Monday, February 24, 2014

My Fears of GMOs and Political Corruption

I've learned so much because of the research that I've done for this blog, but sometimes I despise what I find.  It actually mentally exhausts me to the point where I sometimes feel like I don't want to do this anymore.  At the same time, how would it profit me to bury my head in the sand?  I'm compelled to keep on top of current events and research and keep letting my voice be heard.

For me, the impact on farming is the scariest part of this political corruption due to GMO technology.  300,000 farmers went up against M*sant* in court and lost.  California tried to pass 37 (the "Just Label It" bill) and lost.  Amish farms are raided and the Amish farmers arrested for the sales of raw milk and fresh vegetables.

I wonder if I'll ever be able to find a natural corn seed when I'm able to eat corn again or if it's as good as extinct even now.  I wonder if my children will see an actual monarch butterfly.  I have reason to hope for the best and that hope propels me to go on writing, speaking and educating others about the importance of eating natural food and staying away from GMOs.  I alone can't make a difference, but it's others like me who come together to fight for the same cause.  We won't put up or shut up until health freedom is ours!

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