Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Food Raising Beginners

I'm happy that I am successful so far with the blackberry, pickles and sunflower that I'm growing.  I'm learning so, so much but I know that I still have much more to learn still.  I confess that all the gardening experts made gardening look much easier that it seems to be when you're just starting; so I'm glad I knew that there was more to it than what I was reading and watching.

Organic gardening can seem difficult, for example, when you can't use name brand fertilizers that are available everywhere or special applications that can fight diseases like the one that killed my blueberry.  I try to keep in mind that like everything else, gardening is a skill that can be acquired through constant research and practice.  This summer, most of the stuff that I'm growing, is experimental.  I want to start building skills and learning helpful tricks that can eventually give me the tools that I need to grow my own food.

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