Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Relationship With Food

It's easy to develop a nasty relationship with food in our culture.  We are imposed upon with crazy ideas about how food can make you fat and sick, bombarded by this nonsense about "bad cholesterol" and the foods that contain it and told to be on low calorie diets in order to keep healthy.  How is it surprising that many of us feel that food is questionable or dangerous?  Thank God there are many who understand that food isn't dangerous but powerful in the most miraculously wonderful sort of way, however, there are others who are still grossly misinformed.

Now, don't misunderstand me; when there is an illness or condition, sometimes we need to stay away from certain nutrient dense foods until the ailment is healed.  I'm still on the GAPS diet and still unable to make crackers or rolls from kamut as nutritious as it is, for example.  The whole point of me going on the GAPS diet is because I could look forward to the day when I can eat those things again.  If it's whole food, I want to have the opportunity to at least try it.  I don't regard the foods that are on my "no-no" list as bad or dangerous, but simply off the menu for now.  This way, I don't have any disgust for perfectly good food, but the option to eat it is simply on hold for now.

I hope for the day that America can see the many benefits of food beyond killing a hunger drive.  I hope that we could all see the medicinal quality of food as well as its nutritional qualities.  I hope that one day America can see the difference between whole food and the garbage that inherited the name "food" thanks to those who are possessed by greed.  I feel like that is where we are all going, but it's a matter of the road we choose once we see what is real and what isn't.

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