Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Connecticut Passes GMO Labeling Law

Don't cheer just yet.  There are conditions to the *labeling laws in Connecticut* (click link to see another article).  Four other states including one that boarders Connecticut needs to pass labeling laws in order for the law to be implemented.  This means that we still need to wait.  Connecticut is still, nonetheless, officially the first state who PASSED general labeling for GMOs.

Okay so we made it this far, but New York, California, Vermont, New Hampshire and Colorado are ALL still battling for the rights of the people.  The problem is companies like Monsanto, Bayer and Dow are all spending millions of dollars to fight the people on this matter.  The companies' argument is that it will drive up the cost of food.  Even though this is a fear tactic, these could actually make something like that happen.  Which is why it is SO sad that they are doing everything they can to prohibit American people (and perhaps the rest of the world too) from growing their own food; not to mention the chaos they are bringing to small farmers like the one that I met at the March Against Monsanto.

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