Sunday, July 31, 2011

My Reaction To The Last 3 Videos

I loved how the one proponent of GMOs kept talking about how the scientific community was all in favor of GMOs.  Meanwhile, Dr. Oz (a member of the scientific community) had tons of questions about GMOs and how safe they are.

There are many in the scientific community who are comfortable with GMOs, there is no doubt about that.  I'm just saying not to be fooled by the biotech community's smoke screens.  They would LOVE for people to believe that opponents of GMOs aren't basing their opposition on science and this is not true!  The scientists that are comfortable are just one group of scientists.  There are also many scientists who came across adverse side effects of GMOs and therefore don't believe that they are safe; and all the rest just have tons of questions about GMO safety.  The problem is, I'm not hearing any science based answers to the big question which is "Are GMOs safe?"  I heard excuses and explanations that seem logical, but what about the clinical studies that show that GMOs are safe?  The individuals who gave science based answers were the opponents of GMOs.  The one proponent gave many logical answers and excuses and she even cleverly dodged a question.  Both opponents gave actual side effects of GMOs that were all based on clinical studies (aka good solid science).

If GMOs are truly safe, why not get more scientists to test it?  Why just give flimsy political excuses, for example, implying that labeling GMOs isn't in the best interest of the consumer?

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Dr. Oz on GMOs III

Are genetically engineered foods safe? Dr. Oz leads an investigation to find out. See how you can protect your family. Click here for more...

Dr. Oz on GMOs II

Are genetically engineered foods safe? Dr. Oz leads an investigation to find out. See how you can protect your family. Click here for more:

Friday, July 29, 2011

Dr. Oz on GMOs

Are genetically engineered foods safe? Dr. Oz leads an investigation to find out. See how you can protect your family. Click here for more...

Fearing the Future of Health Part II

I know the focus this month was suppose to be about raising the probiotics in our bodies.  I didn't realize, however, what is starting to look like a health emergency that our country has found itself in.

Forgive me for my passion and fearfulness, but I had a miscarriage last year.  At the time, I was unknowingly eating a lot of GMOs.  This isn't to say that all pregnant women who eat GMOs will experience the same thing.  I have no way of knowing that it was the GMOs that killed my baby and I openly admit that it could've been a number of different things.  I'm sure, however, that the GMOs didn't help; especially since some GMOs, like soy, are plastered with Roundup Ready herbicide which according to NaturalHealth365 ( can contribute to or lead to a number of health problems including birth defects and embryonic death.

One in four pregnancies in this county ends in miscarriage.  Isn't it way past time that someone asks why?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

GMO and Obesity: Is There A Connection? Part II

Here is part II, of the presentation about GMOs.  It attempts to answer the following question:  Are GMOs causing obesity in Americans?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

GMO and Obesity: Is There A Connection?

Many doctors feel that high fructose corn syrup and sugar contribute to obesity.  Both high fructose corn syrup and sugar (from sugar beets) are GM (genetically modified) foods.  There are questions raised about a possible connection between GMOs and obesity?  Is it the sugar, the fact that sugar is GMO or is it GMO in general?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Jerky Tip

Other than my issue with GMOs, I don't really have a problem with eating soy occasionally.  I'll consider eating whole soy if it is organic (for example:  edamame, tofu, tempeh).  I miss Bragg's liquid aminos sometimes.  I believe that was organic , but it's been a long time since I've had some because I've been in the habit of avoiding soy.  If you do have a problem with soy other than GMO, the following is probably not a tip that you could try.

The following product makes really yummy jerky.  Marinading your meat with organic Worcestershire sauce before you dehydrate it will make a wonderful flavored jerky.  The brand I've used is Wan Ja Shan, but there are other Worcestershire sauces available and they are probably good too.  The only thing that I am not crazy about is the cane juice, but because it is organic cane I know a little won't bother me.  I don't have jerky that often anyway.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Dr. Oz on Natural Disease Prevention and Defense

Protect your health naturally. These cutting-edge antibiotic alternatives will help treat your ailments. Heal cuts, soothe sore throats and more....

Raw Goat Milk Farm

We visited a goat dairy farm yesterday.  The goats were treated wonderfully, they were all so sweet (the goats I mean), the farmer was hospitable and extremely helpful and the prices were really good.  My only issue was the grain that the goats were fed during milking.  They were fed grains that contain GMO.  The farmers weren't aware of this though.  I'm trying to find the words to let them know.

One of many reasons why health professionals advise against conventional milk is because those animals are most likely raised in a CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation) where they are not only injected with Posilac (the rGBG hormone that increases milk production), but also because the animals are fed GMO.  The farmer that I've visited treats her animals very well.  They each have names and personalities and are treated with great care and regard.  My ONLY problem is the GMO.  Because GMOs weren't tested properly, no one really knows what the long term effects are.  I don't know if that will come out in the milk or not and I'd rather not take a chance.

So I'm still looking for a place to buy raw milk unfortunately. 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Raw Goat Milk

I found a farm where I could buy access to raw goats milk.  I actually would like that even more than the cow's milk.  Both are highly nutritious, but I read somewhere that raw goat milk is even higher in nutrients than cow's milk.  Maybe that is true and maybe it isn't, but I've always been a fan of goat dairy foods anyway.

My husband and I are talking about visiting soon so that we can figure out their rates.  I also want to know more about how they care for the goats.  Hopefully they are grass fed.  I will provide updates after we visit the farm.

Composting Workshop

I must say that the composting workshop was extremely helpful.  I now have a far better idea of what to do, how to do it and of the equipment that I would need to accomplish my project.  There is a workshop that talks about vermicompost as well.  I will be attending that one as well.

I'm very happy that I went to this workshop.  I really didn't know as much as I thought I did.  I've obtained a lot of information via research, but I was able to ask questions and get tips from people who have experience and that was very good for me.  Now I feel more confident about my gardening project next year.

If your town gives free composting workshops, I highly recommend it.  Please check online for possible workshops.  You will not regret it!

Friday, July 22, 2011

My Garden

I'm excited about a composting workshop that I will be attending this weekend.  I'm really looking forward to gardening next year.  I'm just a little nervous because of the black thumb that I've had in the past.  I may be able to turn it green somehow though.

A green thumb will help me sustain the health of my family in a whole new way; which I find exciting.  For example, corn is one of my favorite foods.  It's sad that I don't see very much organic corn around, especially since it is the only corn that I will ever serve.  The only other choice is GE corn which I will NEVER buy knowingly.  It will be wonderful to raise my own corn someday soon.  I can truly enjoy it knowing that it is real food.

Right now, I'm learning about composting and attaining seeds from harvest.  Sometimes getting the seeds are easy like in bell peppers; but sometimes it's a little tricky like lettuce seeds.  I'm not saying that it is difficult, but if you're like me and you're not sure where the seeds come from for vegetables like lettuce, you wouldn't know to find it in these little budding pod-like thingies. 

Excuse my very simple labels (for example: "little budding pod-like thingies"), but keep in mind I am very new to the gardening world and my gardening vocabulary is still growing.  I can't even say that the gardener in me has been born yet.  She is still in development intellectually.  By next year, I'm looking forward to actually raising some small gardens.  I have all winter to do more research and learn more about gardening.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Cleanse Broken

I usually feel tired and weak while I'm fasting (I started my fast last night).  I took it easy today.

While I'm fasting I like to exercise to get my blood moving.  This helps the body to cleanse better according to literature.  I accomplished some resistance training today which felt really good.  I also like to find time during the day to sit in silence (no music playing or any such noise or distractions) with a pad and pen.  I tend to come up with some really cool ideas while I'm fasting.  Maybe it is because I only have enough energy to meditate and do little else.

I broke my fast about an hour or so ago so I feel a little better.  I usually like breaking my fast with some cabbage with olive oil.  Tomorrow is a raw food day and Saturday I go back to my normal way of eating. 

I'll keep you updated.


I decided to do another cleanse.  I found out that the gum I like to chew has GMO.  I didn't like the idea of having that in my body even though I know that I probably eat more GMO than I realize.  Knowing this was in my body I decided to do a cleanse.

I find that 24 hour raw food, followed by 24 hour no food, followed by 24 hour raw food again is the best cleanse for me.  I usually feel much more alert, alive and energetic after I do this cleanse.  The only thing I'll ingest today is water and teas.  My favorite teas to drink while I'm fasting are milk thistle, dandelion, nettles and rose hips.  Another good tea would be cerasse tea.  I've tried this stuff when I was a kid and HOLY CAMOLY was it bitter!!  Jamaicans swear by the stuff though. I just haven't been able to find it in any local stores.

If I do find it I'll post different places where it may be available to you.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Story of Stuff

Where does stuff come from?  How is stuff born?  What kind of stuff do they add to stuff?  Where does stuff go when we throw it away?  Why the heck do we need all this stuff in the first place?

This is a wonderful presentation that answers all of the above questions and much, much more.

Got Raw Milk?

Got milk?  I mean the real stuff; raw milk from grass fed cows.  No?  Well, here is a presentation giving facts about raw milk.  Below is a site with more information about raw milk including a link to a site where you can find out where you can get raw milk in your area.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Raw Milk and SB 201

Raw milk is something that is lost in so many states like Colorado thanks to the pasteurization laws.  There are ways around it.  If you live in a state that can't sell raw milk in stores, be sure to check out my next post!

Fearing the Future of Health Part II

I've been anxious knowing about Tom Vilsack's position with the USDA.  My problem isn't with him personally or politically; frankly, I know very little about the man.  My sole concern is Vilsack's connection with Monsanto.  I feel that there is a conflict of interest if he is indeed connected with this company in any way.  I am very against appointing someone who comes from a company known for lying (for example the Round Up "Biodegradable") and cheating (which is a euphemistic description of what they did to people in Anniston, Alabama).  This frightens me.  What is Monsanto up to this time?

I am one person.  I KNOW that I can't fight this all by myself.  If you want to join the millions against Monsanto, please click on the link below.  Every single voice counts.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Fearing the Future of Health

I detest politics and I always have.  I find myself becoming more and more involved in politics now regardless of my aversion to it.  I have companies like Monsanto who are posing real threats to the health of our environment and our bodies to thank for that.

I know that Monsanto is interested in owning all seeds.  If I have an organic crop and my next door neighbor has a Monsanto GE crop, via cross pollination my organic crop can become a GE crop.  Once my crop is contaminated, Monsanto is now the owner of my seeds BY LAW!  To be honest, even if this wasn't the case, I would have to burn my crops anyway.  As far as I'm concerned, since they are no longer organic, they wouldn't be eatable any longer anyway.

I've been posting many, many videos recently because I'm trying to educate people.  I understand that many know who Monsanto is and they understand the Codex Alimentarious trade commission; but there are still too many that don't understand it or can't bring themselves to believe it.  I understand this and I understand why.  When I explain it to people I realize that what I am saying is unbelievable and appalling.  It is the truth never-the-less and unless something is done and very soon, I am frightened that this corporate monster will hurt us all.

Frankin Food

Here is more information on the dangers of GE foods:

Saturday, July 16, 2011

GMO Food Dump

I don't feel that enough people know what is going on.  We need to wake up America!  This country was built on our right to have choices.  That means if I want to eat GMOs that should be my choice, but if I don't, that should be my choice as well!  By NOT labeling what is GMO; most consumers feel that it is safe to assume that food is real food.  I used to assume that.  We need to be aware of what is going on.  We have the power to stop this, but only if we speak up.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rebuilding Flora

I'm taking steps to rebuild the flora in my body.  I had strep throat when I was in the second grade.  That was probably the only time I've ever really needed antibiotics, but sadly, I can't say that was the only time I had to take antibiotics.  Maybe I should say it wasn't the only time that it was prescribed; for I can't say that it was necessary to take it at any other time in my life.

Candida is one disease that kept coming back to attack and haunt me for years.  It is one of many different results of destroying the healthy flora in your body.  I don't miss those rashes AT ALL!  Besides being uncomfortable, they were also pretty gross.  It has been a few years since I've seen any on my skin.  Perhaps both cutting sugar out of my diet and trying to include as many foods rich in probiotics played a significant part in rebuilding the flora in my body.

Rebuilding my flora is a journey that I will be on for a while still.  I am very happy with the progress that I've made, however.  I challenge people to work toward rebuilding flora.  According to this month's book, there are a variety of health benefits to doing this.  You will never regret it!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I just read about where the word pasteurization comes from.  It talks about Louis Jean Pasteur in July's book of the month.  It makes more sense now.  I have a few problems with the concept though.

Pasteurization is great for the people who want it.  I fully understand why some feel that it is necessary.  For those of us who would rather have raw milk, however, it is next to impossible unless you own or partially own a milk goat or a milk cow.  One doctor postulated that raw butter from grass fed cows has the highest concentration of vitamin A.  Too much vitamin A can actually harm the body; but when acquired from food it is very difficult to get too much.

I remember when there used to be raw dairy products available.  Either this is possible in California but not in many other states, or there was a new law prohibiting this practice everywhere.  Whatever the case, people like me grossly miss out because of the law and it isn't fair.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Information Regarding a Previous Question...

Dani said... 

It's a money making business and medicine is simply a practice. That's why it's called "practicing medicine". Bronchitis can be either bacterial or viral. The physician should have done blood work on you to determine the cause - bacterial or viral. The antibiotic isn't going to help with the viral. 

You're right Dani, there is a bacterial infection that is associated with bronchitis.  I found out that although bronchitis is caused by a viral infection there can sometimes be a secondary infection in the airways that follows and it is caused by a bacteria.  For this, I can see how a patient may need antibiotics for bronchitis. 

Research suggests that one should NOT take antibiotics for viral bronchitis.  I would still see a doctor, but be sure that you are properly tested for a bacterial infection before you start taking antibiotics.  If you cough up sputum that is green, dark brown or ropy; it is very likely that you have a bacterial infection and it is STRONGLY advised that you see a physician. 

In Russia, there is a concoction that they make from raw honey and raw onions to fight bronchitis.  It works as a lozenge and an antibiotic.  I guess it can also help to prevent this secondary bacterial infection.

Natural Health Care

For many years I avoided traditional medicine even though that is the mainstream way of taking care of oneself currently.  This month's book talks about the dangerous super bugs; that I've known so little about until now. 

I spoke with someone who had a Staph infection once.  She said by the time the infection healed, her entire immune system was just depleted.  I can't imagine the amount of flora that was just completely destroyed from taking all of those antibiotics.  Antibiotics created super bugs in the first place.  Disease causing bacteria would become resistant to every kind of antibiotic used to kill it, until the super bugs were born.  They keep getting stronger because doctors feel that they have no choice but to make the antibiotics "better" and stronger.

If you catch a bacterial infection before it overwhelms the body, you could usually fight it off with some garlic, raw apple cider vinegar, raw honey, goldenseal or berberine.  I've seen people combine some of these ingredients to make their own special homemade disease fighting concoctions.  In an earlier post for example, there was a little girl who spooned a mixture of raw garlic and raw honey in her mouth.  I guess that this is what her parents make this for her when she feels sick.  I never thought of it, but it sounds GREAT for children!

If you have any other recipes that work for you, plz share!

Medicine for Kids

Cold and flu medication for children isn't something I would ever recommend.  Here is part of the reason why:

Friday, July 8, 2011

Avoiding Unnecessary Antibiotics

Hello my BeWell BookWorms!  This month's book talks about the function of good bacteria and the dangers of the different bad bacterias.

No one will argue that we need to defend our bodies against bad bacteria, however, incessant dosages of antibiotics is NOT the answer.  It has already created a problem by creating super bugs like C. diff and Staph.  When you have an infection because of such bugs, I believe strong antibiotics are the ONLY treatments available for that.  But it is a double edged sword.  As antibiotics are becoming stronger to kill these super bugs, the super bugs are becoming stronger and more resistant to these antibiotics.  

Sometimes you may have an infection that you can fight off with items in your refrigerator.  Garlic, honey and goldenseal were some that were mentioned.  I will also give recipes and tips that have worked for me over the years in near future posts.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ingrown Hair and Hair Removal

Ingrown hair can be very annoying.  I've only had this problem when I've used wax or methods that yank the hair out from the root. 

Someone advised laser hair removal in the comments recently.  I've heard of laser hair removal, however, I confess I know very little about it.  Even with my lack of information I'm not a proponent.  I'm sure it seems simple and safe, but are there any long term effects?  I would like to know more about the research behind this method.  The use of tanning beds is also very common in this country, however, melanoma isn't an uncommon disease.

Forgive my skepticism, however, at least for now I must respectfully disagree with laser hair removal being an option for hair removal even for ingrown hair.  If anyone knows of any research done on the safety of this method, however, I look forward to reading about it.  Again, please understand that I don't advocate this idea because of my lack of knowledge; therefore more information may change my mind.  As always, I welcome more information.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Response to My Question II

Here was another response to my question from an anonymous individual:

Either way, to boost your immune system can't hurt!! 

Mr. or Ms. Anonymous; I agree with you as well.  When we are sick, boosting the immune system is always the way to go.  You may also agree me; taking antibiotics will never be a way to boost the immune system.

When it is necessary to take antibiotics, one takes them and then one must rebuild the immune system later.  This is why it is suggested to eat lots of yogurt during and after treatment with antibiotics (although yogurt isn't the only way or even the best way to rebuild probiotics).  Antibiotics are necessary to kill very strong bugs that are very difficult or impossible to fight otherwise; but NOT to increase our immune system.  In fact, antibiotics hurt the immune system unfortunately.  The probiotics in our system is a part of our immune system.  Often it is part of our first line of defense; antibiotics KILL them along with the bacterial monsters. 

I'm not saying that no one should ever take antibiotics, they are sometimes a necessary evil.  I am saying that they are often unnecessarily prescribed such as when they are prescribed for acute bronchitis which is a viral infection.

A Response to My Question

In a recent post I've asked why doctors prescribe antibiotics for bronchitis and I received some responses.  Here is one:

Dani said... 

It's a money making business and medicine is simply a practice. That's why it's called "practicing medicine". Bronchitis can be either bacterial or viral. The physician should have done blood work on you to determine the cause - bacterial or viral. The antibiotic isn't going to help with the viral. 

 Dani, I couldn't agree with you more!  Healthcare in this county is often treated like a business unfortunately.  It seems as though doctors are trying to sell as many drugs as they could; bronchitis seems to be one of many excuses to sell drugs.

According to Pubmed, acute bronchitis is a viral infection and chronic bronchitis can be the end result of living in an unhealthy environment (smoking, air pollution...etc).  I couldn't find the name of any kind of bacteria that causes bronchitis anywhere.  I agree that doctors should ALWAYS do blood work (or with other illnesses a throat culture) before they give antibiotics; but sadly it seems like doctors don't always do this. 

One doctor postulated that 90% of the antibiotic prescriptions made in this country are unnecessary.  That is a LOT of unnecessary prescriptions!  Then with all of the antibiotics that we ingest when we eat dairy or meat products, it is no wonder we have a problem with super bugs (antibiotic resistant bacteria).

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bad Bug Defense and Prevention for Kids

I've used honey as a way to fight any bacteria attacking my gums in the past under the advice of a doctor and old friend.  I've used garlic to fight food borne illnesses, sinus infections and countless other illnesses.  I NEVER thought of putting the two together until now.  It's good to know how to help children combat illnesses.  (Sophia seems to like it!)

Please watch:

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day weekend, I will see all of you on Tuesday after the weekend! 

Be well my friends!

Modern Technology

Modern technology is a very useful tool.  For many of us, it is downright necessary.  For me, it is one of those things that I can't live with and can't live without at the same time.

My computer for example provides me with the tools to create this site, provide information and acquire information.  We all know, however, that there isn't very much that one can do once a computer is dead.  There are brainiacs like my husband who like to learn things by taking the old computers apart.  What does one do with the spare parts though?  I don't have very much hope in such appliances becoming sustainable.  Still, because of such brainiacs; there are many appliances that are refurbished and reduced in price.  This is promising for many reasons.  Maybe those spare parts can be put to use in some other way; I wouldn't know if that is too much to hope for or not though.

The problem I have with modern technology is when people use it for personal gain without thinking of the greater impact of it; like creating GMOs for example.  If the creators want to put GMO on their own plates, it's fine as long as they keep it far off of mine.  The politics that protect their interests is also a problem because it takes away my rights.

It is great when we can use modern technology to make things more sustainable.  For example, the refurbished electronics that I talked about.  There are also non-petroleum based compost containers available, however few.  Many times, however, THIS kind of technology is just taking the old way of doing things and tweaking it; but it's not like there is any such thing as a "new" idea anyway.  Many of the "new" ideas are old ideas that have been tweaked.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Here is a question that I have regarding information that I suspect is a Big Pharma fairy tale.

I've had bronchitis twice in my lifetime.  It happened at around the same time of year for two years in a row.  Both times people (including friends, doctors and an individual who was a former medical student) told me that I should take antibiotics for it because if I don't, I could get pneumonia.

Here is my question:  If bronchitis is a viral infection and pneumonia is bacterial, how would I stand the chance of getting one from the other?

Again, I admit that I have my suspicions, but I would still love to hear an explanation for this.

Friday, July 1, 2011


I've met quite a few health professionals who avoid grains.  I can't say that I completely understand this. 

I must admit that I've noticed that when people are trying to lose weight, heal inflammation in the body or get rid of the flu (or any upper respiratory illness); eating sugars or any carbohydrates are always counter-productive.  If I'm sick, I stay far away from all grains and sugars.  When I am in good health, however, I do eat grains as long as they are organic whole grains (and I don't mean in bread) and I will sweeten things with maple syrup (the REAL stuff, NOT the Mrs. Butterworth imitation junk), honey (raw) or fresh pressed organic fruit juice. 

I've always advised against white flour and white sugar though.  I've avoided them for years since they have no health benefits at all.  Both tend to make me ill anyway.

I welcome any commentary on why people have this belief that grains are so bad.  I'm genuinely curious and open to the fact that there may be something that I don't know.

July's Book of the Month

July is going to be a bacteria month.  No, I don't mean that we will be discussing things that are gross; but we will be discussing bacteria.  "Boost Your Health with Bacteria" will give us the 411 on bacteria both good and bad.  There is so much that we don't know about the flora in our bodies.  Many of us don't realize the essential role that they play in our health.  This book will teach what kind of bacteria is dangerous, and why we need the others.

I hope that you find it as enlightening and educational as I did.  (Please click on the "Buy from" button for more information on the book).


What seems like garbage isn't always garbage.  Part of living sustainably involves making the most of things that we are used to throwing away.

Rubbish to us is often something useful to something or someone else.  For example, kitchen scraps (banana peels, watermelon rind, apple cores...etc) can be made into compost or food for red wiggler worms (that make vermicompost).  Recyclable material can obviously be reused.  There are shoes, clothes, book covers and many other items made from recycled materials.  Gardeners like Patti Moreno will use the dung of animals like chickens, rabbits and goats to fertilize their gardens.  Juicing is something that I need to start practicing again.  I haven't been juicing very much at all since I left the east coast.  I used to throw the pulp in the garbage until my dad started using it for compost.  It is also perfect food for the red wigglers.  Worms like the fresh kitchen scrap.  If the food is getting putrefied, it is better to throw it in the regular compost bin for it can hurt or even kill our little wriggly friends.

This is why I'm practicing what many Whole Foods markets have been doing for a while now.  Have a container for recyclables, one for compost (or more than one) and one for landfill.  The idea, of course, is to put as few things in landfill as you can.