Wednesday, January 18, 2012

National Defense Authorization Act

What does the NDAA mean for Americans... really?  Well, we know about what happened to Will Potter.  If not, read the article And Then They Came for the Food Activists presented by the OCA.  Well, I'm sure that most of congress had worries about Al Qaeda on the brain when they voted for the NDAA.  Because Al Qaeda wasn't specified in the law, it became a slippery slope for all of us.  Will Potter wasn't a part of Al Qaeda, he was simply an animal activist.  Now, I love animals as much as the next person, but I wouldn't deem myself as an animal activist.  I do strongly feel, however, that exercising a Constitutional right is something that we should all be able to do.  I don't advocate protests that cause disruption, but pamphlets and demonstrations are done to educate without being disruptive.  No one is hurting anyone that way and those are messages that shouldn't be censored by the law; regulated... okay, but censored, no.

Basically, anyone who is deemed a terrorist can be arrested and detained indefinitely without a lawyer under NDAA.  If you are one of the people who are "for" this law, well, you better remember Will Potter and hope that no one finds a reason to label you as a terrorist.

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