple cleaning tasks, heartburn, odor control and a bunch of other things.  My mother gave me a book that talks about many uses for baking soda.

The following video was produced by Readers Digest.  I HAD to share for there are some VERY creative ideas that I've never even thought about.  Enjoy!

More on Sprouts

I successfully sprouted wheatberries and made some raw breads that I cut up into crackers.  One has this pizza flavor because of the tomato, basil and Italian seasoning.  I also tried to make some granola, but it didn't come out to taste very good.  There are many kinds of wheatberries and I thought that it's possible that I sprouted one that didn't have a flavor that was sweet or mild enough for something like granola.

I'm now experimenting with other sprouts.  I even cleared out a cabinet to create a designated spot to culture vegetables, soak nuts, sprout grain and make kefirs.  These are all fun projects to do and I'm looking forward to all the other fun projects that will come of these new things that I've discovered.  

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What is going on with our government?  First, they don't want anyone drinking raw milk; and in the state of Wisconsin you can't even drink it from your own cows!  Then, I hear about this craziness about injecting our babies with vaccines WITHOUT informed consent.  Now, Utah has a law that prohibits rainwater collection without a permit???

This is NUTS and it needs to stop!  Pul-leez people, we need to get Ron Paul into office and we need him NOW!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

PROUD ITALIAN COOK: Tiny Tomatoes: Big Taste

The link below leads to a blog that gives several very healthy cooking ideas and tips.  I look forward to trying some of them.  I've been searching for healthy pizza recipes and this looks like the kind of pizza-like snack that I would LOVE to try.

The first one with the zucchini isn't exactly pizza, but it contains a bunch of ingredients that I love and it certainly has ingredients that should give a flavor that is much like pizza.  In any case, I look forward to trying it.

PROUD ITALIAN COOK: Tiny Tomatoes: Big Taste:

Serendipitous Tea

I made another gallon of kombucha, only this time it was from black tea.  I always made it out of green tea, however, I made an error the last time that forced me to make a decision.  You see, I had just boiled the sugar water and I was ready for the tea when I realized that I didn't have anymore green tea.  So I needed to either throw that batch away, or use organic black tea (that I usually used to make sun tea for my husband).  Well, kombucha will eat black tea as well as green tea, so I decided to try something new rather than throw a perfectly good batch away.  They just finished yesterday.  The scobys were so thick and beautiful and the tea has a flavor that is more robust than the green tea.

Sometimes when you are trying new things, you have to be grateful for the mistakes.  I have some peach flavored kombucha now waiting for me and it is so delicious.  I never would have tried anything new if it wasn't for my wonderful little "whoopsie" event.  I'm now looking for other things to try like jasmine green tea!  I will post any success with it.