Sunday, June 30, 2013


This picture makes me salivate!  I remember the first time I tried sorrel.  My aunt made about a gallon and I drank about five pints of it.

I found a page online that gave two *recipes* for sorrel (click the link for recipe); one with rum and one without.  Either way, I would strongly suggest a substitute for the sugar.  There is grape juice, lucoma powder, coconut crystals and all kinds of other ways to sweeten your sorrel without using GMO sugar.

There is also a delicious sorrel tea with ginger available on Amazon.  (Click below to purchase)  I admit that as much as I like the tea, it doesn't replace the flavor of the homemade sorrel.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Jamaican Ginger Beer Recipe Video

I saw a recipe today for ginger ale, but after reading the recipe I knew that it wouldn't hold a candle to Jamaican ginger beer.

The woman in the video below added rum to her ginger beer.  I've never heard of that.  This is the first ginger beer that I've heard of that actually contains alcohol of any kind.  My father told me about using chew stick in the ginger beer (which was mentioned in the video), but no one has mentioned adding rum... at least not that I can remember.  I just wanted to mention that will taste great without the rum if you aren't a fan of hard liquor.

In order to ferment the beer, cream of tartar was used in this case.  I'm going to try that since chew stick is so hard to come by in this country and because I've had trouble with the fermentation of my ginger brews in the past.

I would strongly advise against sweetening with brown sugar (unless you don't mind GMOs).  There are alternatives like maple syrup or coconut palm sugar.  Both would taste wonderful with this recipe, but I would probably go for the maple syrup because I know the flavors of ginger and maple complement each other BEAUTIFULLY.  Because fermented foods are downright necessary in the gaps diet, I know that this is something that I can try to do pretty soon and I look forward to posting my success.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


I remember the first time I tried oxtail.  It was a most unfortunate accident to be honest.  My brother and I were so creeped out by the very thought of eating oxtail and were determined never to let it come near our lips.  One day, I came home from school hungry.  I searched the fridge for leftovers.  Happily, I found what looked like curry goat; so I heated it up with some rice and peas and dug in.  Just then, one of my parents walked in (I think it was my father, but I don't remember).  "Oh, are you enjoying the oxtail?" he said.  I stopped eating IMMEDIATELY.  To my horror, however, by then there was barely anything left on my plate but the bones of what I now realized was NOT goat.

Funny, now that goat is so unavailable (goat without GMOs anyway), I'm willing to make soup from oxtail since it is so ridiculously cheap.  Funny how time and and a change in choices can change your taste for things so drastically.  Maybe that oxtail that I ate wasn't so bad after all.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Raising Goats for Self-Sufficiency

This article gives some information on raising angora goats.  I wondered if angora goats could also be raised for milk.  I suppose they technically can be, but I wonder more about the flavor.  Some may think that angora goat's milk is a little too potent for their taste.

This article gives information about different types of goats, what they are raised for...etc.  So if you raise goats or are thinking of raising goats, the following article may be of interest to you.

Raising Goats for Self-Sufficiency

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Mealworm Care, Information, Facts & Pictures

If you are raising chickens, small reptiles or certain types of carnivorous fish, bugs are a very important part of their diet.  One fabulous option is mealworm.  Mealworm farmers claim that they are VERY easy to raise.  Several say that they are practically maintenance free.  Just occasionally clean out their beds, replace the bedding with more food and you could give the waste products to your tomatoes.

Below is an article that I found on the subject.  It gives more information on mealworms and how to care for them.  Apparently, they can be eaten by pets, but what was surprising was that there are people who consume them as well!  I just happen to NOT be one of those people!  (Yuk!)


Mealworm Care, Information, Facts & Pictures

Monday, June 24, 2013

25,000 Dead Bumblebees Discovered In Oregon – Secrets of the Fed

The bee deaths don't surprise me, we are losing bees and butterflies by the thousands (thank you Big Biotechna).  What is absolutely maddening is the fact people REALLY still aren't saying what is causing this.  All of this talk about GMOs and the authorities still want to pretend they don't know what is going on.  They don't need to "analyze what poisoned the bees" as much as they need to find the GMO crop that did it.

To know more about this story, click the link below.

25,000 Dead Bumblebees Discovered In Oregon – Secrets of the Fed

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Cornmeal Dumplings

There are times when I miss the days when corn was real food, and then there are times when I REALLY miss the days when corn was real food.  I know the very sight of corn brings a bad taste to people's mouth today and I can completely understand why.  Corn used to be a great food.  It was a really nice starchy carbohydrate that I loved popped, in porridge, in bread, on the cob or in cornmeal dumplings.  As a child, when I had a plate of ackee and codfish, one thing that I loved to have on the side were some cornmeal dumplings.

Corn was recently demonized because every third person is allergic to it these days (thank you Monsanto).  When corn was actually a good nutritious food, this plate was absolutely delicious.  If you have heirloom corn, go for it!  It's the same recipe as the regular dumplings, except cornmeal is added to the mix.

Cornmeal dumplings were good in this dish but also in soups and with curry dishes as well.  I hope that the day I learn good gardening skills comes soon so that I can raise good food that can be used in recipes like this.  I hope to once again enjoy the delights of cornmeal dumplings in stew peas or with ackee and codfish.

Friday, June 21, 2013

GMO Update from Washington: Generated Monsanto Obstruction

With all of the panic over the Monsanto Protection Act, I never realized that this is only going to be implemented until September 30th.  I know Monsanto, Bayer, Dupont and other such companies will be working hard to see it stay in action; but the good news is, their dirty tricks are getting old and predictable.  I have a feeling that this law will never stay in action; too many people oppose it.

More and more people are waking up to what is really going on and are willing to voice what they know is right.  Failures like prop 37 only lost because people, like the ones who run Monsanto, know that fear works.  This is the philosophy of terrorism; to terrorize those whom you want to dominate into submission.  Using the "rise in grocery prices" lie, they were able to scare most of the California voters into submission.

There is more information available if you click the link below.

GMO Update from Washington: Generated Monsanto Obstruction

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Recycle, Reuse, Reduce

I've always wanted to know if and how CDs/DVDs can be recycled.  I admit that I've thrown some away, but I've actually looked around to see who would recycle CDs/DVDs.  I'm happy to know about this website.  This video gives some information on how to prepare old CDs/DVDs for recycling.

If you throw away many discs, please contact this center.  It is SO important to recycle, reuse and reduce whenever we can.  Let's take care of earth so that she can take care of us.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Raw "Carrot Cake" Style Cheescake Recipe

I freely admit that this recipe was not mine.  A woman named Miriam writes a blog about vegan food and she posted a recipe for a dessert that looks AMAZING! I absolutely had to post it.  I mean, look at this cake (in picture below)!  This woman actually put all of this stuff together and came up with this beautiful dessert; how so very creative!

Please click the link (*blog name*) to her blog which is quite appropriately called "*Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes*" to get this recipe!  Enjoy!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Seeds Of Death (The Movie)

My doctor actually sent this movie to me.  The information given in this video is information that most of us who fight Monsanto know already; but it may provide some updates.  I also posted it for those who are still in need of information; in other words those who are convinced that GMOs are not all that dangerous.

For those individuals, I would like for you to please observe the part of this video that talks about the effects of GMO diets on rats.  Note the SIZE of those cancer tumors.  Note how many times and about how many things Monsanto has quite boldly lied about over the past several decades; do you REALLY want to place trust in them about GMOs too?  After the devastation that they have caused in places like Vietnam, Alabama and India?  Please take a moment and REALLY think about that for a while.

This is an actual movie.  In other words it's one of those carrot sticks and bunny slippers type videos that you should watch when you have time.  Watch this with the ones who need to know more about what is in their food.  Please be sure to take the time to enjoy Mike Adam's song at the end.  (Truly, I hadn't any idea that the man could do that!)  I hope you find this movie enlightening.

Coconutty Goodness!

Few things can top this very popular Jamaican food.  It's delicious, nutritious, and it's water is the most refreshing thing to drink on a hot day.  Coconuts are sold at the airports or on the streets; there was even a shop near my uncle's house where they sold nothing but fresh coconut water by the bottle (pint, quart or even gallon sized bottles).  Some call coconut water a sport's drink from God because it's only sport's drink that comes straight from nature made ready to drink!

I know that coconuts aren't a Jamaican "dish" like many of the other foods that I've posted about, but I thought of writing this because of an article I read about potassium.  It shocked me to see that coconuts were not on their list of the foods highest in potassium.  I believe #1 on that list were 4 large figs.  They contain around 540 mg of potassium.  Okay, that's a lot, but consider the coconut.  One medium sized coconut has around 1400 mg of potassium which is more than twice the amount in the 4 large figs.  Don't get me wrong, figs are some of my absolute favorite foods, but coconuts rule when it comes to potassium.

If you want an all natural sports drink, a delicious drink high in potassium or the most refreshing beverage for a hot day; break into a coconut and get some of that water!  In Jamaica, they have this way of cutting the coconut to use part of the fiber as a spoon to scoop out the meat (my favorite part of the coconut).  There is only one thing wrong with coconuts; when I drink the water I start to hunger for the sun warming my body as I hear the sound of waves crashing on white Caribbean sand!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Now Maine!

This is SO encouraging!  First Connecticut and now Maine passed GMO labeling laws!  So Connecticut needs three more states including or plus one bordering state to go!  This is a wonderful, WONDERFUL victory!  I perfectly understand that we have a way to go, but at least we have great hope.

The video below will give more information; it will include information on why these laws are contingent upon other states passing labeling laws.  If one knows how Monsanto is, however, common sense is all that is needed to figure it out.  Vermont announced that Monsanto threatened to sue the state if they passed a labeling law, so I could see Monsanto's hands around the throats of politicians who KNOW that labeling should be implemented.  Thank goodness, this didn't slow Vermont down.

Friday, June 14, 2013

HDL vs LDL Part II

A major function of HDL is tissue repair.  HDL makes BEAUTIFUL tissue repairs.  Eating too much sugary foods and processed foods can cause all kinds of tissue damage and causes HDL levels to plummet.  This is part of the reason why exercise is so important.  Exercise raises HDL giving the body plenty of tools to repair itself with.

So let me now address the myth that LDL is bad.  If one has too much LDL, doctors tend to focus on making the LDL levels lower.  Meanwhile, high levels of LDL is only a symptom of a much bigger crisis; therefore, I will agree that high levels of LDL in the body is a bad sign.  Too much LDL is a sign that there isn't enough HDL and not having enough HDL is very, very bad.  You see, another function of HDL is to regulate LDL.  So, when LDL levels are too high it doesn't meant that you need to decrease it, it means that your body is trying to tell you that there isn't enough HDL to make a complete and smooth repair when needed.  When you continue not to listen to your body and give it what it needs, your body naturally tries to maintain homeostasis on its own.  In this case, with it's main repair tool low, the body uses the excess LDL to make repairs and LDL makes lousy repairs.  Again, repair is NOT it's main function.  Because of these lousy repairs, it is very easy for the body to experience reoccurring damage to the poorly repaired tissue.  So between the constant damage and the constant lousy repairs over and over again, eventually the damaged area becomes inflamed.  Sometimes these inflamed areas are so bad, they swell up and obstruct blood flow.  These nasty obstructions are also what heart surgeons find in people with heart disease and high blood pressure and they are filled with that so-called "bad" cholesterol.  This is how LDL received its rep.  Sadly, LDL received its bad reputation from attempting to save your life!

I'm trying to say that HDL and LDL are both the "good" cholesterol.  So stop the madness of being afraid of LDL and start working to get those HDL levels up.  Proper eating habits and exercise are all that is needed.  I understand that this is a skill, but start by looking at real food and taking long walks.  From there, make a decision to move toward a lifestyle of eating real food and doing regular rigorous exercise and giving LDL a better name in this world.  It deserves it.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

HDL vs LDL Part I

LDL, the "bad" cholesterol; if only we could get rid of it, right?  I had a conversation about this with someone recently.  I was talking about the benefits of coconut oil.  One benefit was that it raises HDL.  The woman I spoke with said that coconut oil, although it raises HDL, also raises LDL.  To her, this means that we should eat it in "moderation" so that we don't get too much LDL, right?  Let me explain why this does not work for me.

First, let me address the demonization of coconut oil.  Coconut oil is a superfood and it shouldn't be seen in any other light.  As long as it raises HDL it doesn't matter if it raises LDL and I'll explain why in more depth in part II.  Among many other things, coconut oil is a powerful antioxidant, it's an antimicrobial and it even retards Alzheimer's.  As far as eating in moderation, when your body has reached a certain level of health, your body will tell you when you are finished eating.  Therefore, there is no need to "watch" your intake because your body is "watching" it for you.

Next, I'd like to address the demonization of low density lipoprotein or LDL.  HDL (high density lipoprotien) and LDL serve two different purposes in the body.  LDL isn't "bad" at all.  Again, it simply serves a different function than HDL.  LDL helps the body to produce hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone...) and with the help of the sun it even helps the body make vitamin D!  Now how can it do all of that and still deserve the label of "bad" cholesterol?  Without it, we would be desperately ill.  But isn't LDL responsible for causing heart disease?  Well, according to my research, the answer is no.  This doesn't mean that you need to stop taking your cholesterol meds.  High levels of LDL does play a function in heart disease, it simply is not the culprit in this matter.

(continuation will be posted)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Curry Chicken

Oh YEAH baby!  You ain't cookin' until you've cooked up somma dis!  Curry chicken is the one and only Jamaican dish that I can make and I make it pretty well... at least my non Jamaican friends say so.  There was ONE Jamaican who tried my curry chicken, although I don't believe he remembers it.  My father isn't a chicken fan, but he actually ate my curry chicken once... willingly!  The fact that I didn't get any complaint or suggestion on how to make it better once he finished it was a HUGE compliment even if it wasn't "memorable" to him.

Whenever I mention making curry, people fearfully ask me not to make it too hot.  In my experience, either my family never served the hot, hot, hot curry that people seem so afraid of, or I didn't eat it enough to remember it.  My guess (and I could be VERY wrong about this) is that Jamaican curry isn't as spicy hot as Indian curry.  I've tried Indian curry once.  It was a in a lentil soup I ordered at my favorite Indian restaurant in San Diego.  Although tasty, it was hard to enjoy because the spices set my mouth on fire with ever spoonful.  I've never had that issue with the curry dishes my mother and aunties made for me when I was growing up... except when they added scotch bonnet pepper to the dish; but they didn't do that specifically for curry dishes nor did they do it often (thank goodness).

My favorite thing about curry chicken is that it is SO easy to make.  I used to make it with wild rice and vegetables, since I haven't yet mastered rice and peas yet.  Garlic, onion and curry spices and a few minutes on the stove is all it takes before you can sit to a delicious and healthful meal!  Yum!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Soursop Ice Cream

I can't even begin to tell you how amazing this stuff is.  Oh man!  Soursop ice cream; I remember my mother made this for me when I was a kid.  It was most certainly the best bowl of ice cream that I've ever had.  I've never forgotten it.

For those who aren't familiar with soursop, it is a fruit with milky white meat inside that has this delightfully sour flavor (see image below).  There are claims that it has several medicinal benefits as well.  But I say just enjoy a large variety of good food and allow your body to enjoy the blessings of their benefits.

I found a *recipe* for a raw vegan soursop ice cream dish which sounded WONDERFUL (Click the *link* for the recipe).  I'm looking forward to trying this recipe myself when I am finished with the GAPS diet; only I've had SO much trouble finding an ice cream maker that doesn't have plastic blades.  The recipe includes instructions on how to do it without a bucket, but it may be easier with the appliance.  So while I'm on GAPS, I'll be looking for an ice cream maker, or I'll try to get the antique one that I have to work.

Gungo Soup

I've never actually tried gungo soup.  The first time I heard of it, it came up in a hilarious conversation that I had with my aunt.  I was sick and she was trying to cheer me up (which she did by the way).  She said that I wasn't eating the right foods and started listing all of these different Jamaican foods (and she said it in Patwah).  She was barely able to list them all because she was laughing so much.

Gungo soup was something that I never even thought to ask my family about.  I did a little research on this soup and found this *recipe*  online along with this delightful picture (click the "recipe" link to see).  This has some of my favorite stuff in it like coconut and butternut squash.  Yum, yum, yum!  I'm sad that I didn't know enough to ask about this soup.  I guess I could still always ask my mom or my aunties to show me how to make it; but I eventually want to try this recipe in particular too.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Rice and Peas

Just seeing this picture of rice and peas takes me right back to my childhood.  The image above is a picture of a full meal (a nutritious one if you use good rice and it can also be a vegan meal if you use vegan seasonings).  I've never had it with parsley sprinkled on top, but the idea made me salivate a little.

Though rice and peas are a full meal, my parents always served other things with it.  They often served it with some kind of meat like curry chicken or curry goat (which happened to be some of my favorites) and there were few evenings where we didn't have a salad or steamed vegetables.

My parents always wanted to make sure we were fed well and fed right.  Apparently, they didn't do a bad job at all; for I was always complimented on my figure in high school.  The thing that they didn't know to look out for in America (because this threat didn't really exist in Jamaica when they were growing up) were the overt applications of toxins in food.  This is really the only reason why there are so many Jamaican foods I had to give up for a while (of course, I can enjoy them in Jamaica).  GMOs in goat and the arsenic in brown rice would absolutely devastate my health at this point.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

NY Pols Reach Across The Aisle To Push GMO Labeling Bill « CBS New York

I didn't realize how many states are really pushing for GMO labeling.  This is awesome!  I can't even express how encouraged I am to see people's eyes opening and hear mouths speaking up!  Yes, Monsanto has their sneaky ways of getting past the law which is scary, but hopefully, with new laws intact for labeling their options will decrease tremendously.

This country was built to give power to the people NOT to multi-billion dollar corporations.  It's so beautiful to see that power (however slowly) is being given back to the people of the US.  I hope to see this happen in more ways.

NY Pols Reach Across The Aisle To Push GMO Labeling Bill « CBS New York

Curry Goat

Although curry goat with rice and beans is GREAT stuff, seeing this picture frustrates me.  Not because there is anything wrong with the dish itself, but because I'm not sure when I can have some ever again.  I don't buy goat meat because of the way goats are raised in the United States.  I saw the ingredients in animal feed and it's disgusting!  Ingredients include sugar beets, corn, soy and other junk.  I've never even heard of organic goats which is REALLY sad.  I know they exist somewhere, but organic goat isn't seen very often because unless goats are raised feeding on the garbage that I've mentioned, it is WAY expensive to raise them.

The picture above, curry goat with rice and beans, was one of my favorite things in the world to eat as a young child.  I remember shoveling this stuff into my mouth by the forkful (and I when I say forkful, I mean that fork was FULL) as my father would try to slow me down so that I didn't choke on my dinner.  I still remember how much I enjoyed it.  I hope for the day that I can enjoy it again.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Connecticut Passes GMO Labeling Law

Don't cheer just yet.  There are conditions to the *labeling laws in Connecticut* (click link to see another article).  Four other states including one that boarders Connecticut needs to pass labeling laws in order for the law to be implemented.  This means that we still need to wait.  Connecticut is still, nonetheless, officially the first state who PASSED general labeling for GMOs.

Okay so we made it this far, but New York, California, Vermont, New Hampshire and Colorado are ALL still battling for the rights of the people.  The problem is companies like Monsanto, Bayer and Dow are all spending millions of dollars to fight the people on this matter.  The companies' argument is that it will drive up the cost of food.  Even though this is a fear tactic, these could actually make something like that happen.  Which is why it is SO sad that they are doing everything they can to prohibit American people (and perhaps the rest of the world too) from growing their own food; not to mention the chaos they are bringing to small farmers like the one that I met at the March Against Monsanto.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Dr. Oz Causes "Controversy" with Dental Amalgam Segment

I try not to post too much about Dr. Oz since his information tends to be inconsistent at times; therefore unreliable. Once in a while his information is consistent with what is already widely known plus he gives a little more info that I knew very little about (and I usually double check to make sure THAT information is correct).  Because of this, I try to listen even if I don't fully agree with everything that he says.  Dr. Mercola's information tends to be very consistent, therefore reliable.  Since the article below is his, I read it with less caution and skepticism.

The article is about amalgam fillings which many of us already know is very hazardous to your health.  If you have them, it is a good idea to remove them.  A girlfriend of mine has MS (multiple sclerosis); when she first spoke with a holistic doctor the first thing that she was told was to remove the fillings in her teeth as soon as possible.  In an earlier post, we saw what mercury does to neurons; so I'm sure we could all imagine why someone in her position was told to do this.

Dr. Oz Causes "Controversy" with Dental Amalgam Segment

Monday, June 3, 2013

Book of the Month

Due to a series of illnesses last month, I wasn't able to post as much as I wanted to.  I would like to therefore feature the same books in June to give me the opportunity to post more on Jamaican recipes.

I'm on the introduction GAPS diet right now, so I can't even hope to eat any of the foods that I've posted about.  However, the GAPS diet was developed to heal the gut, therefore I can look forward to eating a healthy version of these foods in the future.  I can't say HOW MUCH I look forward to enjoying that day.

Up to 2 million march against Monsanto

I'm so happy that people are finally starting to open their eyes.  I try not to mention GMOs or Monsanto in conversation with most people (even though I often initiate conversation about health).  Although, when others mention these two buzz words, I engage in the conversation far more passionately.  Recently, I've noticed how more and more people are mentioning GMOs and Monsanto before I would even have a desire to.  This tells me that more people are becoming aware of who Monsanto is and what GMOs are.  Even if people are not against GMOs now, I'm willing to bet that they will have an eye opener in the future, hopefully before they become sick because of GMOs.

The number of people who marched made me SO happy!  There was a point when I really thought we were losing this battle because so few people knew what was going on.  Even with discouraging events like the Monsanto Protection Act, I can still feel encouraged because I know that Monsanto is losing.  Many people know and other people are learning and more and more are avoiding GMOs as best they can.  This, as Jeffery Smith said, is their weakness... consumer avoidance of GMOs.

The number of people against Monsanto is 2 million and growing!  I could just smell health freedom now.

Up to 2 million march against Monsanto

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Stew Peas and Spinners

This dish was fun and delicious!  I remember my mother making this.  Once again, it is necessary to watch the ingredients and make sure they are healthful; for example, use whole grain or gluten free flour for the spinners.  Other than that, I would absolutely LOVE to have this again one day.  The picture alone is making me salivate.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Vandana Shiva and The March Against Monsanto

I just found this video a few days ago or I would have posted it on Facebook a LONG time ago.  It is ALWAYS worth it to hear Vandana Shiva on matters against Monsanto.


The Link Between Neonicotinoids and Bee Die Off

FINALLY!  The EPA is being sued for their negligence.  In my opinion, the EPA isn't even needed, but as long as they are around and spreading all kinds of useless and often even harmful information, they may as well be held accountable.

It's difficult to say which agricultural laws are helping and which are hurting the health freedom movement.  Yes, some are OBVIOUSLY hurting and others may be helping; but because so many of these laws can be easily trampled on by companies like Monsanto, are they really helping?  It's hard to say.

If the EPA loses this lawsuit, then some of these laws may prove useful.

The Link Between Neonicotinoids and Bee Die Off