Monday, August 12, 2013

The Unfair Demonization of Honey

I've actually posted about this before, but I recently had a conversation with someone that inspired me to research this further.  Honey has been VERY unfairly demonized.  By some, it was unfairly placed in the same category as the addictive and deadly substance white sugar.  Not only is this unfair, but it is untrue.  Real honey; raw, unfiltered honey, is a highly nutrient dense food.  The so-called "pure" honey (the phude that wears a honey disguise); is far from what it claims to be and it truly IS a substance like sugar; it's addictive and deadly.  So what is the difference?

Raw, unfiltered honey is what it claims to be.  It is a comb to bottle food so it will still contain some wax and pollen.  It is the simple, healthy food that many like me eat and love.  The commercial honey, often known as "pure" honey is filtered... but why?  Why spend money on heating and filtering and all of that when it is easier and cheaper just to extract the honey and sell?  Well, filtration has a number of benefits to the one who is selling.  The filtered honey is more "pleasing" to the eye of the consumer because it doesn't contain any particles from the hive.  Another benefit is the longer shelf life (long shelf life is a HUGE benefit to current corporate America which is why so many products have hydrogenated oils and other toxins).  Some customers complained about how honey crystallizes after a while where filtered honey doesn't do that.

So there IS a benefit to filtered honey, however, these benefits come at a cost.  Filtered honey often contains no pollen or beneficial cultures or the flavor of the wax (which some enjoy), and it no longer has the nutritional benefits of real honey.  "Pure" honey, therefore, is just another processed phude; and addictive, deadly substance just like processed sugar.  That is the honey that deserves the demonization, NOT the medicinal and highly nutritious food.

I don't know about you, but I never even buy the processed garbage anymore.  I'm all for real food for it's flavor and nutritional value.  The best place for the other stuff is the shelves where it is found.


  1. This is interesting! My dads coworker brought real honey from Spain & my moms niece from Montenegro. I am currently eating a teaspoon every morning and its delicious! Finally!

  2. Wow! Enjoy THAT! I'm salivating thinking about it. (I love honey!)
