Wednesday, October 2, 2013

NET or Neuro Emotional Technique

NET (Neuro Emotional Technique) is something that I will feel forever grateful for.  My acupuncturist used to do it in California and my current chiropractor does it here.  NET, in many ways, saved my whole week; not to mention it saved me a whole lot of pain.

I've had back problems for a while, but on Saturday night I was at church praising God with my prayer group for how much better my back has been feeling.  Ironically and quite suddenly, that changed on Sunday afternoon.  Out of nowhere I was struck with back pain that was worse than ever before.  I didn't fall or injure my back in any way; it just spontaneously started to hurt very badly.  Walking and sitting up was just too painful so I spent the last few hours of my Sunday in my recliner or in bed.  I called my chiropractor early the next  morning.  On her answering service I left a desperate message begging her to see me.  Thankfully, she was able to take me right away.  It was painful driving there, but I preferred being in pain for 20 minutes, than for the rest of the day so I endured it.

Among many other things, she did NET on my back.  This actually helped most of my back pain.  What the NET did not help, homeopathic tablets kali C. did.  I saw my chiropractor again today and I am the closest that I've ever been to back pain free for the first time in 5 years.

NET is a powerful tool for healing practitioners to use.  It can be the difference between pain and freedom.  I posted a video to give an idea of what NET is all about.  If you have any physical ailments, ask your chiropractor or acupuncturist about it today.

Enjoy the video!


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