Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Is There A Conspiracy? VI

Whether there is a conspiracy or not, there is no denying that there are strange things going on with food and healthcare, the politics around food and healthcare and there is no denying that our government and justice system has been compromised as well.

The best example that I have of this corruption is our 2012 election.  I've always had a funky feeling that the election was fixed.  I felt that something was very wrong when Ron Paul was exploding all over the internet and all over our nation; his supporters were everywhere but I found that occasional individual who likes Romney or Obama and yet the race was between those two?  On the rare occasion that I would discuss this, I would always hear the same excuses.  There were also strange events like how in some counties there were more votes than there were voters.  Then there was the weird stuff that the video below talks about.

Unfortunately, my question "Is there a conspiracy?" can't really be answered as of yet.  I have my suspicions and, of course, my many, many questions; but to my frustration, I can't seem to get an answer with a solid source behind it.  I will be keeping my eyes open and my voice heard about this matter though.  I will not put up or shut up about declining liberty, irresponsibility in politics and the poisoning of my food and environment.  So even though this may be the last post in this series, it doesn't mean that I've closed the book on the matter.  I will be posting more about this in the future.  

(You will have to watch the video on YouTube.  The link on the screen will take you there.)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Is There A Conspiracy? V

After a short exploration of different sides, the question still stands:  Is there a conspiracy?  I keep posting news articles about Gardasil lawfully given to kids in California without parental consent; about girls who have been maimed and killed by Gardasil; about the government regulating supplements despite DSHEA; about farmers who have lost their businesses because of Monsanto's bullying; about how 300,000 farmers went after Monsanto and still lost; about people's rights to drink raw milk being taken away; about vaccine mandates and excuses for the deaths and injuries instead of facts and science; about Obama's signing laws like NDAA and the innocent people who fell victim to it and the very disturbing list goes on and on. 

Why are these terrible things happening?  These aren't natural disasters, people willfully made these decisions.  Are there so few in our government with common sense?  Is bad science the new science?  There are just too many things that aren't adding up here.  Either we have truly created an idiocracy, there are people who believe in population stabilization or I'm still looking for another possible explanation.  Which is it?  What's the answer?  What is going on here?

It's these strange things that keep happening that raise the question in my head about conspiracy.  Whether the answer is yes or no, there are still questions that I feel we should all be asking.  I'm willing to dig as deep as I need to to find solid answers, because so far the answers and arguments that I've received from the people who are destroying liberty in America are pretty weak.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Is There A Conspiracy? IV

Let's say now that there is a conspiracy.  If there is a conspiracy, who is the leader?  A conspiracy ALWAYS has a leader.  Do the members of Codex Alimentarious lead this conspiracy?  Monsanto?  The UN?  The WHO?  How about the infamous Bildebergs?  If they are conspiring against the world, then why?  What do they want?  What do they receive from destroying lives?

Several sources point to the Bildebergs.  Who are they?  They are often described as a club that meets once per year in Europe.  They're supposed to be the richest and most powerful people in the world.  Among them are politicians, business people and leaders of several countries.  Sources claim that they want to destroy about 90% of the world's population.  I admit that this information does NOT add up.  Why on earth would anyone want to do something so meaningless, so savage and so evil?

In my search for an answer, I came across a video of Bill Gates.  First, in an interview with Sanjay Gupta, Bill Gates talked about vaccines as thought they were life savers.  He talked about parents who didn't vaccinate and stated "...their children are all dead today."  Later, he gave a talk about the importance of bringing the earth's CO2 down to 0 by decreasing the population.  Then he said something that greatly disturbed me; it sounded like he was suggesting that the vaccines, healthcare and reproductive health services were helping to decrease the population by 10 or 15% (*click here to watch TED video*).  REALLY?  What the heck does THAT mean?  What about planting more trees?  That would decrease CO2, we all learned that in elementary school!  And I'm sorry, but I don't believe that CO2 needs to be close to 0; if it was then our plant life would die and so would we.  Even if what he said about CO2 was correct, he contradicted himself so incredibly, that it can't be surprising that some are inclined to believe that he is lying, hiding something or up to no good.  If this assumption is wrong and he is indeed the philanthropist that he portrays himself to be, then what exactly is the man trying to tell us?  Why is he donating so much money to vaccine research and anti-GMO labeling campaigns?  The facts just don't add up.

I heard ONE story about a child who had spinal meningitis and the mother blamed herself for not vaccinating.  The baby survived the illness but maybe it could have been prevented had baby received a shot for pneumococcal diseases.  But on second thought, newborns don't get that shot.  Besides, again, that was ONE story.  On the other hand, I've read and heard countless stories about kids who were sick or killed because of vaccines.  Doctors are concerned about the connection between vaccines and autism not to mention the connection between vaccines and infant mortality.  Another fact of the matter is that cases such as HPV, chicken pox and even the flu, it is better to catch the disease and heal from it than to take a vaccine that can potentially take a life; NONE of this is explained to the patients/parents at the time of taking the vaccines.  "Curious and curiouser," says Alice, as the list of questions yet still grow.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Is There a Conspiracy? III

In the last post, we explored the possibility that there is NO conspiracy.  We discussed some of the answers that the government and industries offered the public.  We've also discussed some of the unanswered questions; some of the unanswered questions.  Unfortunately, the questions just don't stop there.

When you know more about the industries that are creating law, hiding vital information and covering up their part in the rising cancer mortality, infant mortality and heart disease mortality rate; both the answers as well as the lack of answer raise even more serious questions; questions about health, politics and how the two influence each other in today's world.  There is still no denying that there is something very strange going on in our justice system especially when it comes to fighting against or giving truthful information about these industries.  This fact raises even more questions still; like why is government becoming bigger and bigger despite the small government that our forefathers tried to implement?  Why are there laws in healthcare (thanks to Obamacare) that limit what people like me want in a healthcare system; like the right to have nothing more than emergency insurance or the right not have health insurance at all for example?  Why is Big Pharma trying to force their products on us by creating laws against the refusal of vaccines or by creating laws that will allow schools to vaccinate our middle school aged children without parental consent?  Why are teachers sending notes home to parents stating that they MAY NOT send their children to school with a packed lunch without a doctor's note?  Why won't Monsanto label their GMOs despite the many who are asking, begging and even fighting them to do so?  Why are geoengineering companies pumping poisons in the air to control the whether despite the lack of testing on what it could do to the health of the general public?   And why, oh why, is it illegal to not only sell something as nutritious as raw milk in several states but illegal to even consume it in your own back yard in Wisconsin?  Why indeed?

We can't assume that all of these questions and the lack of answers have no connection because there is one variable that connects all of these questions and their possible answers; the rapid decline of rights to choose for ourselves and our families.  There is another variable that is equally as frightening; there is a slow but definite increase of power to the government, the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry.  Again, even if this is about nothing but money, there seems to be a connection between the government, the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry.  How can one blame the people who assume there is a conspiracy?  In fact, when you ask the right questions, it's those so-called "crazy conspiracy theory people" that actually start to make sense!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Is There A Conspiracy? II

Let us say, for argument sake, that there is NO conspiracy.  In a world where there is no conspiracy, it's possible that the answers to the strange things going on aren't connected.  Perhaps there are different reasons for these things.  We are told that it's for the sake of our health.  For example, we are told that parents are forced to give their children vaccines so that they won't spread disease; we are told that GMOs make bigger crop yields and can feed the world; the CDC claims that raw milk is dangerous, which is why sales is prohibited; geoengineering companies use the whole "global warming" issue behind what they do; the FDA has been trying to get their hands on the vitamin and supplement industry for years because they feel that they need to regulate it for our safety and Gardasil is said to prevent cervical cancer.

The problem with such answers is that they raise more questions.  For example, how can an unvaccinated child spread disease among the vaccinated?   If this was possible, doesn't that mean that the vaccines aren't working?  As far as GMOs making bigger crop yields, unfortunately, the superweeds and superbugs aren't allowing GMO crops to do that.  The mass suicides in India because of BT cotton prove that.  Even if raw milk is dangerous, why is it a MUST that we depend on industry to pasteurize it?  Can't we pour the milk into a pot and boil it ourselves?  Although the geoengineering business may seem like a good argument, their lack of testing on how it may effect the health of others is VERY disturbing.  These questions and concerns raise even MORE questions still.  Like why is it that the food industry has so much power that a public figure like Oprah Winfrey can't make a statement about how she feels about meat without facing lawsuit? The most disturbing question of all is how did the government end up in bed with the food and health care industry?  Why are there so many laws protecting these companies?  Why indeed?

Well, here is one possible non-conspiracy theory answer and it can be given in one word... money!  Companies like Monsanto, Dow and Bayer , to name a few, are ridiculously rich.  The pharmaceutical industry is a multibillion dollar industry.  Monsanto is also a multibillion dollar company.  They have supporters like Bill Gates who is also worth billions of dollars.  So they could all afford to buy our government from us.  The more these companies force these products on us and keep us in the dark about their quality, the more money they will make.

So perhaps there is no conspiracy after all!  Perhaps our problem is just greedy tycoons... who have the government in their back pocket.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Is There A Conspiracy?

There, I posted it.  The big question and the big "C" word.  I've been avoiding this question like a bad disease, yet I've posted possible answers for several months.  In the next few posts, I want to discuss the possibility of a conspiracy as well as alternative arguments.

First, I need to make something clear:  I am not making a declaration that there is a conspiracy nor am I declaring that there isn't one.  I am simply asking a serious question; one that we should all be asking and I will present the reasons that provoked me to finally write about it.  I'm ready to face the answer whatever it may be and however it may present itself.  Looking back, the theory of a conspiracy didn't always bother me.  I didn't believe in conspiracy theories when I first heard about them, simultaneously, I was careful not to label the theorists as "crazy" or "extreme" because I couldn't deny that there were very strange things going on with food and healthcare in America.  My attitude was that I understood why people may think there was a conspiracy, but I was so sure that they were wrong.  I always urge people to get information; it never hurts to do so even if you KNOW you are right.  In the process, you may just find out more about the issue and have more facts to back your argument.  In my case, you also may find out that you're the one who is most likely to be wrong and change your whole outlook on life.

I didn't believe in everything that Dr. Rima Libow said about Bildebergs and Codex Alimentarious.  The information that she gave, however, wasn't completely off nor can I say that many of the issues that she discussed were exactly unfamiliar.  In my skepticism, however, I looked for information to refute her premise.  What did I find?  I found information that I admit that I wish I didn't find.  To list a few things that I found, many, many parents complained of the insane vaccine schedule not only maiming and killing babies and young women (Gardasil) but also of the way many parents are forced to give their babies shots or penalized for not giving their babies shots regardless of these complains of infant mortality; I also found information on the politics that protects (and protected) vaccines as well as GMOs, PCBs, DDTs, dioxin, Agent Orange, glyphosate (most commonly found in Roundup herbicide), geoengineering, truthful information about CCD, the laws against selling raw milk, pesticides and herbicides even as thousands of farmers protest and I haven't forgotten the senseless government takeover of herbal and vitamin supplements despite beautiful system like DSHEA.  We are to understand that these decisions were made for our safety, but it seems strange how the people are given so little choice in the matter even when they understand all of the dangers and ramifications of not accepting political insight.  Where is the liberty that America has boasted about for two centuries?  It simply doesn't add up for me.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Relationship With Food

It's easy to develop a nasty relationship with food in our culture.  We are imposed upon with crazy ideas about how food can make you fat and sick, bombarded by this nonsense about "bad cholesterol" and the foods that contain it and told to be on low calorie diets in order to keep healthy.  How is it surprising that many of us feel that food is questionable or dangerous?  Thank God there are many who understand that food isn't dangerous but powerful in the most miraculously wonderful sort of way, however, there are others who are still grossly misinformed.

Now, don't misunderstand me; when there is an illness or condition, sometimes we need to stay away from certain nutrient dense foods until the ailment is healed.  I'm still on the GAPS diet and still unable to make crackers or rolls from kamut as nutritious as it is, for example.  The whole point of me going on the GAPS diet is because I could look forward to the day when I can eat those things again.  If it's whole food, I want to have the opportunity to at least try it.  I don't regard the foods that are on my "no-no" list as bad or dangerous, but simply off the menu for now.  This way, I don't have any disgust for perfectly good food, but the option to eat it is simply on hold for now.

I hope for the day that America can see the many benefits of food beyond killing a hunger drive.  I hope that we could all see the medicinal quality of food as well as its nutritional qualities.  I hope that one day America can see the difference between whole food and the garbage that inherited the name "food" thanks to those who are possessed by greed.  I feel like that is where we are all going, but it's a matter of the road we choose once we see what is real and what isn't.

Monday, October 21, 2013

7 Vital Herbs From The Herbalist’s Garden

These herbs aren't just for an herbalist's garden.  Except for the garlic, I've made wonderful teas from every herb on that list.  Each has been made for medicinal reasons as well as for the sake of and enjoyable cup of tea.

Garlic, though I've never used it for tea, is also powerful.  I've used it to fight colds, stomach bugs and ear infections and I even used it to fight some cucumber bugs in my garden.  But that's just it's medicinal use.  Let's face it, garlic can make the flavor of a variety of dishes go from "yum" to "whoa baby" with just one clove.  I've had trouble making sunflower dip until a few cloves of garlic changed all of that.

So if you want more information about some herbs that are good to have around, click on the link below.  Enjoy!

7 Vital Herbs From The Herbalist’s Garden

Thursday, October 17, 2013

What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length)

I've never denied the possibility of chemtrails or conspiracy theories because I don't have enough evidence that it's all hokum; but I admit that I wish I did.  Sadly, I have more solid evidence to back the theories than to refute it.  The idea of willfully poisoning our air just seems like such an extreme measure to depopulate the earth that it doesn't seem like it's possible; but the need for climate control is more believable.  I could also see how geoengineering for the sake of climate control would be more widely accepted as a "good" thing.  More than ever, I have questions and fears of this chemtrail business.

I'm posting this video because it helped make MORE sense of the whole chemtrail problem.  Usually, nobody will just poison the food, water and air without giving an explanation that will make the one responsible look like a philanthropist.  This video gives both sides of the story; why "they say" it should be done, the many problems with it and why the problems are being ignored.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Matt Monarch (Raw Foodie) Presents "Want an Eating Disorder? Eat a Raw Food Diet"

Ironically, Matt Monarch, who is currently on a raw food diet, is the one who named this video.  On his journey on the 100% raw vegan diet, he has learned some things that he felt was good to share.  So, why did I post this video?

Recently, I've encountered people who were kind of judging those of us who consume animal protein.  Understandably, some feel that milk, eggs and meat isn't really food; not for humans anyway.  I personally know that this is not true.  I used to be a vegetarian myself.  I didn't judge those who ate the things I took off of my menu; but I realized that when I stopped eating those things my body responded with tremendous energy.  Sadly, I had to start eating red meat after a few years.  A raw food diet is something that my body couldn't handle right now; although in the future, I may do it occasionally as a cleanse.  I'm almost halfway through the GAPS diet and bone soup is an essential part of the protocol, which makes 100% raw vegan a big "no-no" for me right now.  It's easy for some vegans to poo-poo the GAPS diet, but I can honestly testify that it WORKS.

Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely FASCINATED by the raw food diet.  Dr. Gary Null has used the raw food diet as part of his protocol to cure people of the AIDS virus (not just HIV positive but full blown AIDS).  It's not something to speak ill about.  As a way of life, however, some like Matt Monarch chooses to do this which is also fine.  I, on the other hand, prefer my whole foods.  If God put it on this planet for me to eat then it will be on the menu for me to choose if I want it.


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Mr. Zee's Apple Factory - a children's story about processed food

Here is a sweet little story for children.  There are so many things that I love about this presentation.  It is a story written to inform children of what is done to food in a very warm child friendly story.  It even addresses how food is adorned and presented to the public as the "only" way to eat and how people get sick from this stuff.



Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Dan Rather Reports - Buzzkill

Bees are one of the most important parts of food production.  Without bees there is a long list of foods that can and will become extinct (unless we manually pollinate).  CCD (colony collapse disorder) has been plaguing  our food supply for at least 15-20 years now.

I wanted to post this video so that those who shrug their shoulders at CCD could realize that it's very real.  We vote with our money every single time we buy groceries.  If you buy groceries that were sprayed or if you buy GMOs you are inadvertently supporting CCD.  CCD wasn't a problem before synthetic agricultural toxins and it seemed to increase with GMO production to the point where farmers and beekeepers are near panic.

(The second part of this video is a discussion about the spread of polio in Pakistan.  It wasn't my intention to post this part of the video, but it may give some information about vaccines that you may or may not find useful.)

Monday, October 7, 2013

October's Book: Food Inc

In honor of World Food Day on October 16, I would like to take a short break from aquaponics and feature "Food Inc" as October's book.  Food Inc is an eye opener for those who want to know what they are eating.  I know that many don't really want to know where their food comes from because it is easier to turn a blind eye.  Those individuals shouldn't be surprised if they suffer consequences, but I admit that I hate to think of the many consequences that they could very well suffer.

There are many family farmers who want to give us good food, but they are attacked and gagged by the government.  This is to keep the majority in the dark about what they are eating and to allow the food industry a certain level of control.  There is more money in cheap unhealthy food than there is in whole food.

Anytime anyone wants to understand the injustices in America all they need to do is follow the dollar.  Food Inc could help you do just that in the case of injustices with food and farming. To purchase the book, see the Amazon link below.

(To watch the full feature film click the following link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkL2Q_kCRms)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunflower Seed Cheese Spread

Here is a vegan treat that you could make with freshly grown food from your aquaponic system.  You could grow the seeds plus all of the herbs that are necessary for this recipe.

There are many other wonderful dishes that can be made from your backyard, garage, indoor or basement aquaponic garden.  I thought that I would start with the vegan.  There are many aquaponic systems that are only big enough for pet fish.  This would be great for my vegan colleagues; you could grow fabulous vegan food and simultaneously make some fun finned friends!

Sunflower Seed Cheese Spread

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Feed the World!

It's no wonder the idea of aquaponics took off so quickly and spread like wildfire.  People are raising aquaponic gardens in backyards, greenhouses, garages and even their basements!  The cost of a system as I've demonstrated in earlier posts can be astronomical... unless you build the system yourself!  Enough people have done this to not doubt that this is possible.

I've read articles that state that by 2050, there won't be enough food to feed the world.  Well, obviously, if we all keep living unsustainable lifestyles, then yes, this could happen.  This is only part of the reason why government attacks on gardeners and farmers seem so foolish.  Food is a commodity that we never should take for granted, now more than ever.  With aquaponics, again, you could grow food in your garage or your basement and no one has to know except you.  You decrease the risk of health department attacks and you have food year round right in your own house.

With aquaponic systems you could be free from the grocery store for very long periods of time.  This is why there are many who feel that this idea could feed the world.  If we all knew how to do this, there is no reason to fear these predictions of starvation in the near future.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Farm to Table Opportunities for Everyone

Many people have the advantage of farm to table food on a daily basis.  There are many urban homesteaders who are striving to create this opportunity for themselves.  Aquaponics is a great option for urban homesteaders, especially if they don't have very much space to garden or if they have to garden in their home.  If they have enough room for a fish tank and to put a tray for a grow bed on top of that tank, there are many, many farm to table options available.

There are so many wonderful dishes that can come mainly from your aquaponic system.  I've been posting some of these options on FB and I will be posting more in the future (both here and on FB).  The more I search, the more I realize that aquaponics is not only an avenue for health freedom, but also a source of a menu of mouth watering gourmet meals!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Aquaponics Fish Species & Shrimp Farming

For those of you who are considering building an aquaponic system, here is a video that offers great information.  It may take some imagination, especially for those who aren't used to constructing things.  I'm willing to brave this venture even though I've never build a system before.  I've built my raised bed and worm farm this year and I'm looking forward to the challenge of building an aquaponic system next year.

How we add freshwater prawns / shrimp to our Aquaponics system

I am so going to do this!  Adding crayfish or prawns to your aquaponic system is a fabulous idea because they can keep your systems nice and clean.  The plants will partially clean the water, but the prawns will do even more for your system in that respect.  It will also make your system a little more self sustaining.

The way this gentleman constructed the home for the prawns is quite brilliant, really.  However, I've heard of putting shellfish on the plant side of the system.  I know crayfish can be placed in the plant side, but I wonder if there is a reason why this individual chose to place them on the fish side.  Apparently the prawns are doing fine, however, I wonder if it's possible to avoid much of the hassle just by putting them on the plant side of the system.  The only situation where this won't work is if the plants are on clay rock grow beds.  The floating grow beds should work fine as far as I know; but I admit that I'm not an expert on this yet.

Does anyone know if putting the prawns on the plant side (with floating grow beds, of course) will or will not work?  I welcome all feedback.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

NET or Neuro Emotional Technique

NET (Neuro Emotional Technique) is something that I will feel forever grateful for.  My acupuncturist used to do it in California and my current chiropractor does it here.  NET, in many ways, saved my whole week; not to mention it saved me a whole lot of pain.

I've had back problems for a while, but on Saturday night I was at church praising God with my prayer group for how much better my back has been feeling.  Ironically and quite suddenly, that changed on Sunday afternoon.  Out of nowhere I was struck with back pain that was worse than ever before.  I didn't fall or injure my back in any way; it just spontaneously started to hurt very badly.  Walking and sitting up was just too painful so I spent the last few hours of my Sunday in my recliner or in bed.  I called my chiropractor early the next  morning.  On her answering service I left a desperate message begging her to see me.  Thankfully, she was able to take me right away.  It was painful driving there, but I preferred being in pain for 20 minutes, than for the rest of the day so I endured it.

Among many other things, she did NET on my back.  This actually helped most of my back pain.  What the NET did not help, homeopathic tablets kali C. did.  I saw my chiropractor again today and I am the closest that I've ever been to back pain free for the first time in 5 years.

NET is a powerful tool for healing practitioners to use.  It can be the difference between pain and freedom.  I posted a video to give an idea of what NET is all about.  If you have any physical ailments, ask your chiropractor or acupuncturist about it today.

Enjoy the video!