Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Liver Flush

Due to a doctor recommended detox, I've recently been feeling fatigued and achy.  I've been desperate for anything that would get me back on my feet again.  I tried a gentle but powerful liver flush last night followed by an all night castor oil pack and it worked.  It's amazing what your body can do when you take care of your liver.

The liver flush I chose was very simple and gentle; but it was also powerful. I mixed about a half a cup of olive oil with a half a cup of organic grapefruit juice together in a pint sized jar and drank that down last night.  Then I did a castor oil pack over my liver and abdomen.  The following day I made sure to drink like a fish.  I felt a little fatigued and crampy this morning (which was expected), but by mid-day I was back on my feet. Now I feel like I can take on the world!

I didn't do the massive flushes that I've read about and seen people do, for I didn't feel like my body could handle that right now.  I've heard about the flushes where people drink about a tablespoon of Epsom salt to a quart of water or the grapefruit juice (or lemon works too) with the oil in larger amounts (like about a quart of that mixture) and follow with a coffee enema in the morning.  You could really flush a lot of junk out of your liver that way, but I would imagine that you could also damage your liver if you don't know what you are doing.  The small amount that I used went a long way and helped tremendously.

Whether you chose to do a big or small flush make sure that you check with your naturopathic doctor first.  Always get plenty of guidance on your healthcare programs.

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