Thursday, January 19, 2012

Power Of Media

I love how the media treated the best possible man for the job like he didn't exist!  Ron Paul is gaining much more media attention now, but it's good to know about what was done so that we understand how the media operates.  They treated him the same way they treat the information about GMOs being cancer causing substances.  If he becomes president, I believe he will revolutionize government forever.  While the non supporters have little to go on except calling him silly names and holding racial words he never wrote against him, he comes back at all of his critics with hard core facts; history, statistics, names, dates and dare I say "I told you so's"!

Paul isn't a fan of big corporations corrupting the government and taking away the people's right to make choices.  Monsanto and Big Pharma must have been sweating bullets over him and they have so much influence over media as well as the government; but they know they won't if Paul is elected.  I'm really excited over the way he is gaining popularity, it's beautiful!  Even if he doesn't win the race, he left an impression on many and he gave us all something to think about.  For example, why are we going against the Constitution?  NDAA defies what the rights the Constitution gave us and so does forcing vaccinations on babies and young children when a parent clearly refused. 

This video made me laugh, but it also drove a point home.  The media is scared of Paul because the people who control the media know that their propaganda may be brought to light if he is elected. 


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