Thursday, October 17, 2013

What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length)

I've never denied the possibility of chemtrails or conspiracy theories because I don't have enough evidence that it's all hokum; but I admit that I wish I did.  Sadly, I have more solid evidence to back the theories than to refute it.  The idea of willfully poisoning our air just seems like such an extreme measure to depopulate the earth that it doesn't seem like it's possible; but the need for climate control is more believable.  I could also see how geoengineering for the sake of climate control would be more widely accepted as a "good" thing.  More than ever, I have questions and fears of this chemtrail business.

I'm posting this video because it helped make MORE sense of the whole chemtrail problem.  Usually, nobody will just poison the food, water and air without giving an explanation that will make the one responsible look like a philanthropist.  This video gives both sides of the story; why "they say" it should be done, the many problems with it and why the problems are being ignored.


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