Thursday, June 28, 2012

State Vaccine Requirements – National Vaccine Information Center

Again, I'm not a proponent of abolishing the use of vaccines.  I am, however, an opponent of the mandate of vaccines.  I want people to have the option if they want it, but for those who want the choice to opt out if they feel it's necessary, they should have that choice.  Forcing people to submit to a medical philosophy isn't a good idea and it isn't necessary.

Below is an article with a chart that shows which states allow medical, religious and philosophical exemptions.  It's no surprise that EVERY state has medical  exemptions , however, it is good to know if your state has religious or philosophical exemptions as well.

State Vaccine Requirements – National Vaccine Information Center

Monsanto Extinction Video

I watched the Monsanto Extinction video again.  I deeply processed one particular part of it this time.  According to the video, 97% of the food grown in the beginning of the 20th century is now extinct... it's EXTINCT!  Now with this GMO business, how much more food are we going to need to say goodbye to?  It isn't fair.  It's frustrating that people can be so greedy that taking from others doesn't even cause them to bat an eye.

A message to Monsanto:  There are many like me who aren't just going to sit back and watch this craziness happen.  I will write or call my representative over every single issue that pertains to your take over of food if I have to.  I will sign every petition against you.  I will find every individual who makes up the millions against you and we will block you from turning our land of the free into a tyrannical, socialist, nightmare!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I've been going to Maximized Living for a little over two years now.  I'm so grateful that I found them.  I just started seeing yet another chiropractor today, however, I hesitate to call her that because chiropractic is just a fraction of what she does.  She did give me an adjustment today because my body needed it, but that is just a tiny part my treatment today.  She is helping me detox in a way my body has needed detoxification in a while.

I admit that I didn't always have good experiences with chiropractors, but Maximized Living and the woman that I saw today are both so awesome and take chiropractic to a new level.  When looking for a chiropractor, this is what everyone should be looking for.  Someone who has a practice that is beyond chiropractic.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Even when my house is neat, scrubbed and beautiful, my closets and draws still hold a mess that I've constantly promised myself that I would get to but never did... clutter!  Aaaugh!  Stuff that I though I needed, stuff that I kept "just in case" and stuff that I'm afraid that I may need; but in the end it is all just stuff.  I'm finally in a place where most (if not all) of this stuff has just got to go.

I can feel the stuffy nature of my house even when everything is in place because there is so little room for other important things.  For the sake of health, today is the first day of getting rid of the clutter.  I can't wait and at the same time I'm so overwhelmed.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Living The Sustainable Life

Sustainable living isn't always easy.  It's can be expensive, time consuming, socially challenging and it can sometimes be difficult to find real food and sustainable products.  I've been progressively living this kind of life for so long, however, that I can't go back to my old ways; especially the way that I used to eat.

Sometimes I wish that it could be easier though.  I suppose as my skills increase so will the ease of my choice in lifestyle.  For example, I'm constantly learning new things that keep my menus interesting.  I'm not a raw food person, but I've been eager to find more raw food recipes.  I enjoy the raw food recipes that I've tried so far and the major benefit to raw food is that it's far more nutrient dense than cooked food.  Another issue is that sustainable living takes more time.  I love greens like kale, chard, lettuce and parsley but washing them takes so much time.  This can be a real bummer for me because I won't buy them as often because if I don't get to them in time they spoil; this has actually happened a few times.  When I'm having a week that is kind of busy, I stick with broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage because washing these veggies barely take any time at all.  I tend to ferment kale and chard so that I could have them on a busier week.  I guess because I love these foods so much, I dare to believe I'll find a way to have them more often; I just haven't found a way yet.

Constant growth is part of living a sustainable life.  This is the beauty and the challenge of it altogether.

Ron Paul vs. the FDA Raw Milk Police

The first link is to an article on Dr. Mercola's site explaining the pain in the butt hoops that people need to jump through in order to buy a container of nutrient dense unpasteurized milk and how Dr. Ron Paul is going to bat for us in this matter.

The second link is a petition so that we can offer our support on Ron Paul's bill.  I will sign the petition but my representative will get yet another call from me regarding foods that I have a right to eat.  I hope that there are many out there who are willing to do the same.

I believe it's quite hilarious that Monsanto thinks that they can win because they have money when they don't consider the fact that their arguments and explanations lack sense.  The only people who are behind them are people who make money from them, people who are blind to the nature of the traps or people who simply want to go on believing that everything is fine and don't wish to care.

For everyone not mentioned, please click on link #2 and sign the petition that will allow the interstate sale of raw milk.  This will also stop the spending of our tax dollars on gun point raids for the sale of raw milk saving the US dollars that are unnecessarily being spent.  I don't advocate raiding Amish family farmers at gun point for selling milk!  In fact, such actions are among the stupidest things that I've ever heard in my life!

1. Ron Paul vs. the FDA Raw Milk Police

2. Co-Sponsor HR 1830 - Allow Interstate Shipment of Raw Milk for Human Consumption

Saturday, June 23, 2012

FDA Claims "Raw Milk May Pose Health Risk"

The title of this post says absolutely nothing new.  I was interested in what the FDA had to say about the consumption of raw milk.  Nothing in the article below (taken straight from the FDA website) states why we need a government bureaucracy to "protect" us from dangerous raw milk consumption.

I've never been sick from raw milk.  If I eat what the FDA intends for me to as far as the dead white crud that they call milk, I would be sick anyway.  Again, informing the United States of their concerns for us drinking raw milk is MORE than okay.  That is their job!  Taking it away from us is outrageous.

Consumer Updates Raw Milk May Pose Health Risk

Friday, June 22, 2012

How To Get B6

The article below is the most that I have found on the illegality of B6 in supplements.  I have been waiting for the FDA to pull a stunt like this since they have gone as far as the very unnecessary act of killing the power of DSHEA.  It's not like this is the first time the FDA tried to quickly and quietly pass a law that benefits corporate giants.

I choose to see this as a challenge to attain my vitamins from food until we can fight the bureaucrats.  Please *click here* for information on how to attain B6 vitamins from food.

Qualified Health Claims Letter Regarding Dietary Supplement Health Claim for Folic Acid, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12 and Vascular Disease (Docket No. 99P-3029)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

FDA Declares Form of Vitamin B6 a Drug, Effectively Banning Pyridoxamine from Dietary Supplements

I was shocked when I read the following article.  I cannot believe that it is finally happening.  The FDA is starting to label nutrients as toxins just as Dr. Rima said.  How can we go on denying her message, when everything that she claimed is slowly coming true?

I've always been skeptical about the FDA, but up until last year I really though that they believe in the things that they pushed for.  How can ANYONE believe in this?  B6 a drug; are they kidding?  No one can possibly believe this really, I mean, that's just one of the top stupidest things that I've ever heard!

FDA Declares Form of Vitamin B6 a Drug, Effectively Banning Pyridoxamine from Dietary Supplements

Missing Isagenix

At first, I was very, very skeptical about Isagenix vitamins.  There were a number of things that I didn't like about it; some of the supplements contain fructose, one supplement contains ingredients that could be GMO and two had flavoring (I stopped buying "flavored" foods a long time ago).  Another thing that I didn't like about this vitamin was the fact that it was made to help people lose weight and I was afraid that there was something unnatural in it that helped people drop pounds.  To my utter surprise, I was very wrong about Isagenix.  I'm very sad to be correct about just one thing.

There are a few reasons why I tried Isagenix despite my skepticism.  First, the person who recommended it is a VERY respectable doctor.  If I didn't trust him as much as I do, I never would have tried it.  Second, the benefits of the product seem to outweigh the disadvantages by far.  My body really did well on it.  The only reason why my skepticism has returned is because I forgot about the possible GMO ingredient for a while but now I wonder about it again.  Even though the vitamin itself helps the body to remove the GMOs (because it helps the body detox), this doctor is too far from me to test me and answer my questions about it.  He highly recommends this vitamin, however, even he will admit that it isn't for everyone.  Honestly, the possibility that the ingredients are GMOs is the only thing that spoils it for me.  Since my miscarriage, GMOs are on the top of my red flag list.

There are some Isagenix vitamins that don't have GMOs, and I still use some of those for detox to this day.  The Rejuvity Product B, for example, has neither fructose nor GMOs and when I feel my body can use a cleanse, I reach for that first.  The vitamins are very powerful and I benefited from them tremendously.  At the same time, because of this one issue, I am now on the hunt for another supplement.  I wish that I could continue with Isagenix, for I felt VERY good on it.  Most people who have bodies that are less sensitive, the vitamin itself helps the body get rid of the GMOs and sugars.  My doctor was right, for many people the benefits way outweigh the disadvantages, however, I want a supplement that does this for my body, but
without the GMOs.  Until I find one, I'm going to miss Isagenix.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Monsanto is apparently fighting even dirtier than ever.  They threatened to sue the state of Vermont for voting for their right to know what is in their food.  They threatened to SUE THE STATE OF VERMONT for this.  How insane is this?  Are we still living in this so-called free country or what?

Please fight for your rights and click on the link below.


Stop Monsanto!

There is an overwhelming list of bills that we can vote on to take steps toward our health freedom.  The link below leads to just one, but it's an important one which is why I posted it first.  The others are on their way very shortly.

Please take steps toward your health freedom!   

Stop Monsanto!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monsanto Extinction

Monsanto, needless to say, just makes me angry.  I try not to post too many such videos as the one below because I find that I walk stronger when I can balance such information with the brighter side of life.  The intention behind posting is to inform and to enlighten so that people will join the alliance that is for labeling GMOs.  I don't believe that I can make it clear enough how dangerous GMOs are, the media certainly won't make it very clear since Monsanto controls some of the media.

Louise L. Hay teaches to believe that this fiasco is happening for a reason, therefore I must believe in a great purpose behind this whole thing; as upsetting as it is.  I also happen to believe very strongly that the proponents for labeling will win this battle.  I know Monsanto is trying to make everyone buy into the scary stories about how labeling will make food much more expensive, however, lying isn't a new practice for Monsanto so please be wary of what they say.

High Intensity Exercise

Man, the very SOUND of that title makes me salivate!  Not just exercise, but high intensity exercise; THIS is the good stuff!  By increasing the intensity of your exercise routine, the amount of time that one takes to exercise is tremendously minimized, and the benefits skyrocket.  Once Dr. Mercola discovered the benefits, he was hooked.  I love running, but I just may give this a try because the benefits, including the time one can save, seems pretty amazing.

I love Dr. Mercola's presentations.  I almost always learn something from his articles and videos even when I just accidentally come across something like this video.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Meet the Corporate Front Groups Fighting to Make Sure You Can't Know What's in Your Food | Food | AlterNet

Government, corporate and pharmaceutical companies have used fear as a tool to sell their products and push their ideas on people.  They are pushing the idea that GMOs are solving world hunger problems when they are actually part of the reason for world hunger.  They are part of the reasons why people who were living in small humble villages for generations move into big city slums as they try to find work.  It isn't because they don't have the money to buy food, it's because they no longer have the LAND to RAISE their food.

Please read the article below.  Be informed.  Don't Believe in all of the scary stories these corporate monsters tell you.

Meet the Corporate Front Groups Fighting to Make Sure You Can't Know What's in Your Food | Food | AlterNet

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day Dads!

Best wishes for all of the daddies out there!  Be well!

Sickcare Part II

It's amazing how the food industry is so interested in selling diseases to the public.  It's like their intentions for us are as follows:  We're born, we get sick constantly, we pay Big Pharma tons of money to get sicker because we feel better on their drugs and then we give birth to sick babies so that the cycle can start all over again before we die.

I know there are certain necessities that only that system could provide, but I can only pray that I never need them.  It has been many years since I had to get prescription drugs from a traditional doctor and I'm so grateful.  The more I learn about the foundations of that system, the more frightened I am of them.

I'm thankful that there are still other choices outside the mainstream; there is real food available (though it's unfortunately expensive) and there is real health care (though that too is unfortunately expensive).  I couldn't imagine going back to depending on that system for my health.  I've been a healthier woman since I've separated myself from it.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Sickcare Part I

The moment that I've been dreading for months is finally here; the moment I realize that papayas will one day become extinct thanks to Monsanto's dumbo "GMOs will save the world" plans.  That's right, instead of selling a wonderfully delicious medicinal fruit, papayas are now nothing more than a flavorful disease (unless it's certified organic).

What is REALLY upsetting is that in Japan, at least they must be labeled.  Here in the US, conventional is conventional is conventional!  GMO or not it's considered conventional so we don't know what we are buying.  We so need to wake up America!

GMO Papaya Part 2: New label featured | Local News - KITV Home

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Loving Yourself

Louise L. Hay made sense in this video.  It may sound corny at first, but that is because we are fearful creatures.  I feel that her message is very inspiring, although at first I was hesitant to listen to all of what she had to say.  The messages in her books and lectures really struck a cord in me; one that needed to be impacted.

Please be patient with this lecture; I'm truly glad that I was and I believe you will be too.


A series of events last week prevented me from blogging.  I'm finally back, although I'm not completely my old self yet.  It's amazing, however, how quickly one can heal when one is determined to move continuously toward healing.  I found some amazing doctors in my area, people that I've prayed to find in fact.

In light of my illnesses and traumas last week and my journey to recovery, I would like to extend last month's book for another month.  Louise L. Hays words helped me very much.  I'm hoping that they are as helpful to others as they were to me.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Want to know which foods have genetically engineered ingredients? Tell the FDA you want #GMO food labeling @justlabelit

We are getting closer and closer to required labeling.  There are several states that are working to make labels mandatory.  It's becoming a huge issue, but I don't understand why politicians (unless they are from Monsanto) feel that it is such a big deal.  Most countries label GMOs.  It's that simple.  Just let us know what exactly it is that we are eating.

Be sure to check out the article and the video via the link below.

Want to know which foods have genetically engineered ingredients? Tell the FDA you want #GMO food labeling @justlabelit