Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ingrown Hair and Hair Removal

Ingrown hair can be very annoying.  I've only had this problem when I've used wax or methods that yank the hair out from the root. 

Someone advised laser hair removal in the comments recently.  I've heard of laser hair removal, however, I confess I know very little about it.  Even with my lack of information I'm not a proponent.  I'm sure it seems simple and safe, but are there any long term effects?  I would like to know more about the research behind this method.  The use of tanning beds is also very common in this country, however, melanoma isn't an uncommon disease.

Forgive my skepticism, however, at least for now I must respectfully disagree with laser hair removal being an option for hair removal even for ingrown hair.  If anyone knows of any research done on the safety of this method, however, I look forward to reading about it.  Again, please understand that I don't advocate this idea because of my lack of knowledge; therefore more information may change my mind.  As always, I welcome more information.


  1. Thanks so much for your comment Cybelle! All comments and suggestions are always, always welcome.

    I must confess my wariness about the hair removal cremes. Any chemical that is rubbed on the skin is absorbed by the skin and runs in the bloodstream. Propylene glycol is a common toxin found in cremes and if I remember correctly, I've seen them in shampoos too. There must be a substance in the hair removal cremes that remove the hair therefore this isn't something that I could ever advocate as a natural hair removal method.

  2. There is deffinitely no way to skip ingrown hair removal, but I think that as Cybelle said, hair removal creme can do the work pretty good.

  3. Thank you for your comment Terry! You too are very welcome here at Be Well My Friends.

    I'm sure that the hair removal creme removes hair quite efficiently. It isn't the efficacy that I worry about however. I wouldn't advise the cremes because of the toxicity. I'd rather use a more natural hair removal system.

    For now, I'm going to stick with shaving. Besides, I like how the blade exfoliates. It makes my skin very smooth which is a nice bonus!

  4. I strongly recommend for ingrown hair removal to visit Dyanna Spa saloon in New York city. This place is the best for this kind of treatment.
