Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Branding Obesity as a Disease: Who Benefits from It?

According to all that I have read and learned, obesity is as much of an illness as smoking or substance abuse.  Once one is addicted to drugs or food (and I need to make it clear that most addictions to food are addictions specifically to sugar), there are often necessary skills required to quit.  Most Americans don't know what food is because they are accustomed to eating "food-like" products; this is part of the reason for our 60% obesity rate.

Let it be known, however that there ARE problems with mainstream health care declaring obesity to be a disease/illness.  First, that's more taxpayer money that's going to health care.  Second, there is too much room for more propaganda about nutrition; and third, (and most disturbing of all) am I to understand that there is a vaccine being made for obesity???  Obesity is not caused by a virus, so what in the world could Big Pharma be up to?

Dr. Mercola has more to say about this in his article below.  (Please click on link to see article)

Branding Obesity as a Disease: Who Benefits from It?

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