Saturday, July 9, 2011

Information Regarding a Previous Question...

Dani said... 

It's a money making business and medicine is simply a practice. That's why it's called "practicing medicine". Bronchitis can be either bacterial or viral. The physician should have done blood work on you to determine the cause - bacterial or viral. The antibiotic isn't going to help with the viral. 

You're right Dani, there is a bacterial infection that is associated with bronchitis.  I found out that although bronchitis is caused by a viral infection there can sometimes be a secondary infection in the airways that follows and it is caused by a bacteria.  For this, I can see how a patient may need antibiotics for bronchitis. 

Research suggests that one should NOT take antibiotics for viral bronchitis.  I would still see a doctor, but be sure that you are properly tested for a bacterial infection before you start taking antibiotics.  If you cough up sputum that is green, dark brown or ropy; it is very likely that you have a bacterial infection and it is STRONGLY advised that you see a physician. 

In Russia, there is a concoction that they make from raw honey and raw onions to fight bronchitis.  It works as a lozenge and an antibiotic.  I guess it can also help to prevent this secondary bacterial infection.

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