Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The War Against HPV

When I think of all of the women who died from the Gardasil vaccine, it makes me very sad and it frustrates me to no end.  A doctor scared one girl by telling her that she could catch it by doing her lab class.  The information the doctor gave was obviously a lie, but the poor 22 year old girl placed trust in him not knowing this.  I don't know if the doctor was the liar or if that was a lie passed on to him from Big Pharma, but it was a lie nonetheless and it ruined her life.  She is now so sick from Gardasil that she is confined to her house but in a way lucky to be alive.

I've had HPV.  They found it during my pregnancy.  I felt great concern because I wasn't sure what naturopathic doctors do about it.  Fortunately, at the time, two doctors told me that HPV is perfectly treatable.  There are antiviral protocols that can get rid of the virus.

Thanks to my current doctor the HPV has been gone for months.  It can be scary, confusing and lonesome when you find out that you have it, but this is why I felt that it is important to share.  About 80% of all sexually active women have HPV; but 90% of those who have it heal from it on their own.  The other 10% may carry it for longer or may even experience dysphasia (genital warts) which can be nerve wrecking if you know so little about it.  Even then, if you see your naturopathic doctor, they can help you get rid of it pretty easily.

So don't freak out if and when your doctor says that you have HPV; just go and see your naturopathic doctor.  They can quite easily treat it or they may not do much but help you change your diet to help your body get rid of it on its own.

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