Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Raising Duckweed for Livestock

Raising duckweed is a smart move if you raise ducks, geese or fish; even chickens seem to enjoy it!  Because it is a "weed" it can be fairly easy to grow.  If you set up the right conditions, duckweed can be harvested every other day for your livestock.

There are several places online to purchase it, but if you want the "free" duckweed option just go "fishing" for it at a nearby pond.  If you pick up some string algae with it, don't throw it back because it can be used too.  Geese and fish LOVE string algae and I would imagine that ducks will tear into it as well.  Raise the duckweed in clean water; all of the necessary cultures will develop with the duckweed.  As I've mentioned, if you raise duckweed under the best conditions, the yield can be pretty high giving enough food for all of your animals.

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