Sunday, July 17, 2011

Fearing the Future of Health

I detest politics and I always have.  I find myself becoming more and more involved in politics now regardless of my aversion to it.  I have companies like Monsanto who are posing real threats to the health of our environment and our bodies to thank for that.

I know that Monsanto is interested in owning all seeds.  If I have an organic crop and my next door neighbor has a Monsanto GE crop, via cross pollination my organic crop can become a GE crop.  Once my crop is contaminated, Monsanto is now the owner of my seeds BY LAW!  To be honest, even if this wasn't the case, I would have to burn my crops anyway.  As far as I'm concerned, since they are no longer organic, they wouldn't be eatable any longer anyway.

I've been posting many, many videos recently because I'm trying to educate people.  I understand that many know who Monsanto is and they understand the Codex Alimentarious trade commission; but there are still too many that don't understand it or can't bring themselves to believe it.  I understand this and I understand why.  When I explain it to people I realize that what I am saying is unbelievable and appalling.  It is the truth never-the-less and unless something is done and very soon, I am frightened that this corporate monster will hurt us all.

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