Friday, February 28, 2014

Demonizing Grains

I wanted to address the issue of demonizing food once again, because it really drives me nuts.  I keep reading articles about how grains cause leaky gut syndrome.  The ONE case that I will accept this premise is if what they are talking about is or related to GMO grains that are riddled with glyphosate.  First of all, glyphosate is a major cause of leaky gut syndrome; and secondly, GMO anything is not food.  Other than that situation that declaration does not make sense.  Grains have been eaten for centuries and centuries without a problem.

Grains can exacerbate leaky gut and I will not deny THAT.  One of the first things that health professionals do when their patient has leaky gut syndrome, is take grain out of their diet.  The only exception to this rule in many protocols would be seed like grains such as buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa and even millet.  But those who developed diets such as Paleo, declared all grains as bad for the health and advise against them completely.  Dr. Campbell-McBride's patients had success with her GAPS diet.  When one is at the tail end of the GAPS diet, they eat sourdough!  I'm not talking about the gluten free sourdough either, the wheat based sourdough.

There is a reason why there are a great many people allergic to corn, soy, wheat, dairy and other foods and it has nothing to do with the food itself.  Corn is approximately 95% GMO in this country (soy is about there too but that's another post).  Most of America has leaky gut syndrome which corn and any other starchy food would irritate and inflame.  It's not the food that is "bad" in that case though, it's the body's reaction to the damage and its struggle to attain homeostasis.  If one is allergic to a strawberry, that doesn't make the strawberry bad.  We NEED to stop demonizing food.  All of these foods were originally very nourishing for the body and in their organic form can be that for the people with a healthy digestive system.

Food is good and nourishing.  If you are on the road towards healing like I am, there is no harm in eating these foods in their organic form once you're healed.  Once you are healed; stop worrying about the "bad" foods.  Just eat, enjoy and be healthy!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Seeds Of Death - Full Movie

I may have posted this movie before, however, because it is such essential information, I felt that it wouldn't hurt to present it again.  The corporations are fighting to take over.  I wish that I could say that they are doing a poor job, but there are several battles that they have won so far.  At the same time there IS hope.  The people have won some battles too.

General Mills (makers of Cheerios) is one company that broke under consumer pressure and made their original flavor cereal GMO free.  When I read the like pages of companies that still use GMOs, there are many consumers who nastily tell the companies that they refuse their products because of it.

This movement to force an unnatural substance down our throats is absolutely deplorable.  The following presentation will give more information.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hypocriticrisy in Science

I love how the scientists who proved that GMOs are not safe are attacked and eventually discredited.  The moment a doctor is widely jeered for being a "quack" I tend to do everything to find out what he/she has to say.  It is more than likely golden information that could save humanity from the the corporate diseases that currently rule America.

Science is beautiful when done properly.  What the FDA does shames the name of science.  The way they willfully confound and fabricate data for the benefit of the corporations who bribe them is abominably shameful.  America can overtake these powers, but we have to stand together to do it.


Minerals, for me, are most important for making water kefir.  Kefir grains LOVE minerals, which is why instruction commonly suggests spring water.  Since all I have is reverse osmosis water, I looked for a mineral alternative.  Pink salt seemed to work in the beginning, but after a while my grains became really small.  I just read an article that suggested a "rest" protocol; but I still wonder if perhaps the kind of mineral supplementation that I'm using is good for the grains.

I'm exploring other mineral supplement options.  Some suggest soaking an eggshell in the water to be used with the grains, one site suggested salt (which is what I use), molasses is widely suggested, but one that rather surprised me was oyster shell.  Not that I don't think it would work; I just didn't realize that such a thing was on the market.  I may try it though.  Right now, I'm going to stick with the pink salt and molasses.

Well, if you're in need mineral supplementation for your water kefir, you could try pink salt, like me, or you could try one of the options below.  Don't hesitate to tell me what you think or which you felt was best.

Monday, February 24, 2014

My Fears of GMOs and Political Corruption

I've learned so much because of the research that I've done for this blog, but sometimes I despise what I find.  It actually mentally exhausts me to the point where I sometimes feel like I don't want to do this anymore.  At the same time, how would it profit me to bury my head in the sand?  I'm compelled to keep on top of current events and research and keep letting my voice be heard.

For me, the impact on farming is the scariest part of this political corruption due to GMO technology.  300,000 farmers went up against M*sant* in court and lost.  California tried to pass 37 (the "Just Label It" bill) and lost.  Amish farms are raided and the Amish farmers arrested for the sales of raw milk and fresh vegetables.

I wonder if I'll ever be able to find a natural corn seed when I'm able to eat corn again or if it's as good as extinct even now.  I wonder if my children will see an actual monarch butterfly.  I have reason to hope for the best and that hope propels me to go on writing, speaking and educating others about the importance of eating natural food and staying away from GMOs.  I alone can't make a difference, but it's others like me who come together to fight for the same cause.  We won't put up or shut up until health freedom is ours!

Fermentation Facts and Tips

There are two kinds of fermentation:  Lactic acid fermentation (anaerobic) and alcoholic fermentation (aerobic).  People like me who are healing their leaky gut, are sternly warned to stay away from fermentation, however, when doctors say that they are usually referring to the aerobic fermentation.  Aerobic fermentation takes place in yeasts that contribute to candida overgrowth while the anaerobic fermentation produces all of the lovely beneficial bacteria and yeast that conquers the candida overgrowth.

A quick clue about aerobic vs anaerobic is whether you are fermenting food in an open container or a closed container.  If you ferment with the container open (with a cheesecloth over the top), then the fermentation is likely to be aerobic.  An example of this is kombucha.  If you close the container, then chances are it will ferment anaerobically; this is what leaky gut patients want.  Examples of this include sauerkraut, water kefir (although often people don't cover water kefir, but I ferment it in a closed container), yogurt, coconut yogurt and coconut kefir.

Once you've healed your leaky gut, the aerobic ferments would be helpful.  Until then, it may be prudent to stick with the anaerobic.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Appendix Health

An appendicitis is caused by fecal matter blocking the appendix.  It is postulated, therefore, that an overall healthy lifestyle will lower the risk of an appendicitis.

Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables will not only give your gut flora the prebiotic treats that they love, but it will also promote efficient bowel movements which is essential to a healthy appendix.  This can be aided by good exercise habits and drinking plenty of water.

If you do develop an appendicitis, removal of the appendix is not likely to be the doctor's first choice anymore due to the recent realization of the importance of the appendix.  It's still possible that some doctors may stick to that tradition, but thank God many are opening their eyes.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Gut Health by Dr. Gerald Lewis

I confess that I've never heard of Dr Gerald Lewis; however, his presentation on this video mostly expanded on what Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride write, talk and teach about when it comes to intestinal health.  This video talked about things that I honestly didn't know; for example, it mentioned one of many functions of the appendix.  The appendix has been disregarded as a "prehistoric" organ that we don't need anymore, like tonsils and wisdom teeth.  Well, most people can function without wisdom teeth, however, the tonsils and the appendix are in our bodies for a reason.  Recently, researchers have found that both have a purpose when it comes to immune function, but this is the first that I've heard of it's purpose in regard to the health of one's gut flora.  It's good to know.

This is at least the third time I've heard a lecturer suggest miso soup for leaky gut.  I'm so scared of soy because of all the nasty things that are done to it.  But unfortunately, soy IS food too and it plays a role in the healing of the gut.  Yogurt, I fully understand, I need to get my hands on; but I'm going to have to have more conversations with my health providers about miso soup.  I would LOVE to get my hands on some good miso soup both organic and imported.  I wouldn't dare touch any soy that was grown in the USA.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Water Kefir Troubleshooting

Although I plan to be an expert one day on water kefir troubleshooting, I'm far from being that today.  I have kefir grains, but they look like they are ready to die.  In their lifetime, they did make me some mean ginger bugs though!  I made a soda that my husband absolutely LOVED!  I'm so happy about that, but I wish my grains would cheer up.  I'm not sure what's got them down.

I found this website on water kefir troubleshooting a few days ago.  It gave me some hints as to why my grains aren't doing so well and gave me some tips about what I can do about it.  Some of my grains seemed to wake up a bit, but they are still in ICU.  I'm hoping they love the the sugar and mineral rich environment that I prepared for them.  Then there was another site that suggested a "rest" protocol.  I'm going to try that next.

If anyone has any questions about their water kefir, the links that I've attached are both wonderful.  I hope you find the answers that you're looking for!

Probiotics - Digestive & Immune System Support

The one area where I don't agree with Dr. Mercola is what he says about grain.  He's not the only one who demonizes grain, but I still don't agree.  Grain is food!  I don't eat grain right now because it could upset progress of the GAPS diet; but on the GAPS diet I can't eat potatoes, bananas or squash either because they are all starchy and starchy foods are a no-no until the gut is healed.  Nonetheless, bananas, potatoes, squash AND grain are all foods.  I will agree, however, that as long as one has leaky gut, grain should be completely avoided.

I've tried Dr. Merxola's probiotics as well.  I prefer the Natren Healthy Trinity, but I know of people who swear by Mercola's.  Try different brands until you find the one that sings to your belly.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Homemade Probiotics

This nurse makes his own probiotics which is pretty cool.  I make my own from coconuts, but I like the idea of making some from carrots since carrots seem to be easily leftover in my kitchen whenever I make batches and batches of sauerkraut.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Golden Milk

If you've been reading my posts for a while, then you know how I feel about raw milk.  Golden milk takes things to a WHOLE new level.  This milk was not dyed, this is the way that it came out of the cows.  These were cows that were 100% grazed.  The amount of vitamins in the grass drives the nutritious levels of the milk close to superfood status.  This milk is golden because there is SO much beta carotene in it!  A healthy cow will provide healthy milk

A dairy farmer told me about this kind of milk (he isn't a farmer who produced this kind of milk though).  What I found interesting is that the processed cheese is usually dyed this golden color to resemble the highly nutrient dense cheese that comes from this kind of milk.  Golden cheeses were traditionally more "pleasing to the eye" because it resembles the delicious and super healthy cheeses that came from golden milk.

I would love to get my hands on this kind of milk to make yogurt.  The store purchased yogurt isn't good for anyone to eat, however, if you are healing leaky gut it's even worse.  I've seen yogurt that contained aspartame and other toxins.  Besides, it's not difficult to make yogurt and to make it with golden milk like this would make it that much better nutritionally!  I don't know of any farmers who provide golden milk, but until I find one, I'm keeping my eyes open for it!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Behold The Power of Consumer Pressure

I don't believe for one second that General Mills had a change of heart (Sorry GM!).  I do believe, however, that when their sales started rising due to this change of ingredients, that will speak VOLUMES about what consumers want.

Government (or in America's case corporations) can be oppressive sometimes, yes, but the people have even MORE power.  This is the reason why we are coerced or even forced to buy certain things (vaccines, healthcare insurance and such).  When the consumers choices speak, the government (or US corporations) have the choice to force/coerce us into submission or to give in and give us what we want.  Cheeri*s is an example of things going the way we want them to.  Hopefully, this also sends a message to our friend M*nsanto as well.

General Mills' Cheerios Will Soon Be GMO-Free

Saturday, February 15, 2014

BeWell BookWorm's Probiotc Series

This half hour video gave me some insight into America's health (not to mention the state of my own health), and the importance probiotics.  Don't misunderstand, I know that this video was made to sell a particular kind of probiotic.  I don't believe the message in this video just because some unknown Joe Shmoe says so; I believe what this video says because of one of several reasons:  1.  I already knew  2.  I suspected  3.  I'm learning about it from other sources and this video simply filled in some of the blanks.  Most of what was said was not only information that I knew, but wrote about on this blog at some point or another.

One of the best things that I've ever done for my health, was to take a strong probiotic daily.  Once I found a good one, I used it.  It's not the one that the presenter of this video is trying to sell, but it's the best that I've ever taken.  I don't get sick as easily as I used to, I have more energy than ever and I've accomplished more since I've been taking it than I have in the last couple of years living in a colder climate than I'm used to.

I've already featured my favorite books on gut flora and health, but I think I'm going to be featuring many others over the next couple of months.  It just impacted my life in so many ways that I don't believe I can say enough about it.

Introducing Tellspec

This is one of the times when technology is my friend; and in this case, it's my GOOD friend!  Tellspec makes me LOVE technology, in fact.

This little device can tell you what is in your food.  When you have allergies or food sensitivities or even if you are just someone who wants to avoid chemicals found in processed foods; this is a product that you should know about.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Healthy Trinity

This is the probiotic supplement that I've been using.  It's pricey, but the difference in my health made the price  it well worth it.

I first started using Healthy Trinity a few years ago.  I had an attack of candida that produced a rash.  Whenever I had a rash, that was an indication that the candida overgrowth was very, VERY bad.  Usually the only thing that would make the rash go away is a three month yeast free diet.  The problem is, it would be a THREE MONTH yeast free diet.  When I took the Healthy Trinity, the rash would go away within a week and I wouldn't have to do the yeast free diet.  I don't struggle as much now that I've been on an even more restrictive yeast free diet for over a year.

Between the GAPS diet and the Healthy Trinity, I've been feeling better than I have in years and my body has been fighting off illnesses so easily that it's unbelievable.  Because of this, I highly recommend Healthy Trinity.  I must say, however, it's effects have been made most powerful in conjunction with the GAPS diet.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

February's Book: Good Gut Bugs by Kathryn Marsden

Gut bugs are such a blessing!  I can't read enough about them.  I'm looking forward to when my doctor gives me the green light to eat dairy again so that I can find a good goat farmer and get raw goat's milk to make yogurt and eat even more good gut bugs!  I'm also trying to perfect the sodas that I make (from kefir water or ginger bugs) so that I can have a refreshing fizzy treat that my gut bugs will love too.

I've had so much more energy and I don't get the flu as easily as I used to.  Because of this, I'm grateful for the gut bugs.  They are our friends, so we should feed them plenty of fermented foods like kefir, yogurt and sauerkraut to help them be healthy and strong.  The stronger they are, the stronger WE are.  So let's hear it for the bugs!  

The Importance of Rest

Hello again BWMF readers!  I'm so sorry about the LONG absence, but didn't realize how much I needed the vacation until I took one.  I'm feeling so refreshed after my good long rest and now I'm ready to post like a fiend!  R&R is highly recommended; at least by me!

I didn't just rest, I was pretty busy working on my other projects.  I've been working very, very hard on them but they tended my focus in a different direction than BWMF.  That diversion was much needed.  When I first built BWMF, I didn't realize how political the very subjects of health and food had become.  Honestly, politics in health (though it's now necessary) is kind of a bummer for me.  At the same time, I've missed doing research on health and healing.  Besides, I've learned a few things while I was away.  For one thing, I learned the importance of rest!